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Posts posted by Jjackal

  1. Just because it is free to play, doesn't mean we shouldn't hold it to the standard of any other game.

    The reason we don't have much faith in the changes is because they have doubled down on MANY bad decisions in the past. Here's a small list:

    1. Univac
    2. All extractors are lvl 1 (and don't scale with enemies)
    3. Hema research costs
    4. Liches kill you based on RNG (they call this "challenging content")

    And now, we see them adding extreme layers of RNG that require copious amounts of grind to even get the rewards from the metaphorical slot machine (Railjack components.) This is leading into some borderline P2W mechanics, and we have the right to complain about that.

    • Like 5
  2. 28 minutes ago, (PS4)MrMushyz said:

    What happened to the builds where life steal was important and such like that. Involving bloodrush, corrosive damage and all that; on pc I had a build where I used inaros and either the war or gelatine prime since they had the most reach, I'd spam channel energy to heal myself and have blind rage to regain energy. I though it was common to run stuff like that on level 100+ enemies unless you had some god tier build for a gun

    I think because operators provide so much healing and energy people just moved away from lifesteal builds once there were no longer optimal/viable. The new melee meta has yet to settle though.

  3. When you use a assassin's creed finisher on a target, you drop aggro for the time being. This is nice, because this way you don't die. This isn't nice, as your sentinel takes all that dropped aggro and instantly dies.

    Basically how this happens is that sentinels have their own threat, different from your warframe's. I assume that when this aggro drop happens, it is dumped on the nearest ally. You can see the same thing happen when you transference out of your warframe. The aggro doesn't immediately follow your operator, or at least I always immediately stealth/dash so same thing.

    So that's why your sentinel is always dead.

    • Like 4
  4. So I appreciate your positivity, but these are valid concerns of the community, not myths.

    Myth 1: This game is turning PTW

              Let's face it: this game has already had PTW mechanics by selling power in the form of forma and potatoes. Just a matter of fact. The issue with this update is that there are more ways to get power that are straight up being sold. You mentioned the one-time purchase of parazon mods and cosmetics and relics. Cool, not a bad deal due to cosmetics. They also sell requiem relic packs, the contents of which are locked behind a farm that is hard-capped in kuva missions (which only spawn at intervals) and soft-capped by thralls dropping them (only very recently added). So that's people paying to be able to play the new content earlier than others. Sure people could buy frames and "experience content" sooner, but they still got to play the new missions until they finished building the frames.

            Additionally: parazon mods (the non-requiem ones) can also be bought with real money, a direct increase to player power (although slight). This wouldn't be a problem if some of the mods weren't a 2% drop from a boss that has an 80% chance to drop a mod at all.

         There's also the issue of forma, but I'll get to that in a later "myth." But as you can see, the argument of "people already buy/have plat" doesn't discount the fact that more PTW mechanics have been added in this update.

    Myth 2: Too much RNG

         I agree with you on some fronts: there's RNG in warframe, and honestly I don't care. But the RNG in this system is excessive compared to the rest of the game. To demonstrate: here's the process of obtaining a kuva weapon:

    1. Get a relic
      1. Go to kuva mission to get a relic 50% of the time or 100% of the time, hard-capped by time
      2. The relic can be one of 4
    2. Crack the relic
      1. The relic has a 40% chance if radiant, 22% chance if intact, to give 1 of 2 possible mods
      2. There are 8 mods total
    3. Guess the combo
      1. There are 336 possible permutations of requiem mods, try to narrow them down
      2. Killing thralls progresses you towards knowing what mods you need, but not the order
      3. Suiciding to your lich also progresses this (for only you though, which means your team won't help you)
      4. Suiciding to your lich has a chance to reveal one mod's ordered slot, dependent on how good you are at guessing?
    4. Get the weapon
      1. The element is determined by frame you kill the larvling with (yay! no rng!)
      2. The element %+ is determined by RNGesus himself (aww, so close)
      3. It is speculated that 85%+ (the highest) is only a 2% drop, so that's a thing
      4. The weapon itself is rng, cool. That means that if you spawn a lich with rad and it's a status gun, it's useless. If you spawn a lich with toxin and it's crit, it's useless. These are the two objectively best elements, so all others would be useless anyways.

