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Posts posted by Veridian

  1. 38 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

    Negative duration is bad... you will loose Toxic Lash duration, Miasma duration (and thus overall damage) and you will loose your stacks at an insane speed once you have not infected an enemy. The -duration build was viable for Saryn 1.0 but neitehr was good for Saryn 2.0 nor 3.0!


    36 minutes ago, lolmetimbers said:

    72.5 duration means you are using transient fortitude and is what I consider to be the minimum duration needed. It will do well in ESO but anything less you will encounter the following issues:

    1. Toxic lash is too short - annoying and costly to refresh. 70 dura is already around 30 secs 

    2. Miasma is too short - very bad as means less damage dot and spores won't spread as well because they need to die while under the effects of miasma

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Correct on both, with Saryn I spend 75% of the time in ESO and yes I am currently using Transient Fortitude.

    From what I can tell, the negatives are pretty much what I expected.

    I guess I'll stick to this build for now and test it some more, I'm fine with spore management and don't care too much for Toxic Lash, since 50 energy with this build isn't much and so far Miasma has managed to kill everything in 2-3 seconds, maybe because of the recent damage buff to infected enemies.


    Still better than my old 40% duration build 😄 


  2. Read it all, but I don't think you need a survey for most of the info.

    MMOs broke down in top popularity after they became insane time sinks in order for a player to be successful and gave in to games that allowed to continue with life like MOBAs.

    As for competitiveness to age correlation, that one's even simpler. When I was 13 I had nothing else to do than try to be the best in WoW and play ball, now I have a job, a girlfriend, more social activates. Even if the competitiveness is there at some point it gives way to the reality that you can't (more like you shouldn't 😛 ) ignore life for a video game the same way when you were a kid.

    Also the excitement value is quite simple as well: once I wanted a bike, now I'm excited about the sheets I'm getting, it's just a part of the aging process, priorities shift.

  3. Hello there, I'm in need of some guidance.

    I decided it was time to min/max some old load outs that were left neglected and while most builds simply required 1-4 more forma I have a question about Saryn. I'm looking at a build with 1062 hp, 850 power, 280 range, 150 strength, 100 efficiency, but 72.5 duration. Everything I read, however, states that negative duration Saryn is bad.

    I realize that spores will decay faster when not applied and molt, lash and miasma will have a shorter duration. Spore management doesn't bother me, molt and lash's reduced durations are still over 30 seconds. Even the reduced duration of Regenerative Molt doesn't bother me much, since the build allows me to spam it. Miasma kills anything in 2 seconds up to ESO 8 so reducing it from 6 seconds to 4.35 feels more like taking unneeded power from one place and utilizing it, even so it still does more damage in a shorter duration.

    The question is, what am I missing. All sources claim negative duration is horrible, however I don't see what I'll be missing out on?


  4. 2 minutes ago, JazzMonster said:


    It was a statement that it isn't difficult for me, you twist my words to support your case.

    The day you start making a difference between a complaint and an opinion, we can continue this conversation like adults.

    Here's some more reading, since I'm in an educational mood:

    "A negative opinion is a neutrally expressed, often thoughtful comment on a topic. A complaint defines the topic as a problem and makes it personal."

    The person who explained that he didn't understand the issue deserved your negative reaction?

    Getting high always helps.

    Let's rephrase that "I failed, so quit and went to the forums to complain about it".

    From what I see, unlike you, I can be open about who I am and admit that I have strong negative reactions to strong negative reactions of objects or situations that don't warrant them.


  5. 1 minute ago, JazzMonster said:

    Yes a condescending epxression. Maybe you should learn its intent before you use it 🙂

    Complaints, BY DEFINITION require an opinion. 
    Apology accepted, sorry for having no tolerance for complacent, apathetic or un-empathetic people 🙂

    Oh no no no no, we dont even REMOTELY agree on that 🙂 infact about over half of the commentors on this thread dont agree with that 🙂

    I know it's use quite well, read up.

    But an opinion does not require complaint, you chose to complain, in an extremely ugly way at that.

    Do you have any tolerance at all? Most of your posts shows you lack any. In fact the first person who showed confusion was met with negativity from the start.

    Are you high? Hardly anyone gives this thing that much value.

    As you can see from Fladyrll you have two options, whine about it like the member of the cry baby generation or do some testing and find out how and what to do.

    Suck it up, grow some balls and next time try before you cry.

  6. 36 minutes ago, JazzMonster said:

    implying that my dissatisfaction was gonna kill me and that you where superior coz it wasnt going to kill you
    Attempting to correct me 
    Telling me im over the top and to calm down.
    the generally passive agressive agrement yet belittlement of my opinion.
    All fairly condescending to me..

    okay mate. goodbye. 

