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  1. Nobody wants Eclipse to be a dual ability Saying it is a duo ability and thus should be weak is an awful take (your takes follow this pattern) esp since it's the subsumable that's getting nerfed and not the ability itself on its original frame Also Eclipse is used for overworld bosses where status is not a factor so Roar is not comparable Take these Ls
  2. Literally nobody who uses Eclipse says this Eclipse only being used for the damage feels POGGERS and your take is not poggers
  3. What's the point of opening a whole thread for discussion and feedback regarding the Eclipse helminth nerf if the dev team never responds to anything and bulldozes the initial idea through anyways? Virtue signaling to say "oh yes we heard you loud and clear, after much feedback from the players, etc etc" and feel good about a nerf that is ridiculously overboard no matter how you look at it?
  4. Came back to the game a week ago. Glad to see some things never change. Go ahead and nerf Gloom subsume to 15% of original as well just to keep things consistent. Making the whole Helminth grind then kicking the player in the nethers by making the reward gimped to all hell doesn't make for a good game experience.
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