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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Le 24/07/2019 à 19:21, Esrot7 a dit :

    Any warframe can simply roll to get out of rift which is why I don't see players accidentally entering it as a problem because exiting is so easy.

    You didn't get my point. Exiting doesn't matter much if you can't enter it by yourself to kill any enemy who's in Limbo... And half of Limbo's current kit is putting enemies into Limbo. For example waiting for a Limbo to kill an enemy stuck in Limbo cause he isn't looking for them can be extremele annoying. Rift surge can be an interesting ability but it forces many enemies into Limbo too, so we're stuck with "invulnerable" enemies for a moment too - especially since they can be stuck into Limbo outside of any Cataclysm range. So entering Limbo at will definitely matters, not only exiting. It can also help with survivability or real life emergencies. 😄

    You talk about Limbo like something one should exit from asap only, which is why Limbo should be slightly reworked. Limbo is extremely helpful but only He can choose if one can have access to Limbo or not  -  and that's frustrating at best. As i said, people don't like Limbo cause he's forcing them to play his way.

  2. Il y a 2 heures, Sacronian a dit :

    You also need to consider that what they showed is most likely the high-poly model, so it's not fully textured for the looks of the materials. Just look at Wukong Deluxe's high-poly they showed compared to the in-game model they showed on the devstream. Just by adding in the correct texturing to make every material look like what it's supposed to be really enhanced how well it was visually.

    That's what top notch textures are for, hiding bad design with fancy and shiny coating. for my part i'm wondering why the hell does he have both wings and reactors... Concept overall isn't much elegant and lacks of personality. But hey as long as he'll have wings i'm pretty sure people will like it, that's what most people like - wings and flames - Boring but popular.

  3. Il y a 17 heures, Bristoling a dit :

    This isn't my personal complaint. Please don't tell me to "git gud" because I don't really have to.

    You're making up stuff so don't try to be the smart guy here when you can't even quote sources correctly. FyI you were the one who brought this thing first so don't waste people time with walls of text without much substance. And yes Mag does have some tedious learning curve so skill or experience matters as opposed to lazy frames, she also needs to be built the right way and so far every single argument you use only shows one thing - You don't seem to know Mag very well especially if you're really experiencing all of this so-called issues you mentioned.

  4. il y a 3 minutes, Ikusias a dit :

    No the weapon isn't fine at all due to the crap delay to the actual explosion: if the actual hit didn't stop/kill the target, it will bring the armed explosive right in your face like a damned suicide bomber

    Perhaps you should stop shooting at close range then ? Many people are able to not die with a Lenz, i'm pretty sure you could survive a ridiculously small area as Zhuge's.

  5. Il y a 2 heures, Bristoling a dit :

    I'm sorry but I don't agree with your sentiment. She's not top tier.

    She definitely is. If you have trouble with her surviving or whatever, you should work on that cause her kit can tremendously help with survivability or even the best armor stripping ability in the entire game. Magnetize is also extremely powerful and works on most bosses and all elites (eximus or heavily armoured enemies).

    Getting better and positioning are definitely viable arguments, way better than you arguing one can use 4xCP, fight only Eidolons, thinking that adaptation is only optional on a based upon shield frame or even comparing Mag with Oberon (Frost would be wiser but sadly Frost prevents status so it may be a big flaw for many players).

    You can't complain about a frame if you're doing anything with it, situational powers have to be used wisely, you have to know where to cast Magnetize and when to use her other powers - which augment to use too and perhaps trying a more balanced build.

  6. Le 24/07/2019 à 23:42, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ a dit :

    But if the gimmick is terrible and it's obvious your community doesn't like it, then change it.

    What community, a few guys complaining about anything considering any upteenth lament as proper feedback ? You're not the community, a few hundred people reading such threads aren't the community either unless you have some secret sources you forgot to mention. This forum is at best a vocal minority so you're perfectly right when you offer personal feedback, but stop talking in the name of something you know nothing about.

    Just a hint though, this weapon is perfectly fine if you aren't running forward while shooting so maybe you should adapt your gameplay to different gimmicks and not the opposite - or keep playing with an Ignis.

  7. "Could we stop with the high rate of fire semi-auto guns" would have been a way better thread. Reloading is no issue since there are a lot of ways to solve it, reloading is also balancing many high damage output weapons so as long as it doesn't impair weak weapons, i'm all fine with that.

    If you're tired of reloading, use a bow !

  8. il y a une heure, DatDarkOne a dit :

    Oh please explain to me how it's so terrible.  I just gotta hear this.  

