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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. Le 18/09/2019 à 19:45, Loza03 a dit :

    I disagree.

    If Gauss didn't have these requirements to always be on the move, then, frankly speaking, there'd be no reason to play him like a speedster. His Kinetic plating blocks a ton of damage and his redline buffs his DPS a pretty considerable amount, so without the speed requirement there'd frankly be no reason to speed around. It's like the old joke "Stealth is optional on this mission."

    If you don't need to sneak through somewhere, if you can get what you need without it... why use it? Stealth is about overcoming a stronger opponent through cunning and skill. But if you're stronger than the opponent...

    It's good design for the speedster frame to have to use speed.

    Redline's buffs aren't related to that % meter.

    They're purely based on battery amount, so as long as you start from full you can get max benefit out the gate.

    If you're using Kinetic plating you'll end with some terrible redline buffs since it literally depletes your battery as well as no more battery at all when it wears off. Nice design indeed.

    You can't fully benefit from redline and all of its synergies as long as you aren't at 100% redline and you can't even activate this "ultimate" buff when you want. Everything is automatic and always proc at the same time. So game is basically deciding how you can play him, not you. Nice design indeed.

    No reason to play him like a speedster ? His whole kit is designed to work only when he's on the move.

    Feedback isn't about opinions but tbh most players who seem to like Gauss didn't really get how he's really supposed to work, it certainly doesn't help.

  2. Il y a 22 heures, Azrael_V a dit :

    I dunno...I'm actually enjoying Gauss and I've already forma'd him twice. Yes he might need a few tweaks but a design trainwreck? Cmon. What's even more hilarious that there's another thread stating the exact of opposite of this one😂😂😂. That's the forums for you🤷

    At least OP did bring some arguments as opposed to highly productive smileys.

  3. Le 16/09/2019 à 14:25, kgabor a dit :

    Loving these troll threads.

    One just needs to run some derelict and excavations to get both but for some reasons people prefer to complain instead of basically playing the game.

    Perhaps they'd get both if they weren't stupidly "farming" Hydron and ESO all day long, but that's another story.

  4. Il y a 18 heures, OvisCaedo a dit :

    Yeah, DE seems to have some serious hatred for sentinel weapons for some reason. So much blatant power creep got thrown into open worlds all over the place, but for some reason the sentinel weapons (and the fortuna sentinel) are among the worst in the game, and very blatantly so. I guess there's supposed to be an ice beam okay for status?

    unrelated, prisma burst laser feels like it SHOULD be a decent status spray gun, but despite its supposed 100 accuracy the gun just seems to wildly spray to all of the sides of the target and rarely hit them.

    I wonder if Dethcube's completely horrendous default precept will be addressed at all with the prime coming up, or if they'll just ignore it.

    Burst rifle is really effective and doesn't miss as often as laser rifle tbh. Both have perfect accuracy and shoot all over the place instead of landing perfect shots. I guess something is wrong with sentinels guns accuracy too...

    Perhaps we'll see some tweaks along with dethcube prime, who knows !

  5. il y a 42 minutes, Aldain a dit :

    And somehow still not actually worth it.

    Did you actually read me ? If you can't run a few survival missions (5 for instance as far as i was concerned) that's up to you but don't blame DE cause you don't want to play the game to actually get something from it. You'll need a few days if you don't want to spend plat, if not that's only a 4hrs worth of missions at worse.

    A few hours of survival isn't what anyone could call grind, it's definitely some basic gameplay. How much time did you spend in this forums instead of getting it ? That would be an interesting debate as opposed to an upteenth "DE sucks, they don't give me anything for free" thread.

    If one can't run survival missions, he should definitely quit the game. I'm pretty sure most people here did spend much more time getting the two last guns from disruption missions than actually trying to get the Hema, as always people like to complain about anything.

  6. Vulcax (MR14) actually is a direct downgrade to the Vulklok (MR 0) for weird reasons. First everything it does is weaker than Vulklok - It fires less since rate of fire is way easier to increase than reload speed. Second it does way less damage while still dealing elemental only (fire as opposed to electricity). Third its critical and status chances are both weaker. And finally it even has a charge attack (so even slower).

    Nothing justifies such a high MR, especially its quite awful stats. I couldn't say if something went wrong in the design or the execution process but something is definitely missing since Vulcax is performing really bad. Perhaps DE did forget to add a 4-6m radius explosion or something but without any special ability, this gun definitely needs a buff, at least to explain such a high MR and make it viable.

