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Posts posted by TrollchoMaster

  1. Hello !
    Today i discovered a bug with my operator. I went to revive a downed teammate with my operator and went invisible (CTRL) . I started reviving him and mid-revive i pressed spacebar for the void dash. Then i was far-far away from my teammate, but still i was reviving him. The problem mostly occurred in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught . In normal missions i got the bug 3-4 times. Here I recorded the bug for you to see it ! :   https://youtu.be/jCtIp1jE3XM

    Sorry for the sound in the background

  2. I got the mask and then went to the plains. I went to the first touch thing and Nakak told me to go to Konzu. i got all the blueprints and started crafting the parts. Then i went back in the plains and touch the thing again but Nakak didnt start a dialoge and didnt show me where to find the next touch things. And thats why i cant get the main blueprint ! I hope this is just a bug and you guys fix it !

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