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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. I'm playing with a Xbox one controller and i have to say that the brand new Archwing maneuvers are really clunky.

    First, i still can't determine how to use the brand new Itzal dash, but from what i've seen it's kind of lackluster anyway. Controllers have a few options compared to mouse & keyboard, so getting rid of useless options can save us a lot of place for mandatory commands - which leads to -

    Second, on the positive side the archwing animations feel smooth and i have no issues whatsoever with them - i can fly without any trouble, it's even really precise (at least with a controller). My only concern is about maneuvers, Afterburner and dash need to be changed.

    Perhaps you should remove the Archwing ability to fly up and down while sprinting cause using the stick instead is way better, Y and L.trigger button aren't helping much while "sprinting" at full speed. Thus you could add the Afterburner and the dash on this free buttons, which could be way more useful - This abilities would be available only while at full speed, since we're talking about fast move maneuvers it would make sense.

  2. As title implies, i was literally stuck into Kuva Lich dilemna at the end of the animation. I had no choice (kill or not kill), no more UI of any kind and i wasn't able to do anything either (esc wasn't working, no menu, nothing at all). The only thing i was able to do is to wait  for others to complete the mission and then extract... Which didn't even happen for some reasons (perhaps the whole session was bugged since i was the host). I couldn't give more data on this cause i didn't have access to chat box either since nothing worked except from my camera (i was able to see slightly around even if the front view was locked).

    I was playing Atlas prime (with his new skin) on a Sabotage mission. I don't remember well which planet but i'd say Saturn since it was on a Grineer tileset.

    Edit. Since i didn't extract i had to hard reboot the game.

  3. Le 20/11/2019 à 18:57, EinheriarJudith a dit :

    yup. remove mine layer, replace it with Photon Strike, put bastille back on 3. give him a moderate base armor boost or boost his shields.

    I would have replaced mine layer with a support skill, mobile if possible (a pet could be fun /Osprey or even a hynea with a mounted gun for example, but anything else than some stupid grenades or mines would do the job) cause Vauban badly needs additional support, especially on the run.

    I would definitely merge orbital strike with Vortex cause, well, they synergize way better than with Bastille.

    Keep Bastille alone, make it a real defensive skill. Since it doesn't perform better than Frost or Gara own sentinel skills, adding something more than an upteenth way to compensate the eternal broken armor scaling dilemna would be nice - especially since most Corpus or even Infested don't care about such boring mechanics.

    I'm not a fan of his tesla grenades but hey, maybe he could keep at least one skill that sucks instead of what he's stuck with atm. As long as they get rid of this clunky grenades all over his kit, it would be a huge improvement.

  4. First Redeemer heavy attack still shots twice.

    Second, Redeemer is still destroying level 165 heavy gunners so if you can't achieve that, you must be doing something wrong. As someone mentioned above, perhaps you should learn to build this weapon properly now that new mods and mechanics have emerged. I've built mine with enough initial combo points to be sure i can use its heavy attack permanently but i guess that an efficiency build could work too or even stick with a blood rush build.

    Anyway, Redeemer did need a nerf and tbh it's still in a damn good spot.

  5. You're right about Bastille, it should work that way.

    On the other hand, overdrive and flechette should go. Damage or even power strength buff should be included in a brand new 2nd skill that works and synergize way better than this atrocious unfun and awkward mine skill.

    Flechette is bad, redundant and worthless. Remove it entirely. Seriously, who's even using Azima alternate fire already ? If Vauban is meant to have an orbital strike, any other crappy damage skill is redundant if it doesn't synergize.

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  6. Il y a 15 heures, Zekkii a dit :

    I must have missed Saryn's 95% DR ability, CC, and team damage buff.

    Quite ironically Saryn has (optional) health regen or decoys, makes the whole map freeze when casting her 4th and can buff the whole team with corrosive.

    Mesa can only deflect projectiles and her damage buff is way weaker. I really like her disarm area though.

