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Everything posted by Reverse830

  1. I'm fairly confident the Hollow Vein is not supposed to be nuking the defense objectives. That probably will be getting addressed. Once it does, the mode should become much more reasonable.
  2. Glyphs are the only way to heal mirror defense objectives.
  3. It appears to be the Hollow Vein that's been nuking them. Their laser attacks are doing ludicrous amounts of damage to the objectives. Pretty sure it's not supposed to be that high.
  4. You can just not use a melee weapon on Garuda and the only thing you miss out on is 50 vosfor.
  5. In Elite Deep Archimedia, the Vampyric Limnus modifier is killing the Mirror Defense objectives. Since the Limnus are immune to everything a player can do, this is causing mission failures with nothing players can do to stop it.
  6. Can confirm that the Vampyric Liminus are annihilating the objectives in mirror defense and nothing can be done about it. Defense objectives need to be immune to them or this modifier needs to be removed from Mirror Defense entirely.
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