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Posts posted by 000l000

  1. I'm much more concerned about ESO being barely playable without a Saryn than actual leechers. At least you can leave after you just spotted one as opposed to how progression is basically linked to Saryn endless spreading dps.

    I don't see that many leechers though, less than newbies or people who are leaving at the first or second wave. And if i meet one, i just leave.

  2. Le 13/08/2019 à 08:03, Chewarette a dit :

    Honestly the game is in a good spot right now balance-wise, except a few Warframes which needs some tweaks (but that takes time and they're already on it).

    The difficulty and scaling, well that's probably already included in the new tilesets/enemies/game modes anyway.

    No. Just no.

    If everyone wasn't gearing with corrosive, using Saryn only in ESO, spamming nothing but Ignis & Spin-2-win or even facerolling every content before the lvl 100-120 range and aiming for red crits cause status basically isn't scaling at all - i would say you couldn't be more right.

    Sadly, you can't be more wrong. Balance is awful and until we get melee 3.0, damage 2.0 and some content update, no one can say WF is balanced. Enjoyable, but certainly not balanced. Gearing corrosive only shows that even the whole damage mechanics isn't balanced at all.

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  3. Il y a 18 heures, Ghostwise7 a dit :

    For players with poor eyesight, the shimmer/visual effect of hotpots blends into the general water visuals.

    It becomes easy to see a hotspot that isn't there (say, due to a sunlight reflection) or miss a hotspot that's there (due to insufficient visual contrast).

    The Oxylus' fishing precept helps a fair bit, but the minimap icon isn't precise enough. Knowing for a fact that it's there is a great help, but you still end up desperately staring at the water trying to see where it looks different (and not finding it).

    Could the Oxylus' precept also do some in-world spot designation ? Like shining a bright red searchlight on the spot, or lobbing a bait-like object into the hotspot to mark it.

    That'd help older people, visually impaired people, folks who simply suck at picking visual contrasts, and kubrows (kubrows are known for their poor eyesight).



    Unless you're in a grotto, flying high above the ground helps with that. You can't miss hotspots from above - Reflections and light effects aren't much impactful from above.

  4. Il y a 3 heures, Vethalon a dit :

    I like to play some games with a controller, but handling guns without a mouse is incredibly gimping. Analogue sticks are awesome for movement, but horrible for targeting and for me at least, horrible at camera control. If Warframe was a melee-only game with a fixed camera I'd probably prefer using a controller aswell.

    Never had any issues with gun and headshots with a controller (and i'm playing Harrow a lot), i think one needs to get used to it. In fact i'm even more precise with a controller cause both sticks can be used together to help with aim - mouse on the other tends to be a little jerky cause usually one finger is way more stable than your whole hand. the thing i don't like at all is that keyboard is a mess when it comes to handle smooth movements and globally mouse & keyboard both synergize less than two sticks - especially on such a game - Warframe isn't your usual FPS shooter, movement matters a lot.

    But most players are using Ignis anyway (at least on PC since i'm not playing with console players), so who cares. 😄

  5. Il y a 5 heures, (XB1)Zweimander a dit :

    Think about the console players like me though. The changes made to the melee system made it so much easier for us and if the cost of that is a slight inconvinience to one platform so be it!

    Most people complaining about it aren't using controllers, as far as i'm concerned i'm playing on PC but using a controller though. Last time i've had to play with mouse & keyboard i've found the game way less enjoyable, less smooth - and th a bit of a mess.

    Tbh this kind of game shouldn't be played with anything but a controller or at least some people should try once, handling guns/melee/parkour/operator/powers at the same time is definitely a real pain. No wonders some players are only spamming their frame's 4th, even switching from one power to another feels lame. Anyway, having tested both i wouldn't get back to my keyboard, for any reasons.

  6. Il y a 23 heures, Awazx a dit :

    The problem is that 90% of the "increases" are not really "increases": they are modifications, and in many cases, bad or unnecessary modifications. Almost none of the "increases" available deserve a mod slot.

