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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. The echoes of clashes between blades resonated across the majestic walls of the Grand Dojo, its source being from one of the many Dueling rooms, where Evanescence and Serenity pitted their swordsmanship skills against each other. Serenity rushed straight at Evanescence, unleashing a fierce flurry of attacks with deadly aim, with Evanescence struggling to dodge and parry those murderous blows, even with the enhanced agility granted to him as a Loki Warframe. Attacking so recklessly usually leaves one vulnerable to counter-attacks, but in this case, Serenity is able to coordinate her strikes with her Dual Ichors in a way that sealed all the blind spots, despite her rash antics.

    Evanescence is quickly finding himself cornered, as each of her relentless attacks grew closer to hitting its target, and he is running out of options. Perhaps his handicap to using a Skana was a bad idea, but his reputation is at stake if he loses to her. Swerving his body nimbly as he parried, The Loki desperately tried to find an opening to initiate a counter-attack, but to no avail.

    *The Valkyr eventually decides that it's time to stop meditating and makes her way to the training rooms, passing the dueling rooms she hears the sounds of combat and stops in the personal duel to witness the fight as it progesses, her curiosity on the loki somewhat intrigued*

  2. The Trinity rose from her feet and returned his gesture, cradling the Carrier seed in her arms. "It's a pleasure, sir Enderius. I am an infant attendant in service of the Tenno Sentinel nursery."


    Before she could continue, a Shade pup phased into view, clinging onto her face and obscuring her faceplate. Sighing softly, she plucked him lightly off her face and placed him onto her shoulder, where he snuggled up warmly and went back to sleep.

    *Enderius chuckled lightly at the scene* "Well you seem to be doing a fine job of raising them. I have to get back on my route, but if you ever need anything just let one of the staff know and we'll be sure to provide assistance however we can."

  3. Looking over her shoulder, the Trinity smiled a warm smile that could be felt behind her faceplate. "Indeed, sir. The little ones are enjoying their outing here as well."


    The baby Djiin's erratic spinning eventually kicked up a spiral of soil, some of it landing onto the Frost's right foot. Alarmed, the Trinity hurriedly put the little tornado to a stop, then made to wipe the Frost's foot with a large leaf. But before she could begin apologizing, the Carrier seed spat a jet of pond water where the mud stained the Frost, blasting the soil away. The Carrier simply giggled as its caretaker began scolding it for spitting at others.


    "Do forgive the little ones, sir, they're a little too playful for their own good." she said, as she scooped the Carrier seed away from the water's edge with her hand.

    Is silent for a moment before letting out a hearty chuckle "It's quite alright miss! They're still just younglings and besides my frame was due for a detailing anyways." he offered a bow to the Trinity "I am Enderius m'lady"

  4. STfci5b.jpg


    A motherly-looking Trinity stepped into the gardens, her arms full of baby Sentinels. Stopping at the edge of the pond, she lowered herself into a kneeling position and laid her pets onto the grass. A Wyrm nymph dove into the water and began to chase the koi fish as the Djiin baby tried to burrow itself into the soil by spinning on the spot. At the pond's edge sat a Carrier seed, blowing air into the water's surface while a Dethcube core observed the resulting ripples curiously. The sleepy Shade cub was not in the mood for playing, and fell asleep on top of a moss-covered rock. The Trinity watched them all fondly, thinking quietly to herself. Very soon, they would grow big and have to be outfitted with implants, and the Dethcube would have to be fitted into its tempered-alloy hull. She should enjoy her moments with them as infants while they lasted.

    *She would hear heavy footsteps approach from behind her, a Tenno in Frost slowly calmly approached the motherly Tenno. His presence bearing the same gentle chill as the main park area. On his shoulder is a projection of a purple star, one synonymous with the staff here. He speaks softly but his voice is deep* "Evening miss, enjoying your time in the gardens?"

  5. ".... Maybe not as alike as I thought, hm," he said as he took back the darts. "Well, it was nice meeting you anyway." Finishing the last drop of mead, The Warframe of Mischief grew evanescent, and disappeared.

    *Sighs slamming her head on the table in frustration and gripping her hair.* I'm going to murder my master for this....

  6. "Heh," Evanescence began, opening his eyes. "That particular companion of mine," He twirled a dart in his hand as he spoke, eyes shut again. "Quite the marksman in darts, hmph." With a small finger gesture, the dart zipped soundlessly through the air, hitting the bulls-eye. "Call this a game between friends, hm?" The Loki said as he pushed a bunch of darts over to Fae.

    Fae looks blankly at the darts for a moment "Sorry can't do that" she says taking another drink of her water

  7. "Alya, thanks for the drink though." Evanescence uttered, his eyes closed. It was rare for Evanescence to thank anyone, but apparently the Loki is not as rude and cold as he seems. "Fae, hm. You remind me of a certain someone, but never mind."