    Anyway comparing both isn't much relevant especially since having both in the same team is highly redundant (Mesa can even basically impair whole Saryn's spore mechanics since she's damn effective at obliterating every enemies at once).

  7. Il y a 1 heure, Xrasegot a dit :

    But to me, it totally breaks the gameplay. I have been using the original quartakk for a long time. I learned to fire from the hip very-accurately. The most satisfying thing is when you just land the headshot one after another while fire from the hip.  There was a reward if you learned to fire from the hip, you could see more things, you move faster, you know what is around you. Just because the player learned to fire from the hip! What is given a little advantage to the players who have more experience using the Quartakk.  The original quartakk was used by two types of people who used it as a shotgun another who used it as an accurate rifle  this made it really unique.

    Truth is that you're talking about a lot of things to justify your lament but the only thing (and you weren't much clear about it tbh) is that you don't want to aim and shoot with such a weapon. But as i said above, it's a shooter game, aiming is bread and butter of its gameplay. Perhaps they could have switched auto & burst so you won't have to adapt yourself but maybe there's some kind of logic (hence no taste) behind that.

    Semi needs more careful shots as opposed to some weaker full auto shots so aiming makes sense, we all know now that you don't like it, find it unoriginal or whatever but once again, saying that it's not logical is only intellectual dishonesty. People always complain when things change, maybe you just have to adapt yourself now or maybe get rid of bad habits too.

  8. What you didn't get is that this weapons secondary fires aren't supposed to be alternate fires but to be used at the same time. So aiming or not makes sense, using another button would only make this feature a huge pain to use.

    Plus what's wrong with aiming or not in the first place, it's part of any shooter game and it's damn easy to use.

    "a really small amount of people could actually enjoy the weapon." Not sure you have sources to justify such thing anyway. Everyone here is entitled to his own opinion and such comments are only intellectual dishonesty - People don't need you to express their own opinions (especially if they disagree with you). 🙄

  9. 1. Make all liches spawn in all missions. I got why it's not working that way (all players are supposed to play in their own infested system) but if i'm playing with a friend, my wife or a clan mate, not being able to kill their own lich in my system seems quite punishing and unrewarding to me. It's a coop game, make us progress together.

    2. Current Lich mechanics is way too frustrating and based upon RNG. It's fun at first but gets old quite fast, especially once you get three Ogris in a row with less and less elemental damage percentage. Two important things should be considered then:

    First, allow Kuva fusion with lower elemental damage versions, increasing its damage by a fixed amount (2% for example). Then if you're unlucky enough to never find a decent rolled weapon, you can at least increase it slowly by yourself with additional versions.

    Second, and the most important part, get rid of this utterly frustrating "Oh crap, i got another uninteresting lich i'll have to spend hours to get rid of" event repetition. For now, not killing a Lich is pretty much worthless even if it's definitely part of the solution. Not killing a Lich should save a decent part of our already unlocked murmurs and thus helping with the next Lich - For now we don't have any option to not waste time with highly uninteresting liches and we're stuck with RNG only.

    Saving a Lich is already consuming requiems for really few results, speeding up our next Lich would be way more rewarding instead.

  10. Fireball

    First, get rid of charge mechanics unless one is using the augment mod. This charge mechanics basically sucks, one can't aim at all while channeling when using a controller anyway. Dull stuff has to go. Buff damages accordingly.

    Second, halve the cost upon successive casts (just like they did with Atlas, which made sense tbh), spamming this power can be interesting especially since damages are scaling quite well.

    Remove headshots (Headhosts shouldn't even be possible with such attacks) but increase AoE range slightly (2m is way too short).

  11. il y a 4 minutes, Qwertykeys a dit :

    It is possible to throw out a vortex with the suspension field. You just need to hold 4 and you'll immediately throw out the vortex though you'll have to do this before throwing out the suspension field or convert your current suspension field into a vortex then throw out a new suspension field. I don't really like having to do this though because it's expensive and takes away from the suspension field's buffs for your team and debuffs for the enemy.

