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  1. IMO, Inaros isn't in a good place. That said its like D+ ranking for sure. His kit being the hardest thing to use. His abilities are to slow in that they dont spread fast enough or deal enough damage to be Steel path worthy. I would LOVE the idea of Health gating for him. I hope that DE really takes a good look at all the frames on the bottom of the used list.... WHY have 51 frames if the older frames just get tossed out once some one gets a wisp/wukong...... Also while this is abit off topic, it dose pertain to the frames that are played or NOT played based on apperance IMO i love Baruuks kit i hate the way he looks. SO In my opinion we are good on Frames, we should get some focus on balance reworks an maybe even gender swaps options for frames.... I hate Wisp cause she has been gobbling up tennogen Dax deluxe skins... so if she is going to "sell" then why not cash in on making alternate gender options for all the frames -except Xaku it is not either or both?
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