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Posts posted by Melcyna

  1. I hear this all the time from PC fanboys who simply can't adapt to controllers. And every time they challenge me I beat them with a controller. Why?, because I actually know how to use one. On all of games my controllers sensitivity is set close to, if not the highest, and controllers have a huge range accuracy these days. Going from what you're saying I'm going to assume you either don't know how to use a controller, or haven't used one since the days of the Nintendo 64.

    Except you know... there isn't an FPS with cross platform capability anymore where you can fight someone with a mouse and kb vs controller,

    so the idea of beating mouse and keyboard with controller is pretty nonsensical


    unless if you are saying you went into a PC shooter, hook up a controller to your PC and can confidently say that you can take the top spot in any decent server with it, to which i am sorry if i sound skeptical... but that's about as believable as idiots who are convinced they can play proper racing games with a keyboard properly.


    And much like you are saying that "I'm going to assume you either don't know how to use a controller"


    the PC players can say the same to you...


    what you think is the standard for PC players with a mouse is probably limited to CoD players... PC players with a mouse on the other hand who are old enough to live through the heyday of FPS have went through FAR better players...


    we're talking players who with a well tuned mouse, will easily shoot your head off mid air with a non hitscan ballistic weapon

    and do it REGULARLY enough that the only defense against them is to not show yourself against them OR BE FASTER STILL than them.


    these were the kind of players that one had to fight from time to time, back in the days of Quake and Unreal Tournament...

    in LAN matches, so you can see them directly playing on your own machine, making split second snapshots that would not look too different to human eyes than an aimbot.


    so i am sorry to say, but just by looking at the tournament level capability of console players of FPS and shooters... they are REALLY bad compared to any PC FPS tournaments.



    Or you know, you could just FIGHT us with a controller...

    We're not as good as tournament level PC FPS players...


    but i am willing to bet that with our mouse, it's more than sufficient to kill your bravado in a pure shooter....


    all you have to do is hook up your controller to a PC, and play a shooter with it... which is possible because PC are capable of reading any controller with a driver and any game on PC can be made to read the input.


    i have a feeling that it won't take long to see the result.

  2. Oh please PC fanboy. Keyboard and mouse does not give you an aiming advantage. Just because you can't use a controller accurately doesn't mean everyone else can't.

    Actually KB and mouse does gives you an advantage


    however what DE and everyone forgets is that the advantage isn't in accuracy per say


    it is in the TIME it takes to reach any level of accuracy



    Think about it, do you think ppl will just let loose and shoot randomly if they don't yet managed to get their target in their sight?


    they don't, unless if they are complete scrub... they will take as much time as they need UNTIL their target is lined up THEN take the shot



    and THAT is where the difference lay, and why the mouse and kb have the advantage against controllers in FPS...


    for example:


    how long on average will it take someone to headshot without aim assist on controller against a stationary target?

    how long would a mouse and kb players take to do the same?


    then do the same against moving target...


    the answer is obvious..


    and incidentally this has already been tested on cross platform games in the past (TF2 anyone? yeah, the result was so disproportionately bad for the controller it instantly axed the idea of cross platforming them in public after just a short test period)


    kb+mouse absolutely ANNIHILATES controllers when it comes to FPS where reaction speed to nail your target means the difference between a living player and a dead one (this incidentally is also the reason why no one with half a brain will ever cross platform them anymore even if they could), but the controller has the advantage where analog input is useful particularly platform games where keyboard which can't do analog input has trouble...

  3. 120% to be more exact, but OP's suggestion unfortunately means equipping multishot would severely affect the effective range of the shotgun which is already pretty damn short for most, but decent for accurate shotguns like Tigris.


    This is somewhat in contrast to how multishot works on MOST weapon ie: it improves the number of projectile fired at any given moment but does not reduce their effective range which .. well it shouldn't be since then the multishot would carry negative trait as well rather than just positive.


    Of course there are some weapons that behave just like that..  ie: they suffer negative trait when equipped with multishot like angstrum for example (which completely loses it's pin point accuracy single shot if you equip multi shot on it), but do we really want that for shotgun's multishot? Because i SURE AS HELL don't....


    on Angstrum it's somewhat justifiable to an extent given it's not a hitscan weapon with a punch as hard as a truck.... and AoE....


    but on shotgun??? 


    Look if you REALLY want more spread that badly... then feel free to equip the corrupted mod Vicious Spread... there problem solved...


    But the multishot itself should not be altering the spread property of the weapon... unless if that involves adjustment of the mod cost as well or other rebalance of it's property.

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