    *Tilts her water around in a bored fashion* "Well...whatever the case is I'm convinced coming here was a bad idea."

  8. ((ooc, does you might mean 'yes leave' or 'no stay' srry this is confusing to me))


    After misinterpreting the dirty look, he says, "Do not worry, I have already gotten us drinks in case you run dry. By the way, I am known as The Presence, and what might your names be?" 

    ((Judging by her tone it's a yes leave, sorry for not specifying)

    *She rolls her eyes and sighs* Fae *She says simply before taking another swig of vodka*

  9. "I see you are not really used to drinking," Evanescence noted, his keen, observant eyes fixed itself purposefully on the Valkyr. "I see that you have other motives for coming to this bar, other then to just "socialize", don't you..." He continued, as he closed his eyes to enjoy another sip of the alcohol.

    *Looks back at the Loki* "Honestly I was told I was sent here for an assassination, but when I arrived I received a letter from my grandmaster telling me it was a ruse and I'm to stay here until I at least make one friend outside our clan. I'd rather be back at our Dojo to be perfectly honest"

  10. As The Presence saw the loki exchange places with the valkyr, he placed  5 platinum on the counter with a note '5 mugs of ... suprise me. To the table with the valkyr and loki.'


    He then proceeded to get up and again take the stool with him to join the loki and valkyr. These two seem on edge and they're raising even the banshee's eyebrows, let me find out whyThe bartender's nice too so I'll leave the drink care to them this time. 


    When he reaches the booth, he places the stool on the outer edge, as to not break anything, and says. "Hello, mind if I join you two Betrayers for some drinks?"

    *Shoots him a dirty look, she doesn't much care for being called a Betrayer.* "As a matter of fact I just might"

  11. *She sighs and shrugs, pulling her helmet off letting loose an unusually long black ponytail, almost reaching down to the floor. Like many Valkyr her face is scarred, but her eyes are milky white. Blind perhaps? She takes a drink a sniffs it, making a disgruntled look before tossing back a swig and shuddering as the feeling of warmth rushes over her*

  12. Lifting an eye, seeing the Valkyr leave, memories began to gush into his head. He switch teleported her, and, casually walking back to the table, he asked the bewildered Valkyr, "Hmph. You look, troubled."

    *Jumps back a little, almost reaching for the Jat Kittag on her back before relaxing a moment.* "Sorry, my master fooled me into coming her in order to 'socialize'

  13. *A Valkyr seems to wander through some of the park area and meditation gardens, she in relative silence, tends to them. Trimming stray branches from well trimmed bushes and throwing food flakes into the water for the fish to eat. When she's done she simply finds a stone out on one of the ponds and sits cross-legged, meditating quietly.*

  14. *The clerk responds with a firm shake of his forearm* A pleasure brother and we take platinum or credits, 20 or 2000 respectively. A repair like this should take a few hours to do since it's a bit more advanced. We'll send a drone for you when it's done, anything else you need?

  15. (sorry I was gonna rewrite it but got caught up with something)


    The shop clerk scrutinizes the Tenno for a moment before nodding slowly "Alright it shouldn't take too long for us to fix it. What else is it you require?" If there's any suspicions the clerk does not seem to show any

  16. ((Second Dream rules: While I do recognize this as canon in warframe, it is a still late game part of the story that many people have yet to get to. So please continue playing your characters as they have been portrayed throughout this forum

    If you have questions, comments, concerns, please message me. I may not post but I check my message box if nothing else as it's the -best- way to contact me

    Mods, please treat them with respect and they'll do the same. Here's a list of who I have actively modding: Denny2669))


    The Dojo is an oriental themed station that is an open place for all Tenno to come, socialize, meditate, rest, and hone their abilities. The station itself is a privately owned establishment funded by the good graces of the Tenno Council and the small goods and services tax.

    Tenno are allowed full access to all the facility (Who can be easily identified by the fact they have a warframe on), however due to recent events, all Tenno must submit to a background check before boarding, too many are found guilty of associating with traitors or being outright dangerous

    Staff members can be identified by a purple sun symbol on their shoulder. They are there to help with any questions you may have so do not hesitate to ask. (To see some of the main staff members visit my profile)

    Some come, stay a while, unwind from your travels and welcome!

    The station includes:

    Several different meditation gardens surrounding a large open park area, with it's own day/night cycle and seasonal changes.


    Several public and private dueling arenas, multi-person skirmish arenas and practice courses, such as obstacle courses, firing ranges, and martial art studios for all Tenno, young and old, to hone their skills.

    A several restaurants and bars, including but not limited to a sushi bar, steakhouse, sandwich shop, and a regular bar

    A hotel where Tenno may rent rooms or cyro-pods for extended stays. The hotel itself is equip with it's own bath house with public pools and private springs.

