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Posts posted by Totalblitzkrieg

  1. Can confirm resolution is screwed with this update here i was excited to play but now well im not going to touch this update till we find out its fixed..
    EDIT: Only a third of my screen shows and even in windowed mode we take performance hits because games are meant to be run in full screen for optimum performance and even in windowed mode my resolution is too big even compensating by lowering the resolution makes things look worse.



  2. Acane drops on fortuna would be great my main issue with the eidolons is the time restriction( night) its a pain in the arse when you have a life but gotta dedicate an entire weekend to getting these arcanes and not even get them weekend after weekend and yes ffs i know what a drop table is the post isnt asking, in the title, what the drop rates are im well aware of that.  My issue w the eidolons is the time gate. Arachnids dropping arcanes and governed by no time gate (IE night /day) would be awesome then i could squad w randos at any time day or night and get a chance at arcanes.

  3. Noted, I specified ive captured loads of eidolons.You (Felas92) implied i meant hydrolists. Ive got 26 arcanes but not a single grace but i guess thats just rngesus..



  4. Ok I appreciate the feed back I have captured more than that i have no idea why it only says ive done 4 i did four today and ive done way more before this not sure why it says i only have four caps wherever you saw this at..



  5. Hey Im a new player and ive been playing for months now with loads of captures but i never get rare arcanes to drop! Are there future plans on ways to earn these in other ways? Also Ive been meaning to suggest allowing us to sell our items thru the foundry so we can more easily clear our inventory!


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