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Everything posted by Chollynn

  1. I play on a low end system, with 6gb usable ram, for me the solution was to lower the resulation: find a lower res with the same scaling as your monitor, and try it that way. Don't forget to use fullscreen or windowed fullscreen, so the game widow stretches to your screen. I have a 1920x1080, and I use 1280x720 for wf.
  2. The best thing you can do is just leave the squad as others have said before. I don't think reports have any power in this situation, but if you feel like you can just go for it. I would just leave and find a new squad, it doesn't worth my time. I don't understand why they afk tho, you gain no experience (affinity, focus, etc) while doing so. It is a somewhat new thing tho, you gain zero amount of exp after a while if you don't do anything (deal damage/take damage), after a minute or so iirc.
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