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  1. I've been needing a good excuse to finally stop buying things from Warframe. FfXIV sells cosmetics at a fraction of the price, without predatory bundles confusing and inflating the costs and don't sell classes every few months for $100+ Bundling stuff together to make things unclear is a predatory practice and always has been. This one was just so outlandish that people noticed. "DE has to make money they are free to play!" Yet everything they sell costs more than other entire games. Those games run fine without selling $200 art books, $50-80 posters, single classes every few months for $100+ why don't they need to make as much money? Because 5+ years of Baulders Gate development is worth less than 2 skins and some worthless in game currency? Warframe is absolutely beautiful and the story and setting is amazing. The team really cares about its aesthetics and are possibly the only Dev team I actually remember the names of. They are super nice and just do good work. The gameplay grind not respecting anyone's time and the absolutely overpriced marketing don't mix well and it's just becoming more and more disassociated for me. An amazing staff and pretty graphics are nice, but I kinda want a game to be fun and affordable outside of whales. Also its not fair to the whales either, just because they can afford something doesn't mean they should be disrespected like this either. Honestly I kinda would love a single player full release of the warframe story so I can continue to love this world they've made. But reading the wiki to get the story is becoming more fun than actually sticking around in a grindy overpriced free to play game.
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