    What are you even talking about, increasing range/damage/duration are actual increase. Maybe you should check twice your sources - especially your quite arbitrary 90% - before complaining for no reasons.

    Complaining without even caring reading what actually changed is the new hype or ?

  7. Il y a 5 heures, Gofretko a dit :

    And most people can't obviously understand it's about efficiency, you included. I actually love my job and my personal time and I'd like to get the rewards from Warframe more efficiently since that means I can quicker get to do other activities I also enjoy. Where's the mystery?

    Plus, do we really have an exact deadline for Nightwave 2.0? Honest question. Yeah, "chill and relax and don't hurry up" and then boom, sorry, Nightwave is over. Again, where's the mystery?

    You people should stop parroting your nonsense argument already.

    Games aren't about efficiency, they're about having fun only. I'd care about efficiency if i was talking about my job. Efficiency is only something you're looking for personally for your own reasons - I'm pretty sure one can have a lot of fun at any game and still suck at it or even miss some rewards. It's also kind of a guy thing, my wife is also playing the game and i can tell you that women aren't much into the effiency thing - fun is top priority and tbh she wouldn't do something she doesn't have fun with in the first place.

    People are mostly missing what a game is originally about, hence the whole toxicity thing since a decade. A game isn't a job, and wasting time in a game is not even relevant since playing is already a waste of time. I'm really serious about people chilling out - Reading this forum only show how stressed people are, even for a simple game.

  8. Many people are complaining about how hosting is handled in Warframe and tbh it leads to some terrible gaming experiences no one wants to hear a thing about. The only option we have is to get a ping threshold, which isn't even working since ping can go up and down at any time (if the guy who's hosting is downloading stuff for example - and i've met a lot of them, ping starts at 100, then we get 2k). Some people also have terrible and poor connections, they quite often know it but they're still hosting for some reasons.

    For my part i've stopped playing this game as a guest cause it's basically unplayable half of the time. My connection is quite excellent and my wife is also playing the game so there's little to no chance we aren't hosting. Sure it helps (at least for us) but two things are definitely missing in Warframe:

    1. First, decent options to handle better connections such as an option to never be the host for example. If one has some terrible connection and is aware of that why would he ever be the host anyway ? - Sure he'll get his own hosting but all players will left the second they'll enter. Game should also check the real ping (including his up and down) - if i want to play with low ping players, i shouldn't get 1k ping afterward - that doesn't make any sense.

    2. Cause the first option isn't necessarily viable, Warframe definitely needs to handle LAN-coop and at least multiple hosts. If i'm playing with a friend, a brother or my wife/husband, why the hell would they have lags if i'm hosting ? WF needs to handle clients on the same connection and LAN-coop to help with people having poor connections too. Playing solo is definitely not fun but most content is really fun with at least two players, and lags shouldn't be an option. Multiple people playing on the same connection shouldn't have different experiences of the game either. Sure it's weakening a connection but then it leads to my first point.

    Tbh even a pure LAN without a single internet connection would only affect relays and chats, two things we barely care of. Anyway this game really needs to handle multiple clients playing on the same connection, especially if this connection can handle it. I don't mind damage 3.0 or additional content, but hosting deserves a real QoL to make the game at least playable for a lot of players.

    • Like 1
  9. Le 09/08/2019 à 10:59, (PS4)Multi-Melta a dit :


    You're forced by no one to do absolutely nothing at all. There's absolutely no issue with Nightwaves but only the way you're actually playing a game. You can miss lots of missions and still get every single reward so you need to chill out and relax - World won't even crumble if you miss one or two things, seriously - most of them are only cosmetics anyway.

    Most people complaining around here can't get the simple point that Warframe is only a game, we aren't forced to anything if this is no fun. If a daily isn't much interesting to me, i don't care - simple as that.

    And when i'm bored with Warframe there are bilions of other games around to be played. This game isn't supposed to be played that much by vets, it becomes quite repetitive anyway even if newest contents brought a lot of new stuff.

  10. Best build i've tried is a full critical chance / Multishot along with Hunter munition. I've also removed any element to add argon scope. Against high level enemies the only thing you should care of is getting insane red slash procs. One shot, one kill.

