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  1. Most of the time when these topics come up, people just want pseudos to be separately moldable without any compensation so I'm glad you came up with some buffs to make up for the change in status.
  2. I'm not sure if that'd make up the power loss for nor having access to rivens. Also exalted weapon users complain about the lack of power on a weekly basis while statstick users are quietly enjoying the way their frames operate. I thoguh Stat sticks were a bit balanced because you give up your weapon for it and that's why DE allowed them to exist.
  3. Catalyst being a half sphere, would that make him bad at picking off foes who are a ledge below him? Makes it harder to break open crates too.
  4. Maybe they could have ash stand still and the "bladestorm marking aura" would expand from his body In 360 degrees like Garas 4. Then you release and everything tagged will be attacked?
  5. Atlas main here. Sometimes his 2 seems to draw all enemy fire and other times they seem to ignore it. I'm not sure what the cause is. Maybe it's attention grabbing radius needs a buff?
  6. Harrow new and industrial, are those all Pablo framed? They work well because they were guided by one if the few people on DE who play the game regularly.
  7. Theres no point behind making Revanents thralls only able to be killed by Revanent. If enemies are dying as quick as people claim, then you'd end up with an army of thrills that have nothing to shoot at anyway.
  8. I don't think DE wants us to have control of mirage light levels, besides physically moving into bright/shaded areas. Historically, they been nerfing ways to light up mirage when players find work arounds to force bright light onto her.
  9. I casually turn invisible doing Parkour maneuvers. Octavia is smooth once you have a good beat going.
  10. I feel like if De ever made the stst stick abilities separately moddable, we'd lose a lot of the current power we've got with them. Maybe they could throw in some new augments that auto change the ability to use the enemy's weakness? I don't know how balance works myself. I wish more abilities could scale with stat sticks though. Like frosts 1. A lot of my fun in warframe came from managing Stat stcks though. Got to try out rivers and weapons and builds I normally wouldn't touch, and it made the game more enjoyable for me
  11. That would force players to use another of their slots and waste resources on frames they don't want to invest in. The current model allows players to craft frame in the order that they prefer. It's fine and doesn't force anyone else to play the game a certain way. Forcing us to craft normal then prime warframes adds more grind to an already grindy game. People can still play quests to experience the warframe stories at their own pace.
  12. I don't like the current self stagger mechanic because Instead of looking at the problem weapons and adding stagger to just those, they seemed to apply stagger to any guns with an aoe component. It made some weapons harder to use with no reward. Like that one secondary that causes an explosion that opens enemies up for finishers. It encourages short range gunplay, but being too close will stagger yourself and interrupt the flow of combat.
  13. I don't like the removal of his unique dash animation though. If you re added it elsewhere, I think I missed it.
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