    All sentinel aren't necessarily mastery fodder, one can get quite decent results with many guns (so far i've tested laser rifle, burst laser, deconstructor, death rifle, vulklok, cryotra and i've only heard good things about the sweeper & Artax), they can kill a lot of enemies all by themselves but Vulcax is really, really bad. Such a slow firing high mastery weapon should have way more assets than drawbacks.

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  7. Il y a 3 heures, Vethalon a dit :

    Dude, I don't and I've been playing tons of Derelict, I remember the old ODD days when that was basically our endgame XD I also always have a resource booster active. I spend like 30h with my clanmate and a nekros in ODS to get around 2000 Mutagen samples. The main problem is, that it's only Derelict and while Derelict is fun and you can use it to level, you never go there while doing anything else. I hate repetitive stuff. I always change up what missions I do, what frames, what weapons. In playing this way I acquired 3000 Mutagen Samples over 6 years / 2000h playtime. They should just make them drop on Eris too.

    "Dude" one definitely doesn't need 30hrs to get 2k mutagens in derelict missions. My wife and I did get enough samples for our own clan with a 3 days boost only, and we were running 40min survival mission (Nekkros+Khora - rare and double ressource boosts - Smeeta). If i ain't wrong we ran something like 5 or 6 missions, i was getting around 400 samples alone per mission.

    As usual people are whining cause they can't solve their own issues by themselves, and tbh if every member was getting this samples to help the whole clan it'd be even easier but most people don't care or are just lazy - Coming here telling us it should be nerfed instead of actually playing the game is easy though. I was levelling my gear up during this so-called grind so it's a win-win, and one can also get a dragon key and get some rare mod.

    If you're running your clan solo or if other members don't care about helping that's definitely a different issue, most related to human nature than game's balance.

    So no Hema isn't a 2000hrs challenge, it's barely a few days, it doesn't even need platinium if you're greedy enough cause as i said you can also wait for a daily/sortie reward to go find some. If you want mutagens, you can get them - But i agree with your whole point, mutagens alone won't come by themselves.

    • Like 1
  8. @[DE]Rebecca What about a tool helping with monopoly next ?

    Riven trading has been disturbed for a long time by hoarders who are making thousands of plat only by organizing a systemic monopoly. Here what happens as soon as something interesting comes to their eyes :


    Things are even worse since you added aditional riven slots. I don't mind a tool to see how much a riven is worth but as soon as a bunch of hoarders are buying every single riven they can find to fix their own price a week later, how can your tool help with that ?

    Monopoly is strictly forbidden in real life (at least states try to prevent it since free economy always bring such things) so you should fix your virtual economy laboratory asap cause you're only making a few dishonest people richer and screwing everyone else in the process.

    Not sure your playerbase will spend 50$ on a riven that easily, you're only restricting the whole riven market to a few traders who are drowning under tons of plat without spending a single dollar, euro or whatever. 

  9. Lua lens is only another lens, nothing mandatory since you can get tons of focus only doing a few ESO with an affinity boost up.

    Hema doesn't need that much effort either cause you only need ressource boosts, a few survival sessions in derelict do the trick.

    Sure you'll need to use boosts if you don't want to spend that much time doing that but (1) small amount of plat is easy to find (2) Warframe is free to play, stop thinking DE owes you anything (3) you can even get free boosts each day or with a sortie so you can plan what to do with these too.

    Everyone is stupidly doing Hydron over and over again all day long but there are still some people to complain about Hema ? Do some derelict survival instead, no rocket science. If you need easy focus ESO is the answer. XP and ressources is what you get when you basically play, what's wrong with people nowadays - Play the game and profit. This isn't even grind, no one forces you to to farm anything at all, spend two days in a row instead of a month or even to play the game at all.

    Complaining is easy though, hopefully some players are able to sort out their issues by themselves instead of coming here telling DE how to do their job.

    • Like 1
  10. Le 10/09/2019 à 17:02, Syq111 a dit :

    For the love of everything is right and good,bring back manual blocking. I wanna be back as knighty nighty Knight with my Shield and meele

    Blocking could definitely replace charged attack command while using a sword & shield. It could build combo points while blocking and perhaps launching a charged attack when one stops blocking.