    Best Ferrox asset is its really high critical chance so aim for red crit asap.

  11. Il y a 15 heures, [DE]Rebecca a dit :

    Currently on live: If you hit an enemy with a Status Effect (like Toxin) then Freeze them with a Cold Status Effect, it prolongs the duration, but only if you got the Status Effect in before Cold hit. You could never apply new Status Effects while an enemy was Frozen, which was detrimental in many ways to builds and teamplay. These Status Effects will run their normal durations for consistency after this change, while allowing new ones!

    Does that mean status are being looked at globally atm or we won't see any damage rework anytime soon ?

  12. Diminishing return.

    Diminishing return on damages and critical mechanics. Thus it'd help with Riven high disposition power creep and encourage more hybrid builds than pure red criticals in your Grineer's face. Discrepancy between high critical and high status weapons is real - and status weapons do have a really low ceiling (100% and you're done).

    Diminishing return on scaling/cumulative mechanics such as Gara's splinter shield, Saryn's spores, Banshee's / Ember's / Chroma's / Mirage's multiplicative damage buffs. These are already really powerful, they don't need to be THAT powerful.

    Diminishing return on CCs too, enemies abilities included - we shouldn't see permanent stun/bumps in a 2019 game - Warcraft did get rid of that a few decades ago. No one is having fun when unable to play - literally.

    Diminishing return on range and duration to prevent some abilities to be out of control, including a line of sight limitation on most damageing abilities. This is a shooter game, being able to kill what you can't see isn't making much sense. They did that with melee, we need that on powers.

    More diminishing return on scaling enemy levels too, armor/shield/health and damages. We should see some logical increase but at some point balance should make any endless mission reach an optimal level of dfficulty instead of making us use and abuse broken frames/mechanics. Such things as armor scaling shouldn't even reach 95-99% range, a ceiling is highly needed in most Warframe's departments.

    Sure it'd be a huge amount of work and it's no prioriity since WF is currently more a "collect content" game more than a "play content" game, but balance also means people would be able to have more fun in more fair content. For now they're mostly complaining about content being locked behind actual play, which is quite ironical.


  13. People should stop thinking Revenant is some kind of nekros or whatever. Thralls are slaves, not soldiers - they're meant to die, that's basically how Revenant is designed as a whole hence "Thrall" calling. they're cannon fodder, not minions supposed to kill anything by themselves.

    Your passive is not much interesting because of adaptation alone and tbh passives are never that powerful anyway.

  14. il y a 47 minutes, JohnLemon123 a dit :

    I can only speak for myself here, but I think this sort of thing is probably the second biggest problem revenant has (besides his cast times): the ridiculous amount of useless clutter. 

    His descriptions would lead one to believe that there is a hundred things going on with each of his abilities, that each one of them synergizes with the others in many ways, and that this somehow makes him well-designed. And yet, when you look at them closer... 

    the pillars turn other enemies into thralls. However, these thralls don't drop either overshield Or pillars of their own upon death, making the whole thing a lot less relevant than it could've been. 

    mesmer skin can give allies a charge by reaving through them. ONE charge. As in SINGULAR. Yeah... I don't think that much needs to be said there. 

    Mesmer skin charges are returned when reaving through a thrall. Mostly mediocre considering your 2 already exists, but would be way better if it scaled off power strength. 

    Reave restores health and shields, which are both completely useless thanks to how mesmer skin works. Could be solved really easily by having shields protect the charges, and the charges protect health. 

    The passive Interacts with shields, which (again!) makes it useless due to mesmer skin. Wouldn't be bad at all if mesmer skin was tweaked slightly. 

    Danse gives you overshields (you know where this is going!) when killing thralls, so that useless too! It could've been a great synergy had the pickup been one that gives back either a charge of mesmer or some energy, but as it stands? Yeah, no. 

    Danse can accumulate taken enemy damage and redirect it to its own lasers, which should be really good at helping him scale, but it's yet again useless and irrelevant thanks to that pesky mesmer skin!

