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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Of course stasis is an overpowered power since it pretty much freezes every single enemy. Yet it does not kill a thing, Nova or Frost are already "freezing" enemies and even kill them in the process, they are not nerfed though.

    Limbo stasis is even more tedious to use since it needs limbo environment to operate, it's part of a well synergized toon and not a click 4 to win. Instead of nerfing stasis they should have changed his Banish (totally ruins other players experience) and his rift surge (quite redundant, not much useful and not team friendly either) - It would have been a way better Limbo update !

  2. Le 23/05/2018 à 10:53, EliteStrike1 a dit :

    The riven isn't bugged, you are going to the wrong place.


    Void nodes are always alerted so you can't do stealth exterminates.  Head to ardaro sedna and it'll open just fine.

    Thanks it works better on Adaro but still this challenge tooltips/pop ups can be considered as bugged as until the extraction the Riven challenge never was considered as a failure during my Void missions, plus if you never told me enemies was considered as alerted on Void missions i would have never been aware of that.

  3. I've got this Riven challenge for a Shotgun mod (Complete an extermination mission, solo and without being detected). I've successfully finished two extermination missions on Oxomoco i.e. I was never told it was a failure by the typical Riven tooltip popup. I finished it with a Loki (always stealthy and using his augmented mod - silenced weapons) using both melee finishers and a silenced shotgun.

    I've heard this challenge was broken as hell so i killed every single enemy in the second mission (including a Silmaris scanning target) to be sure but nothing works. This damn Riven refuses to unveil.

    My first point is definitely my unability to complete this thing but i would like to add a second point: This mission is no fun, the fact it is broken is no fun either; Games are meant to be fun so even if a challenge has to be tedious, please make them at least less time and patience consuming.

    If someone knows what's wrong with this Riven and how to bypass this bug/design issue, let me know ! 🙂

  4. It just did happen to me as well. Everything was fine except that this challenge is a complete waste of fun and time. I killed my 120 and something enemies and went for extract.

    Riven objective was fine and nothing happened. Just a complete waste of time, try again and figure out what's wrong with this this thing...Seriously.


    Games are meant to be fun, this is bugged or just badly written or worse, badly designed, but they should remove this Riven entirely.

  5. Hi, 

    My wife and I are currently playing the game with a Xbox One controller (well my wife has just left since the way controllers have been broken is a real pain and nothing has been really fixed since).

    When i started to play a month ago everything was fine, my controller was working perfectly just like in every other game i run on Steam. Then two weeks ago a sinister update just broke everything. People were unable to map some keys, other were unable to play. For my part every single menu can't be accessed with my controller, i can't choose my missions, i can't hack Codus locks, i can't leave a party or change my online options, i can't manage my craft nor my gear, well apart from moving and shooting, everything has to be played with mouse and keyboard.

    So we're basically playing the game with a gamepad, mouse and keyboard, nice job i've never seen such a thing in any game before !

    So, game is broken as far as we're concerned, barely playable especially if we're playing it far from our computers. And nothing has been done to solve this issue even if previous game iterations were working fine. But what (perhaps) will make things worse if next Steam update. I've tested the beta and they're changing things about how Xinput controllers are handled. On the positive side, most menus aren't broken anymore, we can navigate through content again with a controller only. On the negative side, sensibility is completely out of control and remapping is broken too - we're atm unable to remap and then make this game barely playable, Sprint isn't a toggle (it shouldn't even be a thing, seriously) so playing stealthy is impossible, sprinting isn't reliable either....


    So please, communicate about this serious game breaking issues, fix the controllers and please make stealth and sprint a toggle by default on the key mapping. This is 2018 !

    (Or think about a refund planning cause i don't think that breaking a game we're spending real cash on is quite legal tbh) 

  6. Le 18/03/2018 à 15:40, KrazyJ78 a dit :

    Good thing my weapons and frames are where they should be, cant go into upgrades to change anything, nor appearance, seems like a simple fix on their end.

    I'm not sure about that, my commands are stuck in forward motion. They obviously broke controllers but to be positive things were working fine prior to last update.

    People are experiencing different bugs (from light to completely broken as far as i'm concerned - i can't play anymore) so it won't help much i guess.

  7. Same issue here but big picture doesn't change a thing, with or without it. It's even getting worse as my character keeps moving forward (even the mouse cursor keeps moving downward as soon as i execute the launcher.


    So, game is basically unplayable with a controller at this point (Xbox one for instance, worked prefectly previously and still does on other games) as far as i'm concerned.

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