    I don't mind autoblock cause blocking was a niche gameplay only a vocal minority seems to care about but since some mods still require it, adding a way to block without removing what has been done yet could definitely be viable. Problem is that we don't have enough details yet about what will be done with combos and charged attacks (if it is even set in stone).

  11. Il y a 13 heures, Gwyndolin-chan a dit :

    I don't understand how anyone can have any issues as long as they use the tools provided to them by the game. Need tankiness? Quick Thinking. Don't have Quick Thinking? Armored Agility, Rush, Speed Drift, Amalgam Serration -- more sprint speed, less getting hit. Need room-clearing? Use Saryn/Volt/Ember/Equinox. Need CC? Use 3rd. Not enough mod capacity? Orokin Reactor and/or Forma.

    Because Gauss does have a power that is supposed to help with his tankiness so why would we use anything else than his own kit ? Most people arguing here didn't even get OP's point, Gauss isn't bad nor lacking of efficiency by any means, he's just a complete design mess that seriously lacks of consistency and balance.

    And i'm still wondering why people aren't utterly disappointed by his awfully designed synergies cause getting a dozen seconds buffs every minute isn't interesting at all gameplay wise especially since player doesn't choose when he'll get the buff - You're just getting it after your stupid redline meter automatically reaches 100%. As i said previously, no one cares about a buff you can't activate at will, it's just bad design - i'm waiting for 40s to get this synergy and what ? enemies are gone, dead, round is finished, i have to go to the next point etc. This has to change cause it's not working at all ingame. If i really need to use that awfully expensive kinetic plating along with Redline at 100% i can't even choose the right time, and if i'm using kinetic plating to save my arse then i'm totally ruining my redline progress and have to start it all over again...

    Arguing if Gauss can survive or kill isn't helping cause all frames can survive or kill - but design consistency, balance and ressource management are definitely what we should discuss about, especially since Gauss is a brand new frame - and an overcomplicated one.

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  12. Il y a 12 heures, Xzorn a dit :

    I think what you mean is  "No status chance Pistols need help".

    Not sure about the status hype many people seem to have here. Last time i was killing high level Grineers it was with a Paracesis (lots of combo, tons of critical) i wasn't stripping armor cause i was oneshoting everything. Armor isn't that much of an issue when you're dealing high damage red criticals.

    On the other hand status only weapons aren't necessarily performing well cause their damages aren't scaling so you'll always deal the same ridiculous amount of damage. Slash or poison are pointless options cause their damages won't be buffed either. The only thing they're good at is to strip armors but what next ? Even without armor you still need to deal huge damage to kill high level enemies. And status weapons basically suck at that. I've tried three different options with my Braton prime once (critical, status and hybrid), and status was always performing worse - by far especially because arcanes and kavat can buff your critical so you'll always miss lots of damage as a whole, nothing helps with status only.

    What's actually working is high fire rate weapons with enough damage and high critical along with a few status, enough to apply a few corrosive procs, not much but enough to weaken your target. Red crits headshots are a really different category than white damages and until damage 2.0 fix that, we're stuck with a really unbalanced damage mechanics.

    Not sure people craft some full status kitguns tbh, it's a good hint.

  13. Il y a 19 heures, MJ12 a dit :

    You're acting like "you can die only if you're not careful enough" is a defense when "not careful enough" means literally "oops I screwed up a single shot out of the hundreds or thousands I'm firing every mission and nicked myself with a millimeter of the blast radius, I guess this is such an unforgiving game that this means I deserve to fall over for it." It is absolutely not a consistent implementation to the difficulty curve of the rest of the game, and the idea that it's "just common sense" that you should stop using explosive guns if you want to run into enemies is not a defense. If you want a game where a single mistake means death, go play ArmA, except the joke is that ArmA self-damage is honestly more forgiving than Warframe simply because everyone moves so slowly, engagement ranges are often a dozen times longer, and you fire maybe 1% of the shots in a mission that you do in Warframe.

    Literally nothing else in Warframe punishes one wrong move or single careless mistake with instant death, and this means that the fact that self-damaging weapons do in Warframe is a problem because it's an unreasonable difficulty spike. The fact that quarters are so tight and movement is so rapid that it's easy enough to make that mistake just makes it worse.

    There's absolutely no difficulty curve. Most people complaining about explosive guns are stupidly running into enemies no matters what as if they're using some kind of Ignis or whatever.

