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Posts posted by Veridian

  1. 14 hours ago, Briyno said:

    This sounds awesome, and exactly what I would like to do. I just started playing (40ish hours) MR 7. Is there a quest needed to unlock the Dojo? Right now im just working my way through the star chart but I would like to start on my own clan/dojo as well.

    No, you just go to Communication-Clan and if you're not in a dojo it let's you name yours, no cost either.

  2. Anything actually affecting game balance would be bad.

    A clan unique theme song that you can play by pressing a button while in mission?

    You just walk through Cetus and the Imperial march plays?

    True it will be first come first serve, but then again it will be the same with anything unique.

  3. Max duration for stealth, Galatine (if prime even better) with berserker and he turns into a Honda HRX217K5VKA

    He's not gona AoE the map like Saryn, be he sure as hell is fun.



    Thought I was referring to a bike, didn't you 😀


  4. I'd go with the ones advising you to build your own.

    Started playing the game at the end of May and up until mid June I was in some Rank 2 Ghost clan I got invited to, where I didn't know anyone, nor did we communicate so I went for building my own.

    I waited for the 75% discount and got 1k plat for 10$ with 350 spent for 30 forma and about as much were dedicated for rushing.

    Planning the layout was half the fun, note if you try to build everything and not just the labs, that there are two obstacle courses, as opposed to one mentioned in the wiki.

    So with 30 forma and 300 plat for rushing I had the dojo in exactly 15 minutes. Not just the research labs, observatories, courses, temples of honor.. all of it.

    Then came the lab research. I prefer the scarcity of resources, as opposed to simply stacking hundreds of thousands of each resource type, only to use 5k at some point. So for a month now I've been doing research and soon I'll have everything from the Tenno Lab when the archwings get researched so I can queue their components, the Energy Lab is done, outside of 1 item, same with the chem lab. Only the Bio Lab is stuck at only 2 or 3 completed research, since those Mutagen Samples are a horror to acquire and I haven't even done a single node on Eris for some reason.

    The research times leave you with some sense, that although you're not playing, you're still progressing.

    So currently sitting at Rank 8 and extremely happy with my dojo, even spent some time decorating and recoloring parts of it.

    Overall a fun experience and I'd recommend it exactly for someone casual, since you're not in any rush to min-max, rank up or anything.



  5. Personally, I believe that after a certain time spent, any game (MMO in particular) goes to the "boring and repetitive" corner.

    How is WoW any different? I remember when I quit around Cataclysm, because I had to grind reputation for a faction so I could grind reputation for a faction so I could get one item, which suddenly it hit me, will be useless in 3 months when the new raid is released, in which the bosses have slightly different stats than the current one, but dropped a bit better gear and I'd have to grind reputation with the new faction.

    In other words, would WF be better if 3 months from now some zone gets released where enemies have 30% better stats, you have arbitrary rules to pass, a solid chance to fail, need to spend at least 2 hours in and then receive a "very primed point blank" that can be upgraded up to lv14, only for the "very much primed point blank" to be just around the corner in 3 another 3 months.

    I prefer the grind being the main focus, with adding new and interesting content (here's fingers crossed for Railjack) rather than an ever-moving carrot on a stick. At least I know my builds, for which I've spent so much time won't suddenly become obsolete. I am however hoping for a "sentient hunt" or something, at some point, with more than 4 people, that requires preparation, planning and actually takes more than "shoot his knee" level of tactics.

  6. Not saying they should focus on this, just throwing out some examples that if DE really wanted to, they could do it.

    I myself enjoy the game exactly because the toxic PvP community isn't having its way with my mother. Also the 8yo can't ruin your entire experience (outside of spy sorties).

    1. Don't develop PvP in detriment of PvE, get another team or something.

    2. Add dedicated servers.

    3. Redo or add additional game types, in those reduce damage, healing and shielding by 90-95% and Crowd Control by 75%.

    - Moba style map, grenier vs corpus, instead of items buy permanent per match buffs or consumables. To keep the power fantasy, waves are of 30-60 mobs or more.

    - WoW arena could also be done, 1 room, 2 teams, 2,3 or 5 member per team, this could actually work well, since there wouldn't be much room for hectic space mashing.

