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Posts posted by Naked

  1. Then I must say I would love video proof of this lol.

    Also - Playing pubs does not yeild me any such bow users. They usually account for about 5-7% of total damage.

    And everyone in the group asking them politely to change weapons or leave doesn't work.

    I wish there was a votekick option...

    If they only account for "only 5-7%" then why don't you just play private or solo instead of complaining?

  2. That's actually an example of where a good tutorial can help. It is not hand holding to inform a player that it is "okay" to shoot certain kinds of what seem to be pure terrain features. The Corpus Cameras are good example. Nothing about the screams "shot me to make magic laser walls go away." Prior to Corpus there isn't any hits dropped about that level of environment interaction be allowed.

    What I'm seeing too many folks not getting is that tutorial segements instructing new players in what is and is not shootable/killable/runable/standable does not constitute handholding or reduction of challenge. A good number of folks are coming with a decent set of experince across several genras of play. From shooters to RPGs, since thats what this appeals to. For us, picking up on mechanics like hacking, shoot cameras that change color, and such isn't as hard. However, for a developer to ASSume that every player comes in with this knowledge is the fastest way to kill a game. In sort its actually kinda lazy to rely on other games to teach a player's how to play yours. Which is what the current state of play is. Much of a player's knowledge base kind rests heavily on games other then Warframe.

    I will admit I sat infront of a laser wall for a good few minutes shooting the little laser port/dots, thinking I could blow those up. It wasn't really until I saw someone else shoot out cameras that I got clued into that mechanic. Until then they just seemed very random and rather un-fun. Again, going the point, it is only proper to let Players know what can and cannot be shot in your game. Considering how inconistant that kind of thing is across games.

    As I don't have time to post a reply as detailed as this from my phone, I fully agree with this mans reply.

  3. I was about to make a post about this. DE should reduce the cost of fusioning with more rare cores and up the fusion cost for commons a bit more. It only makes sense. You pay way more to fusion with "rare" cares than to fuse with commons and uncommons.

  4. After playing for a bit on Update 7, I can safely say that this update is totally cool. The new mod system, when played from the beginning, will be great. Everyone who has played the game for 60+ hours will be screaming in agony, for about 5 hours. I played 10 waves of the new defense mission on Venus, managed to get something on the order of 15 cards and it got me to a good place weapons wise (my shield and health still suck, but that's just forcing me to play smarter).

    This new system IS better, I can see it. I nearly wet myself when I saw that the new pistol and bow didn't use any alloy plate or rubedo, and that I had all the mats already for them.

    The one thing the only really needs to be changed is the amount of credits it takes to fuse stuff, which is hilariously high.

    Those who once were gods are now men, but the soul of a god is not easily dissapated. Go grind for a couple of hours, use your revives and I promise you'll be getting back up to speed in no time.

    Agreed. Everything about this post is truth <:

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