    Last time i died using an explosive weapon (Zhuge if i ain't wrong) one of this genius was running everywhere like a rabbit on drugs and was in front of me while i was shooting. I'm not fan of the get gud argument but at this point i'd say we're experimenting a stop being an idiot argument.

    Plus you need more than a simple "mistake" to die from a 5m radius perimeter, seriously try ingame to see what 5m is... It's ridiculously small, you basically need to fire at point blank to die from that so you know what, people in real life don't get killed by such weapons cause only an idiot would shot at short range with a rocket launcher...

    What's next, people complaining cause they can't kill from afar with a bow, or can't kill enemies through walls with a blade...Even a feedback thread needs some common sense. If one isn't smart enough to use explosive weapons then he can use a lot of other guns or even kill himself and wait for someone to resurrect him. It's always happening when someone is using a Lenz anyway, some players are even laughing at their ridiculous deaths.

    Whiners do not have any sense of humor ?

  14. Il y a 23 heures, JackHargreav a dit :

    What major flaws she has?

    Lack of synergies, Aegis storm preventing her from using her kit, energy orbs are basically worthless but she still can make them drop like candies, being low health thus quite vulnerable to slash/poison with some terrible bandaid mechanics (overshields... she never gets enough overshields, especially when stupidly flying slowly without being able to get some), she's litteraly worthless against infested and playing with armor strippers (Mag, Saryn, Forst, Oberon or even another Hyldrin or too many quite popular Corrosive projection auras) basically impairs her whole kit (ressource management & amount of survivability).

    Sure she's a really good frame but this issues could have been solved so she could be used in any kind of content, or with any kind of team at full power.

  15. Il y a 5 heures, alseltas a dit :

    The “overheat” but not “battery maintenance” is what I imagined when I heard that phrase. It’s interesting and sounds fun to me.

    Edit: I have an idea which if gauss is moving it decreases or disables heat effect. Real life vehicle’s radiators work in that way.

    In addition I would love if the Thermal Sunder’s fire decrease the overheat penalty and its damage scales with how much meter goes up. Heat Exchange is an important point of cooling system.

    Thermal Sunder's fire definitely needs something more to be viable. Atm it's a weak power that certainly doesn't need an extra (battery) cost, the explosive synergy can be fun but once again it isn't worth extra battery cost, especially with such low damages and range. Extra damage fire's buff and armor stripping are also lacking of Ooomph ! Tbh This synergies are way too expensive and overcomplicated to get so few results...

  16. Il y a 14 heures, JackHargreav a dit :

    I think it will take a week at least to make changes on him. 

    And then it'll end like Hildryn, major flaws will never be solved, so we'd better stop acting like fanboys and telling DE what's really wrong in his kit now cause that's our only chance to help with his issues.

  17. Lots of people are complaining about kinetic plating and thermal costs but even with lower costs it'll always end with redline being ruined as a whole. I'm afraid that Gauss needs more than some tweaks only. Way better battery gains and a way to freeze battery loss while under redline effect could help.

    As far as i'm concerned i consider Gauss has some serious design issues concerning how redline works as a whole. We have absolutely no control at all on it, as opposed to Baruuk who builds some ressource and can use it at will whenever he wants to, we have absolutely no control over Redline. We're just setting there waiting for getting as much battery as we need to overcharge and can benefit from it only at the end, even if we don't need it. That's some major design flaw.

    We should be able to decide by ourselves when we can overcharge our own frames, waiting 40s to build up some stupid ressource and getting some interesting synergies in the last few seconds only doesn't work. Each time i build up my redline i end with a fully charged Gauss and no more enemies/end of the round/gotta move etc.

    Not fun. Gauss is a really interesting frame, as long as you only care about redline inital buffs, sprinting and freezing enemies he's fine but everything else is completely screwed.

  18. Il y a 8 heures, (XB1)Knight Raime a dit :

    -That literally doesn't change my argument.  Those are those frames primary survival tools.  Kinetic plating isn't his.  "no one cares" yeah cool.  Again, doesn't change the situation.  If you don't like the design of speed and cc being his main defense then he's not your frame.

    -The fantasy part was about the OP's issue with how much/little freedom of movement his speed ability has.  So if you're going to attempt to actually counter anything i'm saying at least be aware of what you're attempting to argue against instead of cherry picking responses for your own benefit.