    How is that supposed to be an improvement then ? You can throw a Bastille after a Vortex but not the opposite, nothing in this rework actually makes sense.

  12. Il y a 23 heures, Judqment8 a dit :

    What, how so? With the old kit you could at least select which one to throw, but now you are FORCED to make every Bastille into a Vortex. Or first throw Vortexes and then throw Bastilles which is just as bad.

    I won't even mention enemies being automatically sucked into objectives which didn't even make sense in the first place.

    I would take people talking tactics lightly though since most players were also trying to kill Saturn Six Wolf with an Ignis Wraith or are basically running around randomly in most missions... Combining Bastille and Vortex is basicallly absurd and should be changed asap - I wouldn't mind if they'd combine it with Orbital strike though, it'd lead to another extra buffed Vortex skill.

    So far this rework isn't much of an improvement, anything could help.

  13. Il y a 21 heures, Walkampf a dit :

    Almost all of his abilities are hard CC, making it impossible to attack you.

    Mabe you are playing him wrong? Have you tried perssing any buttons?

    Hard CC ? Bastille has really limited range, limited amount of enemies (good luck with infested enemies), is quite expensive and won't ever protect you nor objectives from enemies who are shooting at you from afar. His tesla grenades still suck and you can no longer throw some Vortex to help with your Bastille since they have been stupidly merged.

    Seriously, i wouldn't even bring a Vauban to some excavation mission, Nova or Mag can control the whole map with only one skill, Vauban is only suffering from a poor rework that made him ever worse while failing at fixing all of his issues.

    You can press all buttons you want, it won't make him better. Being sarcastic or disobliging won't help either tbh but hey, if you want to be that guy, have fun !

  14. First i have to say that Vauban has always been my favourite frame, subtle gameplay is always what i'm looking for at least when it's rewarding - So i was really looking for a rework and here it comes !

    Second, i've mostly tested this new iteration in high level content (Kuva flood, level 100-120 Lich missions, sorties) so i won't speak about low-mid tier content since most of them are a cakewalk anyway.


    Overall Impressions

    Well i won't hide that fact that i'm highly disappointed by this rework. In fact i wouldn't even consider it as a rework, it's more a huge mess of DIY abilities, nothing is really consistent nor logical, and his whole kit doesn't have a single synergy. I may sound rude but everything in this rework seems to have been designed on paper only - most of that doesn't make any sense in game and in worst case scenarios it also still makes Vauban quite lackluster in many departments.

    There's also something really important i've noticed in recent frames, most flaws tend to be hidden behind some kind of power creep - as if adding a nuke or a clone skill will solve all of frames weaknesses. Breaking news, it doesn't. Frames need consistency to be fun, not necessarily more damages or nuke skills, every ability can be made to damage anything anyway.Thinking about reworks as a dps race is pointless - Saryn or Equinox already did win it and all frames shouldn't be supposed to please the laziest players (hence press 4 and keep running or stay afk).

    The first thing i really despise in Vauban rework is that he's still not an engineer. He's a baseball player in reconversion or even a cheap grenadier but he's nowhere near as a true engineer. He's basically switching between worthless options and charging meh powers for hours, throwing unprecise grenades, bouncing everywhere, waiting for them to explode and perhaps achieving something useful for once. When i was trying to throw his 2nd skill to myself to get a buff, i thought it was way too much. I mean, i'm even trying to aim at myself to get a stupid buff cause all i'm supposed to do is to throw grenades ? Come on...


    Tesla Grenades

    I've always tried to get something out this skill prior to update 26 and never really achieved it. It was always awkward to use, not much effective either. Lots of other frames powers are better at CC, better at dealing damages, better at aiming etc. I also hated the fact we have to charge the skill to make it better less terrible. More time, more energy, a pain to aim and throw especially with a controller. A really few results.