         So that is, like, a LOT of RNG. To say that's just a bad version of the current relic system is hogwash, because that's at most 3 layers of RNG, this is way worse. Killing one lich per day could take you well over a year to get all guns with the best stats. All I can say is thank god they aren't tradeable, otherwise this would be rivens 2.0

    Myth 3: Requiem Relics are too hard to farm

         You self-corrected in this one, they are easier to farm now due to thralls dropping them. Still kinda S#&$ to farm due to relying on 5% drops or hard-capped, time-limited, still-not-guaranteed-drop missions. But yes, you are right, this is no longer as bad of a problem.

    Myth 4: I don't want the lich stealing my loot

         Again, you self-corrected. The lich system is now opt-in. That's good, not a huge problem now. That being said, the stealing of loot is basically just another way to try to make players hate their lich, but it really only comes across as a mild annoyance to many (I think anyways)

    Myth 5: Not worth the effort

         This is kinda an issue with most new weapons, really. Unless it's meta-defining, most people don't care unless it's for mastery. This is really just because they already have good, meta-defining weapons that they've invested 6-8 forma into (looks pointedly at catchmoon). So yeah, more this community just getting tired of only weapon drops being the reward, but that's really all there is without cosmetics. That reminds me, the RNG calculations above? That's for kuva weapons, imagine if you're crazy enough to farm for ephemera...

    Myth 6: This requires too much forma

         I mean, it sorta needs a lot. And the argument of "just spend more money 4head" is pretty unacceptable since the forma is linked directly to a weapon's power. That being said, this is more of an issue with forma taking a day to build and not just kuva weapons in general. It just highlights it because it will literally take over a month of just, well, waiting, if you start with only forma blueprints.

    Myth 7: This is too grindy

        See Myth 2, but add in ephemera grinds and the fact that one of the most efficient ways to grind is literally repeatedly killing yourself. Yeah, this just feels bad dude, don't try to defend it.

    • Like 4
  5. So right now, the lich system feels bad. Yes, the grind is rough, there's layers of RNG that suck the life out of a lot of players, but that's not what I'm here to complain about today.

    So a lich spawns. You damage it. Effectively defeat it. Then it kills you. Why?

    To me, this seems like a cheap attempt at making the liches feel powerful. But, instead of a lich spawning and our reaction being "oh S#&$, better prepare for a good fight", it's "oh S#&$, here I go killing myself again, hold my beer fellow tenno".

    Can we just add a big (and very well telegraphed) ability to the liches that will cause them to one hit us instead? Have us rewarded for dodging, or punished for mindlessly shooting. And if we have the wrong combo of mods, the lich just poofs out with a classic "I'll get you next time!"

    I don't know, I just don't feel like killing myself today.

    • Like 1
  6. 1) As for being "afraid" to kill larvalings. I don't think people are afraid because they are afraid of the lich, they are afraid because they don't want to deal with the annoyance of it. As for players having surpassed the difficulty, I agree. But because of that it just sucks even harder that we get instakilled based on RNG of requiem mods in an attempt to make the liches "scary". This only makes them more annoying.

    2) Melee changes are meh. They buffed overall early damage, but capped the scaling hard. For this reason vets can't blast through higher level content as easily, or at all now. This is overall just a balance decision from DE, although it was obviously influenced by the fact that DE typically considers "end game" to be lvl 40-60 enemies, not lvl 150+ like many long arbitration players.

  7. The main thing that bothered me about melee 2.99997 is that I could no longer swap to melee and then use left-click to strike. With the re-introduction of "melee-only" mode, could we get this back? Spamming the "quick melee" button is annoying to me.

    If this is already doable, someone please let me know because I tried looking in key binds and could not find a solution.


  8. 1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    pretty sure it wasn't, so i have/had no idea that anything changed. can't find any mention of it now via searching the patchnotes.

    if so, that does seem pointless as the Damage nerfs means that idk how someone would accidentally Kill themself with a Thrown Melee anyways.

    Here is the part where it says that.

    On 2019-10-31 at 3:07 PM, [DE]Megan said:


    As a general note, self damage has been removed from Glaive power throws. As this decision made it through the testing pipeline, some mentioned this impacts a specific Chroma interaction, but positively impacts 41 other Warframes. 

    More specifically, the Power Throw Mod has been changed to not create explosions when hitting an object or enemy on its last bounce, it solely offers a Punchthrough addition. 



  9. 1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    you'll have to do a Heavy, and then manually detonate it immediately after throwing.

    Don't think so, pretty sure it was explicitly stated in the patch notes that there is no more self damage for power throws. (They said this would bother Chroma players, but since everyone else would benefit, they went through with it.)

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