    Reave can cleanse status effects and apply them to enemies (I'd bet no one remembers that one!) but mesmer skin already makes you immune to status! 

    Blinding Reave can blind revenant's own thralls. Why? I dunno! But then again, why does blinding Reave exist to begin with? 

    Revenant is a mess, clear and simple. He has many, MANY issues, but a significant number of them could be resolved with a single change to his two:

    Make it protect his health, but not his shields. That alone would already make him feel a lot less messy, and might even encourage people to use adaptation, or hell, redirection! Not only that, but he'd also be able to run the shield arcanes! Sure, maybe the number of charges could be reduced to 4/5 down from 6 to compensate, but wouldn't that make the frame a lot more exciting, and a lot less one-dimensional? 

    So if i get your point, Revenant needs to give infinite invul to all party members, infest the whole map permanently with pillars or infinite mesmer skin charges through danse macabre ?

    What a joke of a wall of text - if you were working at DE, this already quite powerful frame would definitetely end broken. Have you ever heard of something one calls balance, cause everything you're complaining about is making him balanced. Not every single feature needs to be OP, sure Revenant is a mess but he's a mess because of too many weaker features and tbh half of them could be entirely removed - not enhanced. That doesn't mean Revenant needs even stronger abilities - his synergies work fine and at least he has some as opposed to many other frames. You don't like him reflecting status, let's get rid of it, but quite funnily you don't want that, you want him to be even stronger.

    The guy is already basically unkillable with some irresisitible control and two of the strongest damage abilities (Danse and Reave through thralls), why would DE care about giving him more than that ? Some of your laments aren't even relevant since they're part of his design - Revenant not being necessarily immune to status while in danse macabre for example, since there's no way to get mesmer skin back while channeling it, so yeah, giving status back does make sense. Even getting overshield makes sense since he's stacking it while being temporarily invulnerable (so getting health doesn't make sense).

  15. Le 03/08/2019 à 11:33, PsiWarp a dit :

    You can't use any of his thrall synergies when they are reduced to pillars. Thralls die in split seconds unless they have insane amounts of Armor and damage reduction, meaning those synergies are rarely available.

    They're dying because you're not playing alone, not because Revenant sucks. 🙄

    Each time i play along with any revenant, they are thralls everywhere, as i said it's spreading quite easily. and FyI the best revenant's synergy is to insta-kill thralls with his 3rd so you shouldn't care if they're already dead, it'll save you time.

    And if you really need that small amount of overshield that his 4th provides at low level (since this is the only place where thralls will have such a short life span) you have other issues than Revenant's. No one cares about 50 overshield anyway, that would have been a way better thread but tbh with or without this feature Revenant still rocks.

    • Like 1
  16. Le 04/08/2019 à 06:52, Riger82 a dit :

    The highest I've gotten for repeated melee was in the 800-900k range per swing. Admittedly that was with a multiplier of 3, so not quite the same. But I also don't have a riven for it. I don't want them to nerf melee, though.

    I was mostly pointing out that melee is far more powerful than 'some guns' as the OP said.

    You need to apply a lot of status to buff your damages really high through CO - which means that you can't deal that huge damages if the enemy is killed in one shot. Against insanely high level enemies you may apply more status hence the damage increase.

    Anyway no one cares about level 2000 enemies, most players are killing enemies in the level 30-80 range, perhaps 100-120 if one is spending time in arbitrations. So testing level 2000 stuff is irrelevant at best and isn't worth a thread.

  17. il y a une heure, Xzorn a dit :

    I personally find Armor scaling is a safe guard and not much problem as it's made out to be.

    Huge discrepancy between Grineer and every other faction is an issue and it's pretty much related to armor scaling.

    Huge difference between corrosive and other elements is related to armor scaling.

    We aren't talking about DE getting rid of any damage reduction mechanics, but how current armor is scaling is a huge issue and prevents any balance from working properly. We're all running the same build and only armor stripping frames can handle high level grineers with powers only.

    il y a une heure, Xzorn a dit :

    The lvl 300 run I used as example

    Non offense but no one cares about level 300 runs, that's niche gameplay at best and absolutely no current content makes us fight that high level enemies unless we're spending hours in them. You can't find more irrelevant examples as that and game has not to be balanced around such stuff.