    No lol?? its just disproportionate nerf that ive NOW been informed, doesnt fix the exploit coz you ACTUALLY CAN Still grindy, its jsut harder? 
    Like one guy said "If one of the two "cheese" (see: only feasible) methods got gimped suddenly by a supposed bugfix to prevent people from "gaining points while not actually doing a trick", I think that's sort of a problem even if the other method is still up."

    and its valid to find frustration in that. Not world shattering, just annoying, devoid of logic, and removed from reality.

    The "killing me" is an expression that if you are not familiar with should read up a bit.

    Yours isn't an opinion, it's a complaint and a fairly whiny one at that.

    I will admit the slightly condescending tone and apologize for it, since I hold no respect for the abundance of random whiners on the internet.

    At least we can agree upon one thing, a reaction like this to a video game hotfix is removed from reality.


  7. 4 minutes ago, JazzMonster said:

    tbh condescension in response to condescension and rudeness in response to rudeness is to be expected. straight up
    Except that its dumb logic. If it's fixed OBVIOUSLY i wont STILL be salty, but itll still have been annoying???????????? 
    IF someone says sorry, dude, the event didnt just MAGIALLY not happen

    So I'll ask again. In kin with your opinion that reverting changes nullfies it ever having happenedIf rapists get arrested, why are women scared? If tax breaks for banks get looked into does it nullify that they happened? If priests apologise do we still not hate the history of the catholic church? Your logic..... ??? Just because the thing was addressed and fixed or apologised for or questioned and reviewed, doesnt make it just never have happened to start with. Derpity derp derp. 

    In what form was I condescending? I agreed I'm not happy with the change.

    But I've had enough, the only thing dumb in all this is straight up you. My point was made extremely simple, you are overreacting.

    It doesn't take a genius to notice that apparently this change holds some world shattering value to you. Sad life must be.

  8. 12 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Yup, it's probably them for me. It was either them or the Provisor that one shot me.

    "But Monkey, you play Wukong, Wukong is immortal".

    I enjoy using my Defyless build (especially when there's nullifiers everywhere), and 95% of the time whilst farming Toroids it's absolutely fine. I'm able to dodge around, heal when necessary and deal all the damage in the world. Genuine fun, even with all the bouncys.

    But out of the blue some Elite cheesebag just blows away all my health, despite having... probably 10,000 ehp at the time.

    So that's it...

    The other day farming torid I made it to lv115 with garuda, using 1 or 2, feeling happy, then all of a sudden, dead, I just stood there, motionless... for good 20 seconds I couldn't realize what just happened.

    They get my vote too.

  9. Hold on there now.

    There was actually  very little emotion till people started to be condescending and rude. 

    ATM you're no different and it'll be a cold day in hell when some random troll, intentional or not questions my logic by comparing a game to rapists and priests of all things. My logic is fine the change does not warrant such reaction, because it doesn't affect your world in any meaningful way.

    Your overvaluation of your opinion is what's wrong.

  10. I see, where you're coming from, but something tells me the extra 5 minutes it takes won't kill me.

    Also the races aren't even on yet, they'll make it even easier.

    2 minutes ago, JazzMonster said:

    "If one of the two "cheese" (see: only feasible) methods got gimped suddenly by a supposed bugfix to prevent people from "gaining points while not actually doing a trick", I think that's sort of a problem even if the other method is still up.

    AND THEN forcing multiple different tricks in succession to get past x9..........

    If cheese gets fixed, why are we angry again?

    Also it always required different tricks in succession.

    I'm not happy with the change as well, but you're going a bit over the top, calm down no need for so much emotion.

  11. My observation remains correct to this day.

    No matter what DE do, there will be this one special snowflake that gets "slapped in the face".

    Usually I try to be sarcastic and witty to some extent, but this time all I can say is do everyone a favor and shut up, if you complain about things like that in real life I doubt you've got many people left to talk to.

    Let's just lock the thread, because it's not going anywhere.

  12. Captain's log: Post 12315342536

    The crew seem to be unaware of the lack of effect these posts seem to have on the developers. I have tried ignoring their cries, but they only seem to get stronger as some members prefer recreational activities, while the rest battle the forces of evil. Every solution seems to have too many drawbacks to implement. Thank goodness my crew is capable in completing these operations regardless of the lack of participation of a certain few. My only hope is that the crew will finally realize that their cries will remain unheard and at least use a pillow.


    There is still hope....

    Captain out.

    Резултат с изображение за futurama captain zapp brannigan

  13. 7 hours ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    Sucks when your fast as floof Relic Farm on Void Capture missions gets held up by a random exterminate.

    Image result for panda rage gif

    Hits me in the feels every time.

    That would be me every time this happens if I wasn't on a laptop.

    A run for lith M2 takes me 55 seconds max. But now I have to kill 80 enemies....

    I just bail altogether and do 3 more runs in the time.

  14. I absolutely agree to this change.

    After all, even skilless 3 year olds should be able to play the game.

    Comparing Nidus to Rhino is plain idiotic. How is losing 50 stacks comparable to Iron Skin dropping?

    Most Rhino players should stick to CoD anyway.


