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  1. DE is also well known for not considering the reality of things before designing/implementing things like this. Many events and new content hit these kind of speed bumps. I.e. plague star, an event that was held multiple times had to have point awards changed while it was live because they didn't consider people would pass on a really unpopular game mode when farming event points. I had hoped things would be better once Rebecca took over as director. That has proven to not be the case. A little more thought and preparation would go a long way.
  2. All resources picked up in Duviri are lost upon a host migration. Users keep the quest rewards (items earned with the intrinsics and decrees) but lose everything else.
  3. I love the lore too, but The New War and everything after it feels like a downgrade. The drifter was pretty meh, and Duviri was just a soulframe preview disguised as lazy warframe content. Glassmaker was far more interesting.
  4. I disagree, the endless intermissions are dull. I'd rather have story nightwaves that stick around too long than a dull intermission that stays around way too long. Plus the NW stories are way more interesting than the devs playing with the mechanics for a dull update.
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