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Posts posted by Naked

  1. It's horrible, we've lost all of our mods for our weapons entirely, our warframes no longer have a talent tree so we simply have basic shields and armour and nothing to improve it otherwise, I can't believe what I am seeing...

    Did we really lose all our slotted mods?

  2. I was under the impression that you paid to vote on that content and get your input in on it. I figured the fact that they're forced to reveal it to you early is simply a happy by-product.

    Well it's that, and also that I don't think it was really supposed to be revealed.

    A thank you to all the founders who manage to hold back from leaking info though (:

  3. - Banshee, female warframe, sonic based abilities

    - Saryn, female warframe, poison based abilities

    - a bow like weapon (probably, as it can be seen in the reveal picture of Banshee)

    - a new tileset set on the surface of a planet in an arctic enviroment

    - removal of the mod system and the skilltrees, they will be replaced with 'artifact cards' (there will be some trade-in for current mods)

    - everyone will get a Lato Vandal handgun for free as CBT reward (including slot)

    - expansion on the melee system with parry, etc

    That's all i can remember which also has been mentioned in the public forums and/or dev videos. There is some more info in the master+ founder restricted design council board though.

    Pretty much sums up the most important stuff. Dunno about lato vandal though, most likely.

    Edit: Sorry, didn't read that annoucnement all the way through -blush- so embarassing ;A;

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