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Everything posted by Sojufueled

  1. When the dominant design strategy for difficult warframe content is randomized loadouts, making sure every piece of gear is in good working order for the current state of the game improves all those modes. The payoff isn't how many players choose the frame, it's how much people enjoy all those games modes.
  2. I like it a lot too, but perhaps there's a reason for that. With Arbitrations, then Invigorations, The Archon Hunts, and finally the Circuit the message I got was that DE wanted us to have every weapon in fighting shape. As a result, that's what I tried to do and the randomization of the Deep Archimedia didn't really harm me at all. I can see where someone who decided hell or high water they'll use what they like and naught else might have a bad time of it.
  3. You know the story, right? What the hell is he thinking? Let's operate under the premise that the Emperor believes stupid people can't see his clothes. Then why does he go out in public? Either he has entirely too much faith in the general public, or he's okay with being seen naked by some portion of the kingdom. You'd think the kid would shout, "The Emperor's naked!" and ole' Emps would think, "Found the dumbass."
  4. Nothing else, just that. It's such a great moody tune. Warframe music is, as a rule, good. But this one is a favorite of mine.
  5. Yeah, the specifics of what is happening are a little fuzzy for me, but if you aren't getting energy for damage taken to energy it won't work.
  6. So with Quick Thinking and Gladiator Finesse you can get 300% conversion. With Hunter Adrenaline you convert damage to energy. With Nourish you get an energy multiplier. Is there a level of power strength where Grendel goes infinite?
  7. Good news for the hearing impaired, and people listening to Perun talk for an hour about defense economics in the background.
  8. "The "Negation Swarm" Augment Mod has been retired, its special effect is now part of the base ability: While Scarab Shell is active, hostile Status Effects are ignored at a small cost in Armor." You love to see it.
  9. For me to enjoy kdrive, and by extension Merulina, a couple things would need to happen. First, they would need a system where driving diagonally into a wall surface would do a little wall grind instead of just crashing. That would give a little forgiveness in tight corridors and in general make the experience more fluid. Second, the rider, Yareli in this case, would need a hitbox larger than their head's collision box where they could go into a more aggressive ducking motion to prevent getting clotheslined. Apart from all that, I wish I could mod Merulina.
  10. That Chroma got a special package and no update bodes ill for him. That would have been the moment. He's one of the few frames where the vfx lets him down too. That breath attack looks like a garden fountain, not dragon breath.
  11. Public fissures are kind of like this though, aren't they? Take that bad boy to Conjunction Survival where you can really let it stew. The implied goal of fissures is speed.
  12. What if it just constantly cycled? DR ticks down as damage boost ticks up. The it reaches the max and goes back the other way. Bonus points if you can indicate it by alternating in equal proportion between the two energy colors (or the energy color and the emissive color if you don't like a feature behind forma).
  13. I just hope Sevagoth Prime has smart polarities. He's already a colossal forma sink.
  14. Are you fighting near the rifts or camping out in one spot elsewhere?
  15. Why is he a sergeant? Are the corpus organized in that way? I always assumed they had titles like chairman or manager. He's an officer on a naval vessel isn't he? Do navies have sergeants?
  16. My guess is that the art assets are made for modular archwings, but not the code assets. They're probably really deep onto the back burner because they really only help with Railjack which, despite personally enjoying railjack, is unpopular and probably doesn't have a big update in the pipeline. For that matter, after Railjack got updated to make ships stronger, they've even kind of lost their place there. I'd love to see an 8 player railjack raid where the ship is manned at all stations and 4 players are buzzing around on archwings.
  17. That build is at least 3% worse than the full umbral inaros.
  18. Let's not forget not allowing Nekros' minions to drain all his energy.
  19. Full blown universal might be a bit much, but I have had buyers remorse on some of my umbral polarities lately. It would be nice if they were at worst neutral.
  20. There was an odd point in time where it seemed like they were going to be alternatives for frames that couldn't be prime. They solved that little dilemma by just not caring about it.
  21. Channeling. Evidently I am the only person who misses it. I loved watching them get sucked into the void and it helped a lot with stealth.
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