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Posts posted by Scar.brother.help.me

  1. latest?cb=20141216213835

    Ok, let me explain the problem with Nullifiers as they are: they completely strip u off all buffs, and this is crucial for the frames who heavily rely on them: damage reductions, invisibility, armor, hp buffs, rift planes, globes, etc to the point you decide "Hell with you!" and pick something like INAROS who can survive just fine if his 4 gets stripped relying on his passive survivability or Khora, who's chains override the field.

    BTW I also think falling off the cliff shouldn't cancel your buffs as well. The only other situation when you need to reapply your buffs is when you die (I won't say for everyone but for me crossing a Null field is as bad as dying).

    If Nullifier fields were reworked to either disable buffs while inside the field and regain it as soon as you are out of it or at most - have a few seconds disabled after - and then everything works again, buffs come back, abilities start to work, etc. For this change I'd be happy to give every nullifier lots of hp, armor and a railgun.

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  2. I like how mining mechanic was changed since Orb Vallis and have no problems with it. What seems not logical is the randomness of rewards for 1, 2 and 3 heat spots. Most of the time I get better rewards when I find mineral veins with only 1 spot to heat. In this case I spend less time to "dig" it and get a better or equal reward. And every time I get a 3-spot vain I have this thought "oh ****! here we go again.." (more time spent for lesser or equal reward)
    My suggestions:
    1. the more spots there are to heat - the better reward(s) there should be.
    2. if you play in a group - minerals should be a shared reward (either auto pick-up inside affinity range or lay on the floor for the rest of the team to pick it up) - in this case it would be fun and reasonable to go for this activity with a friend (same could be with fishing, but we are talking about mining here)

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  3. There is an issue about some damage spike in OV, I am not sure what enemies deal that damage, but I do die from time to time even on Inaros while being able to survive bullet/beam showers from most of the enemies at the same time. May be a bug or some bad damage output ballance, I don't know. It happens and it is annoying.
    In my opinion any high damage enemy needs to be clearly visible, even highlighted, and give some warning to the players like "if you don't hide or kill/controll it during next few moments - you are gonna suffer". Then if I am slow to react of just don't care - it is fair if I get hurt badly. But what we get in warframe - ph, these enemies do nothing to me, they are all the same, and then suddenly one of them deals a billion damage to you, now you have a moment of shield gating, you start to run around, try to understand where that damage comes from, and then you die with no clue.

  4. 21 hours ago, MorteNexus13 said:

    Rotation rewards for all endless missions are AABBCCCC….

    oh yes, I disagree with this, unless waves and minutes are halved, otherwise ABCCCCC..

    to be honest I don't like the idea of waiting for rotations at all, I am cool with conditions like number of successful vaults, alarms/guard kills during rescues, caches found, I partly like the way rotations work in disruptions. But I hate the idea that I need to waste my time on rotations A and B if I only need something from rotation C during the other endless missions. This is a pure waste of my time. In my opinion - rewards should be the same, but the longer u stay, the more chances should be to get what you want. If all of the endless mission's rotations had the same rewards but rotation B had better chances for rare rewards than A, C had even better chances than B and crappy rewards were removed from later rotations (If you want them, just replay lower rotations) - then it could be AABBCC or something, but I'd prefer ABCDEFG.. the longer u stay and the tougher enemies you encounter.

  5. 2 hours ago, MorteNexus13 said:


    don't bother, I just didn't try too hard 😄 I like all of these ideas. Any changes to missions are welcome because right now half of them are brain dead "kill em all" and the other ones are just annoying because they take more time and effort and give little to no reward (some crap u don't care about after a few weeks of playing the game)

  6. Some specters are pretty useful now, especially Wisp. But when I want them to Hold Position they still mess up their placement badly due to some skills they continue to use. Wisp can use his 2 and teleport to it in a brief moment, she also uses her 4 and starts to run around with it. Rhino can use his charge. In addition to that - they all can be displaced by knockdowns. Could you improve it in some way?
    P.S:"I'd like to have more control over specters and companions with keybindings and different commands, i.e. I don't even need my Kavat to run around and attack enemies, I'd rather have it as close as possible to me or stay near my specters and do their buffs" 

    Edit: I'd like specters to be tuned a bit more to use their long duration buffs by cooldown such as: Rhino - Roar, Wisp - place 3 motes at spawn (and 3 more only if they don't hold position of ordered to hold a new position), Valkyr - warcry and a few more that last around 30 seconds.
    and why not let us fashion them? why are they always at base colours and skins? this would be fun to fashion your specters!

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  7. Since the update where some abilities were reworked to heal/protect defence objectives - Wisp's motes now apply to almost everything: they regenerate defence "coffins", mobile defence computers, kuva harvesters, but for some reason - not the Excavators. They seem like the only exception.

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  8. I didn't like the old blast and the only thing i am ok with the current blast - at least it does nothing bad. If it did just a brief stun leaving enemies exposed to headshots - then it would be useful in some cases. But I thought before and I still think that blast should just carry a portion of it's damage to the area.

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  9. was going to post the same but see now that other people have the same problem
    only game restart helps (log out doesn't)

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