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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. *Fae finally lets out an exasperated sigh and turns to leave for 'work', her sister following suit not before giving the limbo clad Orlock a wink. Elith smiles gently before turning back towards Gladis.* "You haven't touched your food"

  2. *Elith frowns a bit and pulls up her commuicator calling the resident sisters Fae and Shyla. The Valkyr and mirage arrive a moment later, both without their helmets, Fae with her signature body length pony tail and Shyla with her hair tied up in a bun. The two sister distinctly have violet eyes.* "Fae doesn't she kind of look like you?" *Elith asked, the two turning towards the girl."

    "I don't see it" *Fae says with a bit of disinterest*

    "I think she does kinda look like you" *Shyla chirps*

  3. Gladis nodded with a soft smile on her crackled lips, "I s-suppose."

    Her hands slowly traced their grasp along her long ponytail; and it was long, it flowed down to about her waist.

    Casually she stroked the ponytail, looking at Orlock quietly.

    *Elith giggles* "You know that pony tail makes you look alot like Fae..." *Elith smiles for a moment almost double taking actually to make sure the resemblance isn't as uncanny as she thinks it is* "By any chance do you know of any other blood relatives?"

  4. Oracle looked around and saw Elith. "Oh... Hi." It said.

    *Elith nodded lightly as it passed the oracle, continuing to the med bay with the young girl. Once there she orders some food from the steakhouse, getting something for both her and Gladis, some soy and rice for Elith, she being a vegitarian, and some grilled poultry and rice for gladis. Something simple for her to digest*

  5. Gladis' head shook while she cradled her stomach. "I'm o-okay." She said softly, beginning to walk to the medical-bay.

    *Elith walked along side her.* "I know it's hard sweetie..."

    (For the sake of having a person to interact with, Malvo's going with.)

    "Apologies for the interruption, sir."

    Malvo turned and politely removed his hat to his chest and nodded at Enderius as he arrived.

    "I just simply cannot leave her here like this. Would you mind if I came along? I'd like to make sure she's okay."

    *Enderius shrugged picking the girl up* "That's fine." *He said taking her to a hotel room*

  6. Malvo looked at Agatha before contacting the security captain;

    'To whom it may concern,

    I have found a Tenno sleeping within the gardens, possibly drunk, or whatever the cause may be.

    While I know that you may have more pressing matters to attend, please work with me on this for a simple moment.

    May I request the room number of this Tenno to bring her to her abode?

    She's rather unsafe sleeping in the open like this.

    - Malvo.'

    He directed his communicator to get a frame of her to send with the message.

    *Enderius shrugs as he receives the message and goes out to find the drunk woman in question, he really doesn't have anything more important to do. He would find the garden she's in, more than likely sleeping peacefully, and bring her to a room in one of the hotels*

  7. Orlock felt terrible for the poor Nyx Prime, but wasn't really sure what to do. So, he moves over and hugs her gently.

    *Elith arrives after a moment, seeing the girl with Orlock, she approaches the two, carefully taking a seat next to them and embracing Gladis as well*

    *Meanwhile Fae's workout it seemingly interrupted by her mischievous sister, so much so that Shyla, the mirage and said sister, runs through the dojo in a full sprint while Fae is sprinting on all fours behind her shouting obscenities in Tenno*

  8. *Smiles sadly as she takes a seat across from the sick girl on the med table, taking the nyx into her arms again to comfort her.* "Do you need anything dear?" *She asked Gynx* "Some food or something to drink?"

  9. Orlock nods. "Yes indeed. Thank you again." He does a small bow, smiling under his helmet.

    *Elith Nods at Orlock* "You're frame should be waiting for you in the Foundry, tell them I sent you and you'll get set up."

    hhmmmmmmmmmm frost prime asks hey does anyone know who i can hook up with

    ((Are you new to RP by chance friend?))

  10. ((I hate to ask this, but who was Lys again? So many characters go in and out it's hard to keep track))

    *Fae thinks a moment, dismounting from the chin-up bar.* "I don't think I knew her that well...a shame though"

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