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Posts posted by Arsonide

  1. I have the opposite 'priority' that you suggest. Laser still works.

    Dear OP and blind followers:


    i hate you

    I never said the laser didn't work at all. It just doesn't work as it should.

    As I said in the post, assuming you read it - even with incorrect priorities, there is an extremely small window in between target acquisitions, like a millisecond, in which the Dethcube is not doing anything. If something is within one meter of you during this millisecond period, he will Vaporize. If, however, he is firing at someone, and another mob runs up to your face, he will ignore it until he kills his current target and has to reacquire a new one.

    He will also Vaporize if the target comes into view at a range of less than one meter...say for instance, if you turn a corner and there's a Grineer in your face.

    Switching your priorities fixes this. He will Vaporize things the moment they come within range of Vaporize, without having to wait for him to switch targets.

    Also I do not appreciate the aggressiveness of your post - but hey, if you want to run around with a sub-optimal sentinel, be my guest.

  2. There are a lot of bigger issues with Vauban than teslas. I've seen them carpet the floor in jump pads, I've seen them throw a vortex on a dead teammate, making reviving him impossible, and vortex itself renders sentinels useless after you use it a few times.

  3. Golem 20+ Times and M Prime 20+ times now.... Not one single Stalker, but I keep getting Banshee Chasis from M Prime every time almost. 13 of em in 20+ runs.... Grrrr. Stalker just won't spawn for me.

    This is just a theory of mine, but I'm guessing you're running M Prime on a level 30 frame. Jump on a lower level frame, but one that can handle Stalker by abusing some mechanic - Ash and Loki can invisible, Ember and Rhino can tank. Level 20 is a good level.

    I tend to encounter Stalker a lot more when I'm leveling than when I actually am prepared for him to spawn. I have a feeling that his spawn rate might be affected by user vulnerability. I haven't seen him for weeks, and today he murdered my Vauban twice in the span of two missions. Vauban has no mechanic that can help with him.

  4. I find it odd that Corpus ships, and corpus planets, use Grineer Ciphers. I just thought it'd be cool if Corpus ships and planets had a hacking screen that looked different.

    It doesn't even have to be much different than the system you already have in place, so long that it is different in some way. Instead of blue hexagons, green triangles, or something.

    It seems like something that would be simple to patch in, and it would give the races a lot more flavor, in my opinion, since we have to see that screen so often. Every time I see "GRINEER CIPHER" it takes me out of the game for a moment.

  5. Remember guys, that DE worked on Bioshock and Bioshock 2. It's likely that these textures were made by their own hands.

    Of course, they probably didn't have permission to use them again, but it does make the whole situation less fishy.

  6. lol I was being silly because everyone is just taking the OPs word for it with little evidence. Sorry, I don't mean to be a jerk to the OP but I believe he is mistaken as the screen shot doesn't really prove anything apart from how it's represent graphically.


    AFAIK (230+ hours playing) the order has no effect in game, the abilities work on cool downs from what I've experienced regardless of how the mods are slotted. When your shield hits 0 the sentinel will hit you with guardian thus triggering its CD, Regen is a second life for the sentinel, 1 time use during the mission unless you revive etc. As far as the offensive abilities go on Dethcube of course he will constantly use Swift Deth as that is his role. They obviously couldn't let him spam Vaporize as that would be too OP if he could just 1 shot everyone constantly lol. It does however seem to have quite a long internal CD but no one really knows these internal mechanics of this game yet.


    If the OP has some more concrete evidence I will be more than happy to accept it but for know I'm a little skeptical about these comments.

    I did plenty of testing before posting this. You are wrong. There's a priority list.

    Equip Dethcube with his attack skill in the top left, and you will rarely see him vaporize. (Only if he switches targets WHILE someone is within range of Vaporize, to be exact. This doesn't happen often because the range of his gun is longer than the range of Vaporize, so the only time this happens is if you turn a corner and get surprised by a mob.) If someone runs up to you when he is attacking, he'll ignore them. If you shuffle the skills as I have shown, he'll melt their face off.