    High rate of fire semi auto gun with projectile speed are killing this pistols for many people. This guns have an interesting power of destruction one can't achieve without a macro, needless to say that this gun is performing really bad with a controller.

    Burst or full auto could save it but atm i'd largely prefered a Magnus prime, at least this one wouldn't destroy my gaming equipment. ^ ^

  9. Il y a 6 heures, ZarTham a dit :

    And like @Hopper_Orouk said, while you may consider it a nerf, your problem seems to be that now you are required to be more active.

    You can't be more wrong. Old defy was basically making Wukong unkillable so it's definitely a nerf no matters what you think. Now you have to spend energy, wait until you stop spinning and pray to get more than 50 armor. THEN you're not entirely done with the unkillable thing, you still have to spend a few seconds in cloud form doing whatever you do, perhaps flying circles or anything to get health back. Or you may use your operator to heal yourself which is faster and safer and oh ! It doesn't cost a single energy.

    New wukong has some terrible armor additional mechanics you can't rely much upon in most situations and his healing is all but mandatory since the Operator is already healing us with the proper school or arcane. In the end Wukong isn't tankier at all but needs two active powers to do that ? Wukong rework is a thing now but it's already outdated, every Wukong i've been playing with were spamming some spin-2-win macro and that's all - Great job at reworking his 2nd and 3rd.

    They did a way better job with Atlas or Nezha. they have synergies and their own survival mechanics work perfectly fine (understand - they're reliable ones).

    More active is also debatable since his passive revives him a few times.

  10. I really think Mag isn't much popular because most players are basically lazy and don't look for complicated frames, nothing else. You said Mag isn't a "niche" frame which is wrong since Mag is one if not the best frame when it comes to strip armor in large areas, she's also the most effective frame when it comes to kill bosses/elite since everything inside Magnetize is literally shredded.

    She can have some difficulties to survive since she's quite fragile at first but her 3rd augment only makes her way more durable. In fact once you've built her the right way and know how to play her she doesn't have many issues, at least not enough to need that much of a QoL since she's top tier frame atm.

    The only thing i've never quite understood is why the hell Mag can be chosen as a starter frame - Without an operator and with only a few mods Mag can have a terrible time as a starter frame - Most people get Rhino ASAP to survive more tedious missions (especially Infested since this threat is particularly lethal to Mag at early levels) but at higher levels people actually play Mag more and more. She's also terrible to learn how the game is working, her learning curve is one of the most difficult, so a really bad idea as opposed to Volt or Excalibur.

    Rhino as a starter would be a way better idea.

  11. Il y a 18 heures, YazMatazO a dit :


    I just crafted the new Quatz pistol, and I must say that the weapon has a very nice feeling on auto, as well as being very good at stripping armour. Thank you for the new addition!

    I am, however, a little puzzled by how the weapon cycles it's fire configs, and it's also a little uncomfortable to play with it, to be fully honest. Mostly because switching between melee and auto fire Quats requires an unnecessary zoom which feels odd. 

    Is it possible to have the alt fire button change the fire configs for the weapon? For example - I push the alt fire button and now when I aim I have auto fire, and burst fire when I don't aim. I push the alt fire button again, and now I have burst fire when I aim, and auto fire when I don't. 

    Thank You for the attention!


    EDIT:PS:Another player reminded me that I have a slightly different setup to the defaults. Sorry for the oversight. I use Mouse 1 for both melee attacks and shooting weapons, and switch between melee and ranged with aim weapon, which is Mouse 2. I think I should include this in the post. 

    While melee may be adressed i don't think that alt fire is a good idea cause this gun isn't meant to be used with one fire mode only - you can pretty much shoot rapidly without aiming to apply status (strip armor for ex) and then zoom for one or two massive damage and precise shots - Alt fire would definitely kill that.

    FyI i'm mostly using glaives these days so switching from melee to secondary isn't much of an issue, don't forget that melee 3.0 will make one handed melee weapons compatible with one handed secondaries so it'd definitely alleviate some of your worries. It's not likely to work with a Jag Kittag though... ^ ^ 

  12. Le 14/07/2019 à 15:34, zhellon a dit :

    Frost has the best potential. But now hildryn eclipses them all. -100% armor in really large area. 

    Mag is way better at stripping armor than most of this frames. Polarize reduces armor and shield from really far and her 4th augment needs less power strength than Forst's - better range too. Hildryn is the weakest of the three since she only strips 25% (can't achieve 100% then) and is limited to line of sight.