    - Battle royale. But in enemy territory, with turrets, anti air missiles and scanners/cameras that send enemies at you so players don't just glide with zephyr for 20 minutes, consumables and buffs drop instead of items.

    - OP says the current ones are too much like UT, then add mutators. Instagib and that lato is better than an ignis, extreme gravity and you have your typical UT DM, instead of deathmatch, add round based PvP.

    - Hijack in PvP mode, 2 rounds, each team attacking.

    4. Add incentives.

    - Award "arbitrary resource" per win. With "arbitrary resource" buy reactors, catalysts, mods (from the currently existing) and cosmetics.

    - Set milestones: N amount of points grand you a rank sigil, at a certain rank entrance to, say Unum, where Baro's mods are purchasable with "arbitrary resource", along with cosmetics for the dojo or orbiter, points decay at certain rate so you'd have to maintain them.

    - Depending on the standing vs other players receive "arbitrary resource" and if you managed to reach top 5-10% or something, get the chance to buy from a rotating list of vaulted items or receive 5 random vaulted relics.


    These are just some possibilities, how if they wanted to implement some changes to PvP, И think it could work.


  7. On 2018-07-15 at 3:43 AM, mosaickle said:

    Do what I did:

    Stay in one place, fire your amp at him and let him kill you 20 times over. When you respawn you don't lose anything whereas his shields don't go back up.

    No effort, no loss, no problem.

    This is exactly what I did, albeit I did try running away but he one shot me with radial javelin.

    This part is impossible to fail, just some patience is needed.

  8. Wardrobe for the frames

    Drawer for the weapons

    Dog house outside

    Garage for the hoverboard and landing craft, where there are additional options to tinker with the hoverboard's performance

    Kitchen where the operator "cooks" consumables with strange effects. E.G. Frame isn't affected by gravity at all, weapon fires aoe soap bubbles, causing mass confusion...

    Bedroom, in which you can leave the operator and generate extra affinity boost, akin to WoW's rested XP

    Living room with mini games, like the one played against Balas

    Office room, where you can manage a dojo closer to how you build a house in sims, rather than the current option, manage research, communicate with factions.

    So many possibilities...


  9. Naturally there wouldn't be any crossplay, this would mean that the PC version's update schedule will depend on the Switch, which will have a lower player base.

    Personally I have a slightly negative opinion on consoles, however, even tho I've got 6 in total, including Switch. If it wasn't for the exclusives they wouldn't be as popular and the Switch is no exception. *I'm not dissing on consoles, just expressing opinion*

    I know people who act as if the Switch is the second coming, "Now I can play games everywhere", but everyone could play Skyrim on the go from 2011, it's called a laptop.

  10. Well, you can always combo her 1 with a bit of aim glide, since you can maintain momentum.

    I've built her to get around PoE faster. Continuity (because this increases her dash range, instead of stretch and that makes total sense...), Flow, Streamline and any Augur or other mod with similar effects.

    Pop over to the 1st camp you see, fill out that 400+ energy pool, and with a cost of about 8 energy per Tail Wind cast, continue to fly through the entire map.

    Personally I think that this part of Zephyr's kit is extremely well designed, it does feel like an actual bird, press 1 to flap wings, then aim glide to...glide. Just like a real pigeon 😄


  11. How does it crash it?

    I have a bit older nitro than yours, some I7, 6G ram, GTX860m, the crashes in my case were caused by issues with the GPU. The GPU was fine, however, as I did take the device for maintenance. I made sure they did a stress test on the GPU. Also everything else ran fine.

    Weird thing, sometimes it wouldn't crash for days, sometimes it would be unplayable.

    The crashes were only caused by either returning to orbiter or opening some in game menu like the map or the codex, not with a 100% chance of occurrence .

    This either resulted in game crash or a BSOD most of the time. On restart the device wouldn't recognize the NVDIA, so another restart would be required.

    Apart from down-clocking I've tried everything else and nothing seems to work.

    When I used a cooling pad it was somewhat better at times, however

    I do believe that down-clocking might actually do it, since I've reached the conclusion that since the Nitro is in fact not a gaming laptop, mainly because it's on the thinner side and doesn't have the gaming build a predator has for instance, it can't cool properly and Warframe isn't helping the GPU either.