    Bad news, we still have this awful charge mechanics. It's even worse now cause throwing only one grenade instead of four is completely worthless. This skill is basically meant to be charged, what a masochist way to design supposedly fun stuff, isn't it ?

    Anyway, i'm charging. Oh, i almost forgot, @DE do you know we can't charge a skill while aiming cause our right hand is busy, right stick is then no more an option ? Seriously, i'm worried this kind of things still exist when it's basically unusable in-game. And then i'm throwing a few homing, slow, dumb, grenades. What's supposed to be an improvement here ? If i have to move, the grenades can't reach targets before i do, they're dumb as hell so targets are only picked randomly. Worse, the only way i can damage anything with that power is through its augment mod - which is quite effcient until you noticed you have to check around where this damn grenades are stuck, which is boring at best. Efficient, sure to some extent, fun, not at all. Vauban is an engineer, why would he care about stupid AI, random targeting and slow gadgets ?

    Finally i've stopped using this augment or even this power, Vauban still has a lot of weaknesses and his build is definitely highly energy consuming - wasting a mod slot wasn't much convenient to me. Plus this skill still failed as a reliable CC power, as opposed to something like Wisp electricity moth, tesla grenades won't save you from anything. Even with 4 grenades i was still nearly dead every few seconds in tougher content. Vaguely stunning enemies in front of you only matters if you're playing in a damn straight dead-end corridor.

    Waste of energy. Which leads to a bonus chapter - What's wrong with Vauban's ressources.


    Bonus Chapter: Vauban terrible Ressource Management

    At first i thought this rework could be an excellent way to deal with Vauban's terrible ressources management. The guy was never quite a nuker but he was never quite a support either. A lot of people were complaining about Bastille increased cost. Sure, relying upon this skill only will cost you an arm especially since its duration is still pathetic. You'll also have to charge some skills, try to nuke stuff (if you can aim at anything of course but we'll see that later), throw grenades over and over, witch between a dozen different options and try them all. Well, Vauban needs tons of energy to achieve really low results.

    Vauban still can't manage a single ressource. No health, no shield, no energy either. Fact is Bastille is giving you armor so you'll still die, slower, instead of surviving. Let be honest a second, even with a Bastille on, Operator was mandatory to not die. I don't know if Vauban has to be considered as a defense engineer but if he does, real Vauban must be turning in his grave. I have the chance to live near one of his fortresses and this is no garden shed. 🙄

    Expensive powers with short durations and mandatory mechanics (to not die instantly at least) with no way to get some energy back, a situational armor buff with no way to get health or shield/overshield back either means you'll die. Good news is that tougher frames who are playing with you will enjoy a lot your armor buff, too bad you won't be there to see that.



    This power always sucked bad, really bad. Charging, switching mechanics have to go, definitely. Anything more useful as a skill would have been better than this thing, i wouldn't even call this job a rework if this power isn't gone yet. I don't care about sticking random wires, an expensive boost pad people will use to troll others, a perforating mine quite similar to Azima's secondary fire (a hint though, even Azima's own ability already sucked, why are you even using already existing stuff that doesn't work ? I'm kind of worried of how you're designing stuff tbh). A barely usable damage buff which can't be criticized only because you gave it a huge damage buff, power creep helps with rework popularity !

    Seriously, remove entirely this joke of a skill and implement something mobile, useful and not an upteenth stupid grenade please. Keep the damage buff if you want but Vauban is such a bad frame to start with that he really needs something better. Why not adding an osprey that will fly above you, helping with a few things (the same way Khora can choose which permanent buff she'll have). More damage in a small area around me, shield/overshield generation, a way to get health back - Whatever. We need more mobility and ressources, and less grenades, bad aiming or casting skills.

    This osprey (or whatever i don't care) could also be used to propel rockets (instead of stupid grenades) and then making Vauban whole arsenal more precise.


    A Nuke, i got a Nuke ! Well if i can nuke a thing with my Nuke before the Nuker next to me Nukes everything before !