    Quite funnily electricity does pathetic damages on high level armoured enemies but no one is whining about Volt. Warframe badly needs a damage overhaul and DE already stated they were working on that, so yeah - current armor scaling is an issue. Hopefully you aren't working at DE so maybe one day we could see an update that would tremendously help with this terrible damage mechanics where almost half of damage types are all but relevant.

    Ember is definitely nowhere as bad as some people think here, trying better suited builds and gears is the only advice they deserve cause in the end i'm pretty sure the only thing they truly want is an overpowered frame that would only run into mobs, watching them falling like flies. Spin-2-win, semi-afk Saryn and Ignis wraith are some good examples that people don't care about balance, they only care about lazy stuff.

    • Like 1
  18. Thralls are meant to be killed, they aren't minions - that's basically how Revenant has been designed as a whole.

    Thralls are killed, then they're dealing damage to surrounding enemies and creating other thralls, what's wrong with that ? His whole thrall mechanics works like a charm - it's spreading quite easily so why complaining and especially why being frustrated by such a thing ?

    • Like 1
  19. Le 01/08/2019 à 07:04, Xzorn a dit :

    She was at least functional before the last one when WoF could provide ambient CC with spot CC on Accelerant otherwise she just has the same problem most frames do as enemies scale.

    This has been discussed a lot of times already. Ember is fine as she is, sure she could be improved here and there but the only thing that doesn't work fine in Warframe currently is armor scaling. Ember isn't the only frame that suffers from that, and tbh anything but corrosive does have some hard time dealing with that. But as far as i know damages are going to be looked at so maybe the whole game balance will certainly change this year, or the next.

    And concerning OP, if he's struggling with level 100 content he most certainly doesn't have a clue about how Ember is working, she's melting anything but Grineers up to really high level - And from my own experience she can definitely kill even Grineers up to that level with fire only, i don't even use corrosive so yeah, she may struggle against armors but she's the only frame in the entire game who can kill anything armoured with fire only.

    This forum is full of people who are spending their whole life complaining, if only they'd be spending half of that time trying to solve their issues by themselves, we'd have quite a decent feedback thread. They aren't wise enough to complain about the real threat here, armor scaling.

    • Like 1
  20. One and only one suggestion - Limit all AoE powers to line of sight except from what could make sense, Mag's 3rd or Nova's 4th for example. But everything from fire to electricity or spores shouldn't be able to pass through walls and doors. Thus we would see people actually playing  Saryn right (spreading spores) instead of stupidly spamming 4th, which is by no means a way to play her. Semi afk isn't playing.

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  21. On 2019-07-11 at 1:06 AM, IceColdHawk said:

    Sadly, yes. I was also hyped about the Prime since i kinda liked the normal version already. And when i playtested Zhuge Prime, despite the self damage since it doesn't bother me too much personally, i had lots of fun. It felt like a great weapon. Though through all the leveling i was wondering why my damage numbers seemed so low. I had them way higher in memory when i leveled my standard Zhuge and the difference seemed more than just 10% less base damage. So i headed to the simulacrum and found out the disappointment of the month...

    I'm aware that it can proc status quite a bit easier due to each shot, practically hitting twice. But the damage seems lacking for a prime upgrade over the Zhuge. I'd be happier if DE just released a whole new crossbow instead which comes with a built-in thunderbolt instead of making a whole new weapon and labelling it as "Zhuge Prime". It feels like Opticor Vandal all over again 😕

    Yeah i know, way less powerful than the vanilla Zhuge...This weapon is melting heavily armoured enemies like a breeze, and it doesn't even need a lot of ammo since it's dealing really nice area damages.

    Zhuge prime is perfectly fine, only players literally suck. It also could be built as a pure bleeding machine since as opposed to vanilla Zhuge, its prime version is dealing a lot of slash damage. I've tried a viral+slash and it works perfectly fine too.

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