    A marketplace with the latest Tenno weapons and tools for sale, where you may also find several repairing services

    A hanger for Tenno ships, equip with an in-flight simulator for Tenno to practice their pilot skills which can be used by multiple Tenno for the purpose of testing their skills against one another


    A shrine dedicated to fallen comrades, a simple shrine with a small cairn (those stacked rocks) on a small island surrounded by water, full of paper lamps where Tenno might light and add their own at will


    A museum of Tenno history, equip with uncovered old world weapons, texts ranging from laws and rites, that may or may not still apply to modern Tenno, to public literature that depict several events during the old Orokin Era, and even works of art ranging from carvings, paintings and literature


    -Note: All areas and locations are easily found through holographic signs pointing in the direction of the location

    Station rules:

    No fighting outside of designated areas (Dueling rooms)


    1. Do not destroy or tamper any station property such as knocking down trees in the gardens, altering the paths or harming the fish etc.


    2. Respect the privacy of other Tenno's, private rooms are equip with anti-cloak technology to prevent 'peeking' on other residence.

    3. Please ensure all unknown, and possibly contaminated, objects (E.G Plastids, nano-spores etc.) properly accounted for by the staff and sealed properly. If you lack something that can be sealed properly a storage unit will be provided (for a small fee).


    4. This station has a 100% absolute zero-tolerance for violence policy. Anyone who is caught instigating or starting a fight outside of a dueling room will be immediately removed from the station with no chance to plead their case


    -Note: The station, while not publicly advertised, is a well equipped and well armed fortress, capable of taking down a Grineer Galleon, and capable of tracking the stealthiest of Tenno ships (For those who wish to bring harm to a guest by sneaking in)



  17. So I've been thinking about who the Lotus was, especially after reading the Stalkers codex which depicted the Tenno turning on everyone at some big event which makes me wonder does she know? Is she masterminding something even bigger? Is this betrayal why the Grineer call the Tenno "Betrayers". I really get the vibe that the Tenno aren't really being woken up to be the big heroes the system needs, and I especially think Lotus doesn't have everyone's best interests in mind.

    What do you guys think?

  18. So I've been thinking about who the Lotus was, especially after reading the Stalkers codex which depicted the Tenno turning on everyone at some big event which makes me wonder does she know? Is she masterminding something even bigger? Is this betrayal why the Grineer call the Tenno "Betrayers". I really get the vibe that the Tenno aren't really being woken up to be the big heroes the system needs, and I especially think Lotus doesn't have everyone's best interests in mind.

    What do you guys think?

  19. The Artifact



    It wasn't just another mission. It wasn’t as simple as we thought, we didn't expect everything to take the turn it did. Intel suggested the Grineer had stumbled upon something valuable on a northern sector of Earth. That’s when suspicions were raised, we were never told by the Lotus what we were looking for, only that “It is of the utmost importance that you locate the artifact”.

    We eliminated the Grineer guarding the site easily enough, they weren’t expecting us. We found what they had discovered, an entrance leading deep underground. The material was Orokin in nature and the facility itself was decrepit and plagued with overgrowth. 
    As we descended into the vault our coms started failing and became utterly useless to communicate to anyone outside the vault. It wasn’t long however when we picked up movement. We didn’t know if we had been detected or not so we made an effort to tread carefully. It was infested, not unusual for these decrepit vaults, but it was what else was there that disturbed us. They looked old and decrepit and even worse, they looked us, like the Tenno. We didn’t even manage to sneak by them, their perception was deadly, their speed unholy. One of our own didn’t make it, we were overwhelmed too quickly to even try and save him. We ran deeper, saved only by a broken door leading to a light. The light was blinding, but it led to a flooded hole that seemed to be our only escape.
    Unwittingly we went under the surface of the murky waters and swam through the flooded hallways of this underwater Orokin vault. As we did, one of us accidentally activated another security system. The electric current alone killed another one of our own, leaving only myself and one other. But we made it through the watery death trap and came up right under the end of the vault. The interior of the final room was beyond ancient, old outdated materials built it, cracked concrete, and rusted metal bars barely supported the roof and walls. And in the center of the room, a cryo-pod, bearing a title we had never seen before. I barely knew some of the old language but there was a name on the pod. I tried to decipher it but I was interrupted by a dreadful, whirring sound. The sound of a Paris bow. The arrow impaled my last comrade straight through the skull. Suddenly stunned, I turned to face our attacker.
    “You have done well Tenno. You’ve fulfilled your duties, but I’m afraid I can’t let you leave here alive.” It was Lotus. I was too stunned to even dodge the next arrow she fired, hitting me square in the chest, its impact was painful, and likely lethal. I was only conscious a few seconds to see Lotus open the pod, and with a smile she reached in and uttered only one command. 
    “Time to wake up Hayden.”
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