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Everything posted by jesusdh

  1. Running Steel Path solo, it takes around 9-11min depending on the Drone spawn.
  2. NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Literally unplayable now.
  3. You DARE mock my Valkyr?! I agree that she needs some tweaks, but worst? No, that would be Inaros.
  4. Tell me you didn't read the patch notes without telling me you didn't read the patch notes.
  5. Do you happen to have Legacy Color Palette turned on?
  6. I went straight for the Gorgon, then I found out that the Incarnon Mode turns it into a braindead AoE weapon. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
  7. *cough* and Excavation too *cough* Now seriously, is a massive turn off when these two show up, boring modes that take longer than it should.
  8. Dude just went and committed the Seven Deadly Sins.
  9. I'm glad I waited to choose, Soma Incarnon feels like a scam. It's Felarx all over again(By the way, Felarx Incarnon is good now. Feels like running Akimbo Arca Plasmor). But I'm willing to pick it up because I really have fun with the weapon, and since it's a buff to the normal mode is good enough for me. I would still like a buff tho, because as it is now, I get the impression that they switched Burston and Soma Incarnons.
  10. Hema: Infinite ammo, heals on headshot, innate Viral Damage. Mutalist Cernos: Best bow for Split Flights, always have a guaranteed Toxin proc on the clouds. Sobek: My favorite shotgun in the game, acid shells. Staticor: Super fun weapon, running around charging a Kamehameha. Acrid and Gammacor/Synoid Gammacor: If you're an OG you'll remember the power that these weapons used to have. Galatine: The good old BFS: BIG FUC@#$% SWORD. Orthos Prime: Good memories on this one.
  11. Description: Cataclysm gains 50% casting speed. Radius is set to 6m and no longer shrinks. This would allow his 4th to be used to defend an objective without sacrificing the range of his others or subsumed abilities.
  12. Atlas, Khora and Gara are the ones who come to mind, in regular missions these work fine, but on Steel Path, specially Circuit you can feel the loss in power for those who depends on this old mechanic. Of course the suggestion is not just let us mod and be done, buff their stats, poor Atlas doesn't have either crit nor status on his punches and depends heavily on buffs and arcanes and I like playing him. Was doing a run to compare: One with a regular melee and the other with a build exclusive for Landslide, the difference was astonishing.
  13. "Keep your expectations low, boy, and you will never be disappointed." - Kratos, God of War 2018.
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