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Everything posted by Dad.Prime

  1. I've always been just fine with farming every other weapon or warframe in the game, never have I had a real issue since farming Nidus like 3 year ago where I had such bad RNG that I had to farm him for a week straight. It's just the low spawn rate combined with not being able to trade or purchase the Detron which gets to me.
  2. So I've recently maxed out everything in the game, I have completed 720/721 equipment. The last weapon I need is the Detron which is locked behind an absurdly low 1.5% chance of the Zanuka Hunter spawning in (exclusively in the first 4 minutes of a corpus tileset mission as well), and then a further 17.65% chance for the main bp, and the 32% chance for the other components. I've had no issues farming anything else in this game, but this is the only weapon which gets to me since there is no proper way to farm it unless you have a beacon, which Baro has had only twice this entire year. But what really takes the cake is the fact that you cant trade the weapon or buy it either, and it's not like its an over powered weapon either. I just think that some changes should be made to its' drop chances or perhaps another way to farm it. Also after scouring the wiki, I've noticed that plenty of other players also have this issue. Edit: Yes I know how to get marked for death by the Zanuka, yes I know that playing in invasion missions increases the chances of Zanuka spawning in. I would call it bad RNG but with a 1.5% spawn rate I'd rather call the spawn chance incredibly too low. I'm legendary 3 xd
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