    I got the idea, space game, orbital strikes, we all know orbital strikes have to be a thing in such game. So let's do it ! Vauban got a Nuke ! Well, if you're able to nuke anything with that cause, bad aiming (- reminder - stupid grenades), bounces, slow firing, awful timer, ridiculous area of effect and expensive cost will make you regret you spent 75 energy to throw this thing !

    First, this skill has no synergy, it's just here because... Well because people were obviously complaining about Vauban not having damage powers. If you can't improve the whole disastrous "grenade mechanics" you should at least make this skill synergize with Vauban's kit, and give it some consistency. This grenade is absorbed by your Vortex, what if i want to shoot elsewhere or even aiming at enemies immune to my Vortex ? Well i can't. Let be honest a second, this skill is only useful to nuke (1) enemies stuck in your Bastille or (2) enemies stuck in your Vortex. Before i used a weapon, now i have to spend 75 energy (perhaps more if i miss). Damages are nice, really high tbh, but once again Grineer's armor scaling can make this power quite useless at higher levels. I still use it for the fun effect, but tbh if i wasn't using Zenurik and a ****load of energy arcanes, mods or whatever, i wouldn't use it - at all.

    Since i'm going to vehemently criticize the brand new Bastille, perhaps adding Vortex to this new skill would have been less dumb, but i'll talk about that later.

    Speaking about energy cost, the augment mod could be a good thing if this thing was able to strike 5 enemies in the first place. Short area, stupid grenade emchanics and awful timer aren't helping. Seriously, implement an Osprey and make it fire rockets or whatever - You're not helping yourself while keeping this damn stupid grenades.


    New Bastille. The Fortress that can't protect you from anything.

    I always thought Vauban was fun cause his CCs were original. A repelling Bastille and a Vortex were the bread and butter of his whole kit for a long time. Everything else in his kit was sucking bad. Bastille a room, Vortex a corridor were Vauban's essence. But let be honest a second, people or even people @DE are still calling Vauban the master of CC. I never got why Vauban was considered as a CC master, perhaps because that was the only thing he was good at cause Bastille never prevented you from being shot and Vortex has always been quite situational. Nova, Nyx or Mag are CC master, they can lock the whole map while laughing at your Vauban who's dying because too many Grineers are shooting at him from afar. 

    Let's face it, Bastille sucks as a defensive only skill. Gara or Frost can protect objectives, Vauban can't. Worst, he even has a limit of stuck enemies now (well since a few months but that's not important). It may sound rude but my opinion so far is that you ruined Bastille and even failed at improving it.

    First, why the hell i'm ending with a Vortex when Bastille expires. That feature alone isn't even logical nor helping with Bastille priority: Repel enemies. No one @DE did get why a skill that is supposed to repel shouldn't suck enemies in, ever ? It's now a huge mess or enemies scattered all around the place and then all inside Bastille area if you can't kill them all, which can happen sadly in higher levels. No offense but i don't want any enemy inside my Bastille, no matters what. Worse, it's automatically processed since i don't even have the choice to NOT cast a Vortex after a Bastille... Non sense, not fun, worthless utility.

    Second, i can't no longer use Bastille along with Vortex to help locking wider places, both have to be used at the same time or in the right order (with another stupid charge mechanics, again...). Once again, being precise isn't possible especially when throwing a Vortex only. This is a huge nerf to how Vauban was performing prior to Old Blood.

    Third, Bastille absorbs armor and gives it to you (and your friends) for a limited time. As i said above, any kind of armor mechanics sucks if you can't manage properly your health. Bastille doesn't repel bullets so you'll have to soak a lot of damage inside (well i did, even with quite a large Bastille). The worst thing about this mechanics is that i had to cast additional Bastille around to try to keep the armor buff while i was running around (from A to B, mobile defense, extermination, etc. Such missions can be a nightmare with Vauban's current kit - he's still quite fragile when on the move - hence him having an osprey or whatever, any kind of mobile support station should definitely help). Not much viable and quite expensive energy wise.