  15. It's not hatred specifically from Warframe players. It just so happens that some people on the internet happen to be in this forum. The hatred for those two is everywhere.

    Look at some of the user reviews for Destiny 2's latest DLC if you want to see some actual hate. EA gets deservingly trashed for everything these days. The great Bioware we knew was on it's death bead at the time ToR released and the funeral was somewhere short after ME3.

    These general tones are all over the internet and quite frankly a quick search tells you there aren't that many topics regarding Destiny on these forums.


  16. 38 minutes ago, Lixon99 said:

    i thought banshee was most squishiest frame in the game

    To put it into perspective:

    Loki/Loki Prime: 225 hp, 225 shields, 65 armor = 18% damage reduction

    Banshee(prime): 300 hp, 300 shields, 15(65) armor = 5%(18%) damage reduction

    Banshee has 30% more hp and shields at the expense of 13% damage reduction if non prime.

    Banshee benefits more from Vitality or Redirection, while Steel Fiber is useless on both.

    However Banshee is considered the squishiest by some, because she can't spend the entire mission in stealth.


    Back on topic, don't waste plat on Loki Prime, if you want Loki that much, get the normal version first. Try it, see if you like it that much.

  17. He's not all that interesting tbh. I made the mistake of getting him fairly soon when I started because I've red that he's supposed to be good and didn't know better.

    Let's break it down a little:

    Stats: 225 hp 225 shield and 65 armor combined make him the squishiest frame in the game.

    Passive: useless, who uses wall latch, much less for a minute

    Decoy: useless, you're either in stealth or dead and the decoy itself dies in 1 hit

    Stealth: while 50% better than Ash's is worse than Octavia's or Ivara's

    Switch teleport: cool, but rarely used for anything more than to speed run to extraction

    Radial disarm: useful in theory, will in fact not do much in the face of nuke frames and aoe weapons who occupy the meta

    Overall, a frame just to run spy missions with, doesn't need to be prime, heck I'd even advise against Loki, at least the other frames with stealth abilities have something else to offer other than stealth and some debatable utility. Along with the plat cost to acquire him, it's a big no on my part on getting him.


    The best for Spy is Ivara with Infiltrate augment. For a general stealth frame it's Ash, for 50% less stealth time you get more stats, better passive, armor stripping and a solid 4. Octavia, while having stealth, isn't exactly a stealth frame.

  18. 1. Trying something stupid that sounds cool and failing miserably 60% of the time.

    2. Warframe Wiki

    3. The forums (maybe Reddit in some cases)

    I've actually assembled quite the Excel with various information blatantly stolen mainly from the forums, for which I'd like to thank the community.

    P.S. The day I take advice from a YouTube video...  a bunch of click baiters and conveyor belt songs.

  19. Farming torids with her sure is easy enough, 30 minutes in enemies were lv120 and I didn't care for either the nullifiers or the bounce mines, how many other frames can do that? Inaros, also maybe Valkyr at best. Never went low on health and in the occasion when there were no nullies she could 1shot the area with dread heart. She also racks up combo counter quickly due to her multi-hit finisher after a knockdown from dread mirror.

    Before those "120lv is nothing I'm a god" comments start coming, this level is way over 40m arbitration survival and apart from simulacrum, where she handles similar, there really is no place with higher level enemies, with apologies to the 0.5% of the community who do 4 hr survivals.

    She is neither a glass cannon nor a weak caster. She is a melee/caster hybrid, somewhat similar to Nidus' tank/caster.

    I remember in ToR the assassin class was similar, mostly melee with ranged attacks and gap closers, the Death Knight in WoW while I used to play was also a melee with plenty of ranged abilities. This concept is nothing new but some people seem unable to grasp it.

    Let's just hope they don't gut her because some people lack imagination to grasp a basic concept.

  20. B, the internet has spoken.

    Also, if you are open to a 3rd option, there is a build that lets you overtake other Saryn's spores regardless of the "who cast 1 first" rule. All you need to do is let go of Adaptation and add Augur Reach, tried and tested. You'd even keep your 1st build.


  21. It did.

    I've often caught myself feeling the "content drought" when I set some goal and spent a couple of days or more doing only that, happened with ESO, Eidolons, MR leveling...Now I'm trying to diversify my activities and even without Fortuna it felt better for me.

    Currently I rarely get into an Arbitration, even though I want to, because I want more to get the rep for SU (hehehe now I know why it's not Fortuna United), Vent Kids, some Osteron rep maybe and with the sorties (with the higher chance to get a riven now or I'm lucky) the evening's gone. 

  22. On ‎2018‎-‎11‎-‎24 at 9:42 PM, Ailyene said:

    Nidus -> CC/Status Immunity, CC, In-built Sustain, Doesn't die when killed


    20 hours ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    Why does that made me laugh XD

    Because of this?


    On topic, yes Nidus has more EHP, but is grounded for it, making his max EHP effectively non-existent in anything but defense, survival and maybe interception. That's why I prefer Inaros.

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