    Anyway Mag is best, as usual !

  13. I don't get your point at all. You think that this weapon's gimmick is bad when its buffs are more than decent, it gets additional fire rate (since it's a secondary weapon it'll most likely gets 60% more so its low fire rate is heavily compensated - it's not an automatic weapon though, deal with it), next to no recoil and 100% additional toxin - it's far from being bad.

    You seem to have issues doing headshots, so that's weapon's fault ? Its precision is decent and recoil is no issue on the first shot, so maybe you should stop using weapons which need headshots if you can't handle it, don't you ?

    You want this weapon to be something it isn't, that's only your own concern and what you fail to see is that dual toxocysts aren't bad because of his gimmick, rate of fire or even design. It's bad because full puncture status only weapon with next to no critical can't work. Unless damages are reworked soon, this weapons can't be good because even if you're building it as a gaz weapon it'll lack of damage (no crit) and if you need that corrosive it won't strip anything because of its semi-automatic nature.

    Lex prime works pretty much in the same category (puncture/secondary/slow semi-automatic). Once you get that headshot buff both weapons can be quite close even if 100% toxin can't close the damage gap entirely. Problem is that your Lex will deal criticals and status all day long when toxocyst will only deal status - That's the only weapon flaw, everything else only depends upon how damages are managed in this game, not this weapon's design.

  14. Il y a 13 heures, Maka.Bones a dit :

    Yeah that's exactly my point on it needing more crit (but yes, it could also use more CD). It honestly needs a better disparity from regular soma imo. Yes it can already be built for crit, but it's hard to get red crits without some niche setup or a riven. But I do agree with you, it's not that soma is weak by any means... just that it almost depends on niche/special mods. Tbh it doesn't even need 50% even just an increase to 40-45% CC would be plenty significant

    But that's definitely not mine, more crit would make this weapon way more unbalanced especially since it's only a rank 7 weapon. And if you think that having a kavat and using argon scope or an arcane is a niche setup, you're totally wrong, that's quite common gearing. Aiming for orange and red crits is the only thing that matters when building crit weapons and not using mods, arcanes or a kavat are definitely making this kind of weapons weaker - more than real hybrid or status weapons.

    You won't see 50% crit chance on a rank 7 weapon now, they even did nerf Synapse which was a way higher rank weapon and it has now 39% crit chance only. DE isn't supposed to buff a weapon because a minority has decided that using a kavat or a mod is for some reasons a "niche setup". That's beyond ridiculous. Most critical weapons have now 30-32% crit chance at best, Soma is then one of the best.

  15. Maybe you should stop run and shoot with a weapon not designed to be used this way then, especially with explosive bolts. Tbh it's really hard to die thanks to these if you know what you're doing, the AoE range is really low and you also may survive the damage. There's no problem with Zhuge's AoE, the only issue so far is how some players are playing.

    Maybe you should try a Penta for a few days, i can assure you it'll help to not die anymore because of your shots - it's nowhere near as weak as Zhuge self damages and projectiles also have less range - it's a good training.

  16. Le 14/07/2019 à 01:22, xMarvin732 a dit :

    The one thing i am confused about the Self damage is, why is it that only Zhuge prime has it and not Zhuge aswell??
    it was causing so much confusion because i ended up suddenly dying as a normal Nova with a Zhuge Prime almost everytime in Void when i used it.

    Because prime weapons may have additional or different mechanics, that's how they're designed. It's not confusing, it's just basically how DE is designing the game so at this point your only option is to deal with it.

  17. Il y a 4 heures, Maka.Bones a dit :

    because Soma's CC isn't high enough to warrant anything other than a hybrid build with Hunter munitions

    Why the hell would you build a hybrid Soma with HM ? Soma needs some viral and a full crit HM build, i did get quite good results with such a build - Along with Avenger arcane and a Kavat you're dealing really nice damages. Sure it costs bullets but that's what this kind of guns are for, spreading bullets. Plus 30% crit. is high enough to build anything critical, you can complain all day long but you seem to forget that Soma prime is only a rank 7 weapon so its critical couldn't be higher - Perhaps it could be 40 or 50% but it'll need a rank 11-12+ then. You can't blame a weapon to not be something it can't be.

    With Argon scope, the right arcane and a Kavat (which are quite common gear tbh) you can deal orange crits, even red - level 120 gunners are killed in seconds with such build. Most people complaining about anything here don't have a clue about how to gear themselves, complaining is always easier than to basically ask advices.