    Anyway... not to discourage you, but perhaps save you time, if that doesn't work and your issue is similar, reinstalling game, video drivers, windows, toying with the game or the Nitro's settings, clearing caches doesn't help.

    If you try the down-clocking please share your results. I personally used the easy way out and got a new laptop, since mine was on the older side anyway.

  12. Tethys, Saturn

    The run takes roughly 5 minutes, Sargas Ruk drops at least one and quite often more will drop on the way to him.

    When I went to farm ember I noticed I stacked up about a 50+ in the ~20 runs it took me to farm her systems, all of which took me no more than 1,5-2 hours.

  13. Hello everyone,

    I’m new to the game, got into it about a month ago and it’s hard to put down. The game doesn’t offer much as far as explaining things on the go, but I’ve handled any confusion, often with some help from Google. However, there are still some things that I either didn’t find a straight answer for or would simply like them confirmed, so any response will be appreciated.





    So, I’ve decided to try and build my dojo, very exciting apart from the polychrome nightmare. After farming a color for an evening and waiting for completion I tried implementing it, but bottom line, can the floor of the Grand/est hall ever change from blue?

    Heard that max rank is 10, is that every research and every room once or will I have to build a small town? Was looking forward to a large garden, I'd have a good excuse 🙂

    Since I’d like to keep my dojo, but I’d also like to communicate with people occasionally, I’ve discovered that the solution to this is something called an alliance, how do I join one?



    How do I get continuity? Now I simply want confirmation that RNG hates me. Either Sargas Ruk, or a corpus defense T1 or T3, right?

    Where is Corrupted Vor? Wiki says he’s in the void, but in a certain mission, he spawns at random, where exactly is he?



    This is an entire mystery to me, I have a cap of 200k+ daily, no way I’ve ever even come close, should I just get greater lenses, because otherwise it’s meaningless and what are good spots to farm? Hydron/SO?


    What do Madurai’s Phoenix Talons do exactly? Do they increase non-elemental damage of weapons?

    Currently leveling Zenurik for the energy regeneration, should I stick to that, the other trees don’t seem that useful?



    When is corrosive better than viral? Obviously depends on armor type, but also since enemies scale, the lower level they are the less effect armor shred would have, right? Or is it just better overall to stick to corrosive, since lower level enemies explode anyway?



    Last question, promise.


    My laptop (yes, yes I game on a laptop, don’t burn me at the stake 😄 ) was running things like TW3 and AC:O at mid/high fine, 2-3 weeks after installing Warframe it started getting BSOD crashes, critical video failures, at first it was when loading out of a mission or less often, when trying to open the map. The issue also occurred when trying to open some codex entries like objects or enemies. Eventually that spread to outside the game, like trying to open NVDIA control panel. Every possible solution on the interned failed. Turning off Dx10/11, windowed mode, forcing it to only run through the NVDIA, reinstalling, repairing, cleaning cache and %appdata, reinstalling drivers, changing driver versions, I can’t remember it all. The only “fix” seemed to be to disable NVDIA and run it on the Intel, but an average of ~15 FPS on min settings is not actually a valid solution. Oh, and when the PC restarted after a BSOD it didn’t even find the dedicated GPU.

    Naturally I sent it to a diagnostic, they cleaned it, tested it, replaced the paste, checked the hardware with some stress tests and returned it to me in supposedly good condition. The device held out for 2-3 days before starting with the crashes again. In a desperate attempt to do some fixing myself, I manually uninstalled deleted every part of the video driver from the registries, then did a complete reset of the Windows.

    Chapter 2


    Why all of this is irrelevant and why is Warframe the most expensive game I have ever played *no regrets*.


    So, the laptop took an entire night to reset, I got up before work, hoping to test out how it handles and the first thing it did opening NVDIA control panel is…you guessed it BSOD.

    I’ve had enough with this situation, so the very same day I went and got a new one, no regrets at all, a good excuse to have something that will be able to run Cyberpunk, but the thing that bugs me is, why am I still getting the occasional stutter here and there? I can live with the slight less than a second freeze on some menus, but sometimes I get the same while on a mission, albeit rarely and it’s irritating.

    Now I don’t get any crashes, but I still tremble a bit on the loading screen 😄



    Sorry for the TLDR

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