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Everything posted by Perfectly_Framed_Waifu

  1. This still screws with tanky frames that have a slight bit of shields, like Wukong, Valkyr, and Grendel. The easiest fix to this would be to make either Rage or Hunter Adrenaline set your max shields and overshields to zero, turning them into shieldless frames like Inaros and Nidus. All in all though, a nice step in the right direction!
  2. I think it'd neat to have some sort of system that would allow either the offensive or defensive part of Eclipse to be fully active, with the option for a bit of both. Imagine a meter that starts halfway between Light and Dark, providing half of your max damage bonus and half of your max damage reduction. Taking some set of action (for example, shooting, meleeing) raises the meter towards the full damage bonus, lowering your damage reduction; while taking some other actions (casting abilities, parkour or so) lowers the meter towards max damage reduction, decreasing your damage bonus. If you play offensively, you become a glass cannon within seconds. If you're on the move while not fighting as much, you get tankier. Not sure about the details, so take this more as an example, but some core idea like that.
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