    The reason you haven't observed the priority list until now in your 200+ hours of playing, is because Wyrm and Shade don't constantly fire. They have breaks in between firing in which they can cast other things. Dethcube fires constantly, and thus, his priority list is much more important. Incidentally, this means that Wyrm and Shade still delay the spells that they cast by a small amount, until they get a break in firing. So it would be beneficial to shuffle their skills as well, but not as overtly obvious as shuffling Dethcube's.

    It has little to do with skill rank or energy costs. It's quite clearly an AI feature that was not explained.

  7. Wrong. It's called Regen not Revive. When your Sentinel drops to a HP level where the next hit would kill it Regen will trigger and replenish Sentinel's HP so it won't die. You will see a Green glow when it does. Sentinels don't explode and then come back.. that's not how Regen works.

    Ah, well then I learned two things today. You will want Regen to be second priority in that case, as the time span to cast that before he dies sounds very brief.

  8. i think regen always triggers regardless of where you put it.

    ive always had it in the lowest slot. never gave me any problems. same for guardian. only time it never triggers for me is when its on cooldown.

    Regen will always trigger, because the sentinel can't fire when it's dead. Regen does not heal your sentinel's HP, it brings it back from the dead.

  9. This is a guide regarding sentinel AI. It applies mostly to Dethcube for reasons I will explain, but it should also apply to Wyrm and Shade.

    I noticed that my Dethcube was shooting at things until they died, before reacquiring a new target, and shooting at it until it died...etc. This caused it to rarely use Vaporize, which is a great skill. The only time it vaporized anything was in the millisecond time span between shooting things - even if things were meleeing my face. I thought it was stupid, and that it should vaporize the minute anything gets within five feet of me, and shoot when it has nothing better to do. That's when I learned something.

    The sentinels have a priority list of which skills they use at what times. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and not very apparent in the UI. Essentially, the higher ranked skills are more important, and the lower ranked ones it does whenever it has nothing better to do. Each point on the list corresponds to a power slot in the corner of the sentinel's powers. If you have your sentinel's attack AI card in the top left corner, it gets HIGHEST PRIORITY, meaning things like saving your life with Guardian are only done when it's not shooting something. Shooting is more important. On Dethcube this is particularly bad, because it's gun never stops firing while something is in range, while the others stop occasionally.

    I made an image to illustrate this point more clearly: http://s22.postimg.org/3n6m2o3ox/sentinel_Priority.png

    You will notice in my image, the correct setup has Guardian FIRST, because my life is more important than anything. Then I put vaporize, because it is the sentinel's active skill. Then Regen, though I imagine this could also be last, since the sentinel isn't firing when it is dead. Lastly, I put the attack AI card. My sentinel now vaporizes the second anything gets near me, and only attacks while vaporize is on cooldown. I also expect I'll be getting more shield refills from now on.

    TLDR: Sentinels have a priority queue. Do not put your attack AI card in the top left corner, or your sentinel will perform sub-optimally...especially if it is Dethcube. This has been a public service announcement by Arsonide.

  10. Dethcube gains experience for using his skills, but 90% of the time, if it sees an enemy, it's using it's minigun. That means it's minigun levels up extremely quick, but that doesn't give it any experience itself.

    It does rarely let off a vaporize, but your best bet is to drop guardian on it.

  11. Okay, we need to compile a list of things that are beneficial to summoning Stalker. 90% of the time I am attacked, he was sent by either Nef Anyo, or Golem. That may be just luck.

    I had a question, does repeatedly killing these two guys increase my chances of getting a Stalker? Is it just a flag that's like "Nef Anyo wants you dead - On/Off" or is it a scaling value, "Nef Anyo REALLY WANTS YOU DEAD RIGHT NOW." If the second is true, then I want to kill Nef Anyo a lot. If the first is true, then I only need to kill him once.

    Thirdly, what other bosses have sent Stalkers after you? I haven't ever had a Corpus proxy (Hyena, Ambulas, Jackal) send Stalker after me.

  12. I would like to see the blueprint for a few days, since there was no announcement that it was being retired. The Braton Vandal already haunts me, don't add this to the list of stuff I will never have.

    I've been playing since February, and Snipetron was next on my list.

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