    -I'm literally not a fanboy if you've been keeping up with my discussion in the main thread.  I've openly stated I have issues with parts of his kit in that thread.  And I did come around to the whole cost argument literally today when someone was kind enough to provide me video evidence that goes against what my experience from viewing has been so far.  But I mean if you need to take low blows at me for your free ez forum karma that's no skin off my nose.  

    You're the only one who brings fantasy here, and not even a single argument.

    Let me explain you how Gauss whole kit is supposed to work and synergize.

    1. Get 100% battery

    2. Cast Redline

    3. Cast 1 and 3 (frost only) to never be under 100% battery or you'll stop getting redline charge.

    4. Pray to be able to get 100% redline before its duration expires.

    5. Then you can cast kinetic plating with no cost and enjoy a few seconds of tankiness (if you still need it at this time - which is kind of dumb as a mechanics tbh)

    Since you're ending at 100% redline you can rince & repeat and start all over again at 2 with a full battery.


    If you're depleting your battery yourself at any point Gauss whole kit is basically screwed cause you're already spamming 1 & 3 to NOT go under 100% battery,

    If you're ending redline by yourself (likely not at 100% yet then) or using thermal (fire) or kinetic plating you'll never synergize anything and basically fail at getting 100% redline, you're good to start all over again and the funniest part, you'll start at a ridiculous low level battery - so you basically have to spam even more 1 & 3...

    Still not seeing what's wrong with Gauss whole gameplay ? If you're using kinetic plating and Thermal with fire (so half of his kit and synergies) without 100% redline, you're preventing his whole kit from working - no synergies at all and the worst part - you're ruining your whole redline session.

    Gauss is working with 40-60s redline cooldowns, you need a full minute to build some stupid ressource and enjoy a few seconds synergies, which means you'll never be able to enjoy his potential at the right time, everything is activated at the same time - ever. You can't even speed up redline gain or freeze its loss, this part of Gauss is stupid as hell - Game is controlling this frame, not you.

    And tbh i wouldn't even play Gauss without using Redline so what's the point. Gauss needs some serious balance tweaks and perhaps a way to help with redline's overcharged battery management. Not being able to use Gauss whole kit is no fun (and it's not a good job either).

    • Like 2
  19. Il y a 1 heure, (XB1)Knight Raime a dit :

    And in all those instances that you've listed those abilities are meant to be their front line defense.  Where as kinetic plating is intended to be your secondary defense, speed and cc being your primary.  And that's cool that you have options.  Doesn't change my statement about his design intent though.  You can feel free to dislike their specific fantasy they wanted to go with for Gauss.  But you can't fault it in an objective manner just because it's not the specific fantasy you wanted.

    What you fail to see (intentionally ?) is that all frames kits he listed aren't impaired by their own defensive powers. No one cares about Gauss having some CC (12m radius only CC and frontal knockdown aren't lifesavers at higher levels anyway - sure it helps but stop telling us Gauss doesn't need to rely upon kinetic plating at some point - this power isn't by any means built as a "secondary" defense... damage mitigation is always your primary line of defense).

    You can call things you don't agree with fantasy all day, it won't make kinetic plating and the terrible battery management better. As OP said, synergies aren't even a reality if you're using this power, battery is globally barely useful if you're using this power. We aren't talking about fantasy nor design, but only about balance.

    We all got you're Gauss fanboy now but this is a feedback thread so any kind of constructive criticism is a good thing to help this frame being improved. Just like any new frame it definitely needs some tweaks - kinetic plating along with battery management aren't still balanced.

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  20. Le 04/09/2019 à 21:28, MJ12 a dit :

    In a game where tight quarters, rapid movement, and hordes of enemies are commonplace

    Most area damage weapons have a 5m radius only, do you really think that there's an enemy every 5m in the whole map ? I've killed thousand of various enemies in various places with every single explosive weapon in the game and tbh you can die only if you're not careful enough. Maybe infested could be an issue since they're running for you but once again, shooting at short range with such gun is just stupid, blame players here.

    Seriously, if you want to run into enemies stop using explosive guns, that's just common sense.

  21. Tbh who cares about Akarius slow reload speed, it's already buffed while sprinting, you can fire only two clips before depleting its entire ammo pool and synth set is a thing. Better switch to another weapon than reloading it at this point.

    I'm much more concerned about Akarius being an impact+explosive full status weapon though, homing prevents from aiming at heads, explosive ruins it anyway, impact+explosive are helping with nothing and low critical weapons have no future unless they have really interesting mechanics/damage types or until damage 2.0 rework.

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