    And FyI guns aren't better than bows, i can pretty much one(or two)shot anything with a Cernos prime built the same way (viral+HM). In fact the only thing that can beat bows in this department are sniper rifles thanks to their combo mechanics. Critical auto rifles are even worse in real situations since you'll need a lot of headshots to deal bigger damages when only one or two well placed arrows can do the trick.

  18. Le 10/07/2019 à 21:14, Mr.SpookSpook a dit :

    That is absolutely not valid reasoning against having more riven slots.

    There are hundreds of weapons available with new ones constantly coming out, 90 slots are nowhere near enough. Riven slots are already terribly overpriced for what they are, the price itself is limiting enough for most people. For many, especially veteran players rivens can be one of the very few things to have fun with, one of the very few endgame options to pursue.
    Just because you (I guess) hate rivens do not try to put everyone else down who enjoy them.

    In fact his argument was valid enough, yours on the other hand...

    No one forces anyone to use rivens, they aren't mandatory either since Warframe is by no means difficult at any point and rivens are overpriced because of greedy hoarders, not riven slots. Rivens aren't fun either, they aren't content they're just an excuse to so-called veterans to keep "playing" a game when they don't have anything else to do. When i'm bored or have nothing left to do i live my life, or play another game. Some people should definitely try to get this thing we call a life.

    And don't try to guess what people think, especially to end with such a ridiculous and manichean conclusion such as the hate of rivens.

    • Like 1
  19. Le 07/07/2019 à 02:52, Descent-of-Damocles a dit :

    Now why is this harmful to the community?

    1. Spent thousands of platinum on that riven? Should have purchased the primed elemental mod instead.
    2. You spent thousands of hours kuva farming for the perfect roll, and now it's irrelevant? Well done.
    3. Your snipers, shotguns and weapons no longer work or feel the same because fire rate, recoil, magazine and IPS are stats you can roll? Get used to the new feel or dont use the riven.
    4. The stug is 1.5 disposition? Better get that 300% critical chance and 150% status chance to make that 5% critical chance go to 20% and 0% status chance go to... 0%? Nvm dont use high dispo rivens for bad weapons.
    5. Your tiberon got nerfed? Better spend forma, plat, and time to get a new replacement gun. And btw, you're going to have to buy a COMPLETELY NEW RIVEN or ROLL YOUR OWN. That's either going to be a couple hundred dollars, or a few hundred hours, your call.
    6. You used to get 100% status on a shotgun for corrosive? Now you'll have to deal with all 4 dual stats so you dilute corrosive with blast, and blast will prone enemies. GL
    7. Vectis prime no longer able to get 1 magazine size? Use depleted reload, it's not like it takes up a slot or anything.
    8. Rubico prime, lanka, and kitguns are killing eidolons? Lets make that a little harder now, (as if chroma nerf wasnt enough. Mirage nerf is next btw, since someone found a way to use mirage as OG chroma and can 1 shot eidolons again).

    1. Do not think that DE is responsible if players are spending that much plat on mods, blame players here.

    2. Same as above, if you're spending your life farming kuva and are looking for godrolls for any reasons, blame players only. They're creating their own hell, and now they're complaining...

    3. Snipers or shotguns are perfectly working, if you can live your life because you just lost a few bullets, i feel really bad for you. And FyI, this weapons did not need rivens in the first place.

    4. High dispo is what precisely helps bad weapons to compete, We wouldn't see that kind of nerfs if new prime weapons weren't keeping their already high dispo - DE is definitely responsible of that, overpowered weapons with 1.5 dispo should never happen and at some point i'm wondering if DE does not use that to help with the hype around every new prime release (power creep). Anyway this point is exactly why they're nerfing rivens too, players are compensating with overpowered weapons and are all using the same weapons too, so nerf is real. If they were using Synapse, Tiberon prime wouldn't have been nerfed (for my part i'm still using my good old synapse - blame the sheeps).

    5. You can't play without a riven ? You have way more issues than riven nerfs only.

    6. Half of my shotguns don't have 100% status and they still shred everything, don't think that this 100% status hype stuff is that mandatory.

    7. Wow, that's what mods are for, deal with it. Or just play with 2 bullets as intended, i know it hurts but everything will be fine, don't worry !

    8. Killing Eidolon has never been hard, and it's even easier since Rubico prime is a thing - no one needs rivens to do that anyway but there's at least one thing that could be seriously discussed - Nerfing for popularity only is weird when content is made to be achieved with sniper rifles only - So DE is making sniper rifles popular by themselves, which is definitely wrong. I wish i could hunt Eidolons with melee weapons or a bow, but for now we don't have much choice.

