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Everything posted by bnuy

  1. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    Only one or two small changes in this rework were affected by the shield changes, the rest of the changes I proposed were unrelated to shields and thus are still very much have a purpose. I've also done a small change to the parts that are affected by the new changes, and standardized it all.
  2. bnuy

    Nyx Mini-Rework

    Design Goals There are many questions to consider when theory-crafting balance changes, with the first being the most important; what issues are these changes meant to address? These changes are meant to address the many quality of life issues present in Nyx's abilities, such as only being able to have a single cast of Psychic Bolts active at a time. In the fast paced horde shooter style that Warframe has, only being able to debuff six enemies at a time is incredibly weak. Another large issue with her abilities is that when she makes enemies attack one another, they are barely able to do any damage. Along with her lacking damage and all of the minor tweaks to give her kit a quality of life refresh, her fourth ability, Absorb, needs to be replaced. Absorb prevents you from engaging with many of the core mechanics of the game, like using your weapon, or the movement and parkour system, which is why it needs to be completely rethought. Other Helpful Questions: How tanky are they, and through what means do they achieve their resilience? Nyx has below average resilience, and mainly stays alive by keeping up her wide area crowd control. How much damage do they deal, and what do they use to inflict it? Nyx has low damage, she primarily inflicts her damage with her weapons after debuffing enemies, though Absorb does have some niche nuke builds. What feel and play-style do they reflect when in use? Nyx is a crowd control frame, she casts wide range abilities to manage crowds while debuffing them, and can even turn their own damage back against them. These questions help me refine the direction I want to take with the rework. I am able to figure out if the frame is more of a front-line bulwark, a back-line sniper, or right in the middle. Along with that I also consider what types of thematically cohesive mechanics would work for the frame's abilities. Nyx's core theme is to turn the enemies into their own biggest threat while supporting her squad with wide range crowd control, helping them avoid damage. Due to her theme I can see that turning Absorb into a form of ability to amplify and reflect enemy attacks would fit with her quite well. Passive: Hypnotic Visage (new) Ability 1: Mind Control (tweaked) Ability 2: Psychic Bolts (tweaked) Ability 3: Telepathic Transfer (new) Ability 4: Chaos (tweaked, moved from Ability 3) Augments: All of the augments needed extensive overhauls. They were all what should've been basic functions of their respective abilities, so they were moved into the base functions and then adjusted to compensate. I like to think all of these augments are very unique and allow you to alter your playstyle to some degree, and they would all find use some place. Final Thoughts This thread was an absolute pain to polish, Nyx's kit was in such a sorry state that I had to go through and tune up every minor detail. That being said, it was lots of fun to do, despite taking quite a while. I hope you had as much fun reading these ideas as I did putting them together, I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions you have in the comments below!
  3. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    This is something some players don't seem to understand. Yes, she can abuse shield-gate to stay immortal, is that a healthy survivability method? No, no it isn't, she needs an actual survivability tool in her kit, like DR as you stated. Not sure if you noticed but I did add a damage reduction component to Polarize, allowing her to buff her and all allies shields damage reduction up to 85% from 25%.
  4. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    i agree, mag is in a great place, that doesn't mean she can't be improved or polished a bit more though you really don't think any of my proposed changes would make her more interesting or fun? is there not a single issue i talked about that you agree with? 😭
  5. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    Nah it's a bug, it appeared like 3 years ago when they adjusted how the Magnetize pull effect worked to fix another bug, ironically enough.
  6. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    She doesn't need a rework, I agree, these are just ideas that could improve her, because there are things that could still be improved about her kit. You haven't noticed this bug?
  7. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    i think they were referring to how i made those changes in my thread, and summarizing them to make sure they understood correctly?
  8. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    It may not be most people's optimal damage type, but neither is Frost's Freeze Force that grants 100% Cold Damage. The main draw of it as Mag herself is to buff her Polarize Shards with the damage, as weapon buffs like it will apply to them. A solid choice for making them shred shields with heavy Magnetic Damage and status effects, as well as making them buff Magnetize with even more damage. She is absolutely fine as is, I just think these small changes would polish her kit into a state where she could truly be considered a frame that is refined to the highest degree. As someone else mentioned there are other frames actually in need of reworks, Mag isn't one of them, she's already very powerful as is. I just think these changes would make her much more engaging to play and adds lots of interesting synergies to consider.
  9. Where you were standing and placed the waypoint in that screenshot aren't the exact places from during the testing, I can tell by the small shapes on the side of the walkway you were standing on, do it next time while having the enemies marked to check the distance while before and during the cast.
  10. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    I think it's just an issue of having no inherent survivability in her kit. She lacks any form of significant EHP, which means without committing three mod slots to becoming a facetank, she's incredibly frail. Every frame, regardless of being a tank or not, should have some form of survivability in their kit. What doesn't help is that Overguard was a massive nerf to CC reliant frames, making CC unreliable for survivability at high levels due to mass amounts of Overguard/Eximus.
  11. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    I don't use Polarize for armor strip, I think you misunderstood where I was talking about that being with the changes, I'll make sure I clarify that wording. Passives on older frames tend to be lacking, but some of the newer ones have interesting stuff going on. During her hold cast of Magnetize she can be hit by explosives that land outside of the absorb radius, but also as previously mentioned some bullets manage to hit her. I feel like there's another important one I'm forgetting about right now... Eximus and other units with Overguard are still affected by Counter Pulse. Augments are balanced by costing a mod slot to grant a new function to an ability of yours, you sacrifice direct stat increases for new functions. That is right in line with these tweaks to the augments I suggest. Along with this, other augment mods being poorly designed is not an excuse to leave these ones outdated. I appreciate all your feedback, I answered all the points to the best of my understanding. She is incredibly strong as is, and would be totally okay without any of these changes, I'm just hoping DE will improve the quality of their reworks to old abilities to really bring out their full potential. It's makes sense to not want her to be popular, I enjoy being a part of a small community of people that use her myself. Most Mag players as you mentioned unfortunately don't know how to properly synergize her loadout with her kit, but thankfully I've done the research myself and know all the best options for any given situation. Thanks for the feedback! Have a good one. o7
  12. Apologies, I was looking at the completely wrong build. Despite that, what you're experiencing are not bugs. Magnetize explosions 1 and 2 in the video were out of range, the 3rd was in range but the two enemies were ragdolled on the floor, which is well known for messing up line of sight checks. This is the same reason bubbles will fail to cast lots of the time on ragdolled/face down enemies, the line of sight check fails. The ability isn't functioning correctly, it does have a few issues, just not what you're insistent about right now.
  13. Waypoint the target so you can see how far it is, now open the abilities section and view your total Explosion Radius. Your build seems to have a 30.75m Explosion Radius, it looks like those enemies are just entirely out of the blast zone...
  14. bnuy