    Thus i'd definitely have put Vortex anywhere else than there. Vortex could synergize well with his Orbital strike so why the hell adding it to Bastille.

    I really hope you'll have enough time to make Vauban worth a rework cause so far i don't think he's in a better spot, at all.

    TL;DR Vauban still needs a rework.

  15. I like the whole "try requiem combinations" mechanics but something basically impairs the whole thing. Requiems are randomly unveiled so until you've unveiled the first one you can't test much since one failure leads to death...

    There's no feeling of progression cause you can't test much until you got 3 unveiled requiems, or if you're lucky enough to find the right first requiem(s). Maybe requiems should be unveiled in the right logical order, tbh there's way too much RNG in this new feature - which leads to way too much grind and frustration.

    Since we're spending a lot of time running missions at higher levels now (even 100-120 if Lich is really high level), maybe you could stop giving pathetic rewards. XPs, Endo, specific mods or rarest ressources (even Kuva since the whole event is about Kuva) should be a common thing in such hard content - We're running level 100 missions over and over again, what we get from them ? 10k credits, next to no XP and one or two thousand dull basic ressources.

  16. Il y a 7 heures, SableSonata a dit :

    Kuva weapons are supposed to have RNG stats? Why do I have two identical Kuva Tonkors?

    Not sure about RNG stats so far but which frame you use to create a Lich definitely determines which additional elemental or physical damage it'll have. This is not random though. Just play Inaros and you'll get heat for example.

  17. My Kuva lich spawned for the first time on an Eris mission (mobile defense). He had shields i was able to damage but his whole life bars were grey, he was literally invulnerable to all attacks, even his own weakness (viral). So i wasn't able to kill him.

    Not sure it's related to my issue but he spawned on top of the mobile defense console in the middle of a Frost bubble (i was playing Frost). My wife was playing Khora and was only using her 1st (so no cage).

  18. Le 28/10/2019 à 07:09, (XB1)Rez090 a dit :

    I still don't get why people force themselves to farm focus. Just playing the game will earn you focus, no actual need to make some specialized loadout and playing a certain node just to max everything faster.

    Because players want everything, now. Simple as that.

    Hence everyone talking about "grind" and "farm" when the only thing you need is to play the damn game, or not.

  19. il y a une heure, Stonehenge a dit :

    Totally agree.

    It sounds wise on paper but truth is that most players are using it because it has infinite punch through so it perfectly deals with crowds, especially in arbitrations (curse you drones, curse you).

    The only QoL Warframe needs in that regard is some huge nerf to all AoE/punch through weapons cause they're not only killing multiple enemies at once but are also dealing the biggest damages around. This whole "grinding" era makes players the laziest possible and tbh there's something really wrong when you can pretty much kill anything with such weapons. Why would i care using a Bronco if Catchmoon is already performing better against everything in front of me ? That's just an example, not a comparison.

    Too many people are using Ignis or Catchmoon all day long so there's definitely something wrong with such weapons. Nerf range, ammo or whatever but they shouldn't perform better than single target weapons when used that way. For my part i would have nerfed Catchmoon ammo clip too cause we aren't necessarily using Catchmoon at higher range - 20m is already good and it has such high base damage that even with falloff it'll still deal huge damages at longer ranges. 🙄

  20. Il y a 15 heures, Uhkretor a dit :

    ... well, that's not a mystery of DE... its your own mystery. Seriously, no one understand why you would even forma Ferrox once, let alone more than once.


    ... or anyone applying forma on a Ferrox, for that matter...

    My Ferrox deals up to 20k bleeding damage upon headshots slash procs, i wouldn't judge a weapon without even building it properly. Sure its channeling shot sucks and its secondary is lacking of Oomph but its base damage and critical are really high, one of the best candidate around for a HM build.

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