    Sure riven dispo should be looked at but the only thing i read here is some lament full of frustration from someone who's spending way too much time farming kuva and not much playing the game, or perhaps you should take a break if Warframe is only about getting 4k plat rivens only - which would be really sad, cause complaining about sniper rifles not working anymore is really laughable (some other things too. 😕 ).

    • Like 8
  20. Le 05/07/2019 à 16:38, Esrot7 a dit :

    Limbo's Banish is not a problem, it's that when it's affecting enemies it's barely visible. Even if I myself am playing Limbo and use Banish, it is difficult to spot from group of enemies who exactly is targetable from the current plane and who is not. I propose simply making Banished ones clearly desaturated in their colors, completely, the whole unit, not just part of it, idea being to mimic greyness of Limbo's rift entry portal just for sake of aesthetic consistency, and how it would play nicely with player inside rift which amplifies lightning to make banished enemies even more clearly visible when in that state due to contrast difference. Main point is to amplify visibility of active Banish a lot, these are just detailed suggestions at how I'd do it. Current small grey shimmer at the bottom of their feets is not enough. It's hard to spot in normal lightning, and almost completely invisible in bloom and glare lightning.

    Or just make everyone able to enter or exit Limbo at will when there's one in the team. Banish is a terrible idea, you can't force other players, that can only lead to utter frustration.

  21. Il y a 2 heures, (XB1)Knight Raime a dit :

    Saryn isn't anywhere close to being the best frame at the game as a whole as she's only good at one thing which is killing.  And as i've already mentioned she has healthy competition.

    Saryn is also damn good at surviving with regenerative molt along with some armor, most people don't build her that way but she can be really tanky if needed. Most frames are only about dealing or soaking up damages anyway, with some extra buffs here and there - Saryn is no exception.

    What most players don't get is exactly what OP is about - Saryn isn't a killer, she's far from being the best frame around to insta-kill anything except at low-mid levels - but she's damn good at debuffing all enemies at once (strip armor and half health). What makes her really strong are this debuffs more than her raw damages. When you compare her real TTK she's really atrocious, she needs a lot of time to deal enough damage and also needs to keep some of her enemies alive - many frames deal more damages per sec than her. And tbh something like a full range Equinox, Mag or Volt can totally ruin her gameplay.

  22. il y a une heure, yadalaboth a dit :

    Easiest way to put this: War is the only sentient weapon without some Stupid Gimmick Unique Mechanic that makes it stand out (to varying degrees)

    • Phantasma has an alt-fire bomb
    • Cyanex has ricocheting, homing, gas spewing projectiles (Can we take a moment to appreciate how awesome that sounds?)
    • Komorex has 2 zoom options that change it's properties
    • Broken War has an unranked stance when no stance is actually equipped
    • Tatsu has up to 5/8(revenant) projectiles that you build up and release with a slide attack

    But War doesn't really have this. Yes, War does have guaranteed impact, but that isn't really special. Remove that guaranteed chance, and not much would change, whereas if you removed those other options, the weapon would just loose it's specialties (aside from Tatsu, but that's because its the only 2-handed nikana as of now).

    So, maybe War can be given something new to make it more distinct in gameplay? I have this list of ideas, so I guess you can take it, leave it, or do it better than I can.

    • Every swing it releases sword beams that go up to 40m like Exalted blade, but the sword beams only do about 10% of War's actual damage, and only have 5m of punch-through (so Exalted Blade is still the objectively better choice, and doesn't become obsolete)
    • Every charged attack and last attack of a stance combo releases a much bigger exalted blade wave that deals 40% of War's damage, 40m, and infinite punch through (so again, Exalted Blade is still viable)
    • Aerial attacks throw War like those spearguns
    • When channeling, War has twice the amount of reach
    • Alt-Fire changes War into two broken wars with some kind of unique stance, and alt-fire again changes it back

    I dunno, I just thought this would be a cool idea.

    Pyrana or even Ballistica prime also have interesting gimmicks. Not only War but every Stalker's signature weapon should have something that makes them kind of unique  guess. Perhaps we could even have some kind of "combo" additional power while equipping more than one or even all of them.

  23. Il y a 6 heures, Xzorn a dit :


    It's a manuscript by Paulus Hector Mair, 1540's.

    He was a German Fencing master that was later hung for embellishment.

    ....but everyone knows throwing your pommel is the best way to end your opponent rightly.

    Thanks !

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