    Mag Mini-rework

    How do you know what I build? I'm confused... I do mod for range, 235% + Magnetized Discharge, the same as your build. I do also mod for strength yeah, but that's for 100% armor strip, which requires exactly 134% ability strength with Fracturing Crush. My weapon builds are also up to par. None... at all? Not even her passive? I get that she's powerful, but that doesn't mean she has absolutely no flaws or areas that could be improved. She does shieldgate without needing to mod for it, yes, and that's fantastic! That doesn't mean it should be her only way to survive though, she should have a survivability tool baked into her kit, like some form of damage reduction to her shields, as I suggested. She has received buffs, but again that doesn't maker her perfect. I agree there are plenty of frames that need reworks much more than she ever would, she would be more than fine staying as she is, this is just a fun concept I wrote up because I enjoy her but see the areas her abilities could improve. I do like shieldgate! I just wish that when I was doing endurance runs my shields themselves were able to hold up to some form of damage, it would give more emphasis to her overshields from Crush, as well as encourage modding for shield capacity.
  15. Those numbers you're pointing at are from the cast target and the enemy beside him, if you look at the start you can see two lancer units there where I'm casting it. I thought making the numbers super large would be helpful but it kinda just made things harder to see... oops! The damage numbers only appear to be for the units directly in front of me because you can't see the ones that actually got damaged, behind the pillar where bubble was.
  16. Used to? How long ago was this? It's been blocked by terrain for a long time now, it could be a bug but I've assumed it was quite intentional. I have over 3,000 hours on Mag alone and have corrected and written lots of her wiki pages for her abilities, so it's ironic you say that. Anyway here's a video of me demonstrating it being blocked by terrain. On the last Magnetize one guy gets hit from the left side (my view) of the pillar because the cast target moved slightly so he was in line of sight again.
  17. still hopeful this will be patched one day
  18. If Mag loses line of sight (ragdolls can cause this, or enemies laying on the floor) or the target dies during cast, then the ability will cancel and refund the energy cost. Magnetize explosion damage is blocked by terrain, in the video you recorded the pillar was blocking it from hitting the second ground. Magnetize ONLY ignores terrain for objects, like containers and resource nodes. It will never bypass terrain to damage enemies. Now we finally reached the only bug mentioned in this thread. Magnetize's magnetic pull effect breaks when the cast target is killed, it will briefly begin to lift enemies into the air before losing it's magnetic pull entirely. This is a bug I've been hoping DE would fix for the past... three years now?
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