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Posts posted by Naked

  1.  difference is the charge damage and....

    Scindo: Stagger immunity (not knockdown immunity) when charging after a little, a double the charge damage, slower charge speed

    Dual ether: no stagger immunity or knockdown immunity, fast charge speed but lower charge damage.

  2. Snake, double post.

    Op, did you ever consider checking to make sure that you yourself are not part of the "problem"?

    Not everyone has great connection, and sometimes even people with good connection have bad connection to each other.


    I always make sure to ask the remaining members of the party if they are lagging as well, and I always check my ping on a regular basis.



    So I am supposed to suffer and not enjoy the game, just so other people can? Yeah, no thanks.

    My computer is powerful enough to never drop below 60FPS at max settings, so any issues coming from my end, is just latency.


    That's the thing, it's not about FPS. It's about connection issues. This was targeted towards people with horrible latency hosting missions because it creates lag for the other party members.


    Says the guy with horrible hosting abilities XD




  3. You're missing the point. We DO farm them, but we want to help DE make a reasonable gain on thir platinum sales to pay for continuing additions to the game. If the current pricing structure is putting people off buying Warframes (it is for me, anyway), then this is the kind of feedback to be brought up here.


    If they reduce the price of warframes, then what's the point of playing the game. As of now all it is is grinding, may it be for mods or for frames or maybe just credits. I only use platinum to buy reactors/catalysts and I still have more than enough plat to last me for the rest of this game. 


    As of now, the only crucial part of this game is orokin reactors/catalysts. Those are only 20 plat each. You can't really complain about a price like that. 


    The platinum prices are fine the way they are.

  4. At the moment there is no way to pull up the "mini-games", which are actually officially recognized as "challenge missions". As someone stated earlier, All that it rewards is 500 affinity (exp) for your weapons/warframe. I have a topic suggesting adding a credit bonus to have more incentive to finish these bonus missions, because as of now they are often ignored.


  5. As of now (04/12/13 12:40 PM PST), challenge missions do not have much incentive to finish or attempt. 500 affinity is nice, but it seems rather troublesome to complete or attempt when playing a mission.

    As an incentive to complete these challenge missions, a credit reward of 200-400 could be added, depending on the difficulty of the challenge mission, could be added.

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