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Posts posted by SeanC84

  1. 18 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

    Hey Tenno,

    Peacemaker is already a strong ability and the use of Arcane Velocity simply turned that up to 11. While this change was not intended, after some internal back and forth we have made the decision to keep this change. We feel that the two combined makes the already top tier Peacemaker over the top. It still works with Peacemaker, Peacemaker simply cannot trigger it.

    We will be editing the patch notes to reflect this.

    This is extremely disheartening and frustrating. Previous patch notes (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/925435-shrine-of-the-eidolon-hotfix-22134/) described the interactions between Arcanes and exalted weapons as an intended feature, and it was for this specific reason that I traded for Arcane Velocity in the first place.

    I have no other full Arcane sets as I do not have the time to farm nor the platinum to trade for any of the few useful arcanes such as energise, grace, or aegis, which are all much more expensive than velocity.

    In what I consider a comparable situation, the research costs for the Hema were not reduced out of fairness to those who had already invested their time and effort into meeting the research requirements. 

    Removing an intended niche use for an unpopular Arcane in this case does not seem in keeping with the spirit of respecting player's time and effort.


    Please reconsider this decision.

  2. 3 hours ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

    Hi SeanC84,

    Could you please try verifying and optimizing your Download Cache via. the Warframe launcher?
    We are curious if there are some missing or corrupt files that could be causing this.



    Hi Dmitri,

    I just used the Warframe launcher to verify and optimize the Download Cache, but the error is still ocurring.

    I don't suppose there's a way to buy any of the skins other than using the in-game Market? 

  3. As stated in the title, whenever I try to look at a Graxx type Warframe skin in the market, I get an endless loading screen and all the buttons lock up. I can't click exit, I can't press the escape key, and I can't open the chat window.

    The only "solution" I have found so far is to use ctrl+alt+del and task manager to force Warframe to shut down. Obviously this means I can't buy any of the Graxx skins, which is what I am trying to do, so it's not actually a solution at all.

    This error does not occur with any other marketplace items, including other Tennogen items.

  4. Personally I think the "Broken Lights" are a terrible thing to put in the game. That flash of bright really isn't good to have in a game, in my opinion. There are too many people who play games who have issues with such things. I don't mean epileptics, either. I suffer from chronic headaches/migraines and I find these flashes too bright and the "Broken Light" feature far too frequent throughout the ships. 


    I don't even suffer from anything like that, and I agree with you completely. Having my screen turn completely white at basically unpredictable times really is physically painful, especially if I'm in a dark room.

  5. The broken lights are currently just absolutely terrible. Even for a rhino with iron skin constantly on, the blinding effect is extremely annoying at best and physically painful if you're playing in a dark room. You can't see the lights ahead of time, or at least not easily, so you basically have your screen flashing white and actually blinding you IRL at random points of time. 

  6. I think there might be a bug with mods that increase magazine size on weapons. The calculator seems to round downwards in instances where the game would normally round upwards, giving you a smaller magazine than you would have in-game. That's the only issue I've managed to find.

    Thanks for making this calculator btw, I've found it extremely useful.

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