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  1. I very much appreciate the following fixes, but I will still advocate for the removal of LoS on Dante's tragedy. Just get rid of it. It is wonderful to hear that the entire LoS system is being reworked for the better, but Dante does not need it. Keep tragedy AoE.
  2. My take: It's a bit of a bummer. I will explain as earnestly as I can. I can understand the overguard changes, but I honestly don't think the LOS requirement for Tragedy was necessary. Tragedy's effectiveness already relied upon casting dark verse (which is LOS-based) so to have tragedy also rely upon LOS feels redundant. Dante's power was not undeserved. The ability to nuke things is not a novel idea in Warframe. I would even argue that Dante's ability to nuke is less effective than other warframes (i.e. Volt, Saryn, Nezha, etc.) because of its reliance on other cast abilities and that its power has to be built up. For Dante, enemies need to be targeted, damaged over time, and only then can they be detonated for maximum effectiveness. In my opinion, this high investment; high damage flow already worked extremely well, and that is possibly one of the reasons he became so popular so quickly. It was cool, it required just a bit of prioritizing, and it had a big and satisfying pay-off. This current change feels strange and punitive. If the ability to cast tragedy so quickly is truly an issue, then I would personally recommend a cool-down instead of locking it to LOS. I find this change disappointing considering the amount of effort I put in getting him and how little time I had to play with his previous kit. I sincerely hope that DE considers going back to the drawing board on this one. Tl;Dr: I really like Dante, so I will advocate for keeping his strength. I understand the overguard adjustments, but I think the LOS-lock for tragedy might be a bit too hasty.
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