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Posts posted by Scar.brother.help.me

  1. 1. Disc comes back before time runs out (at combo x12 it happens somewhere around 20-30 seconds left) - sometimes timer keeps counting down while disc is already inside the weapon.

    2. This one I've noticed just recently, no matter the combo counter it can randomly come back after 10s as if there was no combo at all.

    3. Disk works wierdly with crit damage. I've tested it with and without crit damage mods and what I have found is that with no crit damage mods it crits just a little bit more than normal aoe damage instances (Disc deals pretty accurate damage to test if you make it Radiation, so it is easy to see crit procs as 59, 59, 59, 59 and then suddenly 66, again 59, 59, 59, 59,  ... 66 and so on, when BloodRush is on and you keep combo up, 66 is much more often), After adding Organ shatter + Gadiator Might (dfor x2,0 to x5,0) the crit damage becomes 89 (59, 59, 59, 59, 89, 59..)
     59 - no crit proc
     66 - crit (no crit dmg mods)
     89 - crit (Organ Shatter + Gladiator Might)
    Is it intended?
    - seems like this is a Simulacrum bug. 

    Could we receive a nice update to our UI for Zenistar to see as many stats of the disc as possible? Range, crit, status, elemental combinations on the disc itself, etc.. would be so dope.

    P.S.:"You could make it so cool if you at least fixed 1 and 2 and made just +20 seconds on the base timer with no combo, and then +10s for each as it is now, or even add a mechanic to fill up the timer with your melee hits or something, cmon! Do it for the RamRod!"

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  2. This attachment otherwise looks really good but the way is is attached and hangs spoils the whole look.
    Red - is how it is now
    Green - is this how it was ment to be?
    Blue - would be nice to have some tension in the chain so that it doesn't just hang down vertically hiding most oh the nicely done flame effect


  3. The only things I wish for Rhino right now are:

    1. Iron Skin recastable without sacrifising a mod slot for the puncture proc augment I couldn't care less.

    2. Roar recastable without the same otherwise useless mod.

    3. Nezha-like BIG NUMBERS indicator of how much of Iron Skin I have left. Not a little % number on my little ability icon down-right and not a small amount number on a small buff icon up-right. Just copy-paste it from nezha UI.

    • Like 3
  4. So the augment for Harrow 1:

    on paper: partially solves the problem of Harrow - need to compete with other DPS in a team to make kills (and headshots) before they do to make them even stronger so that they kill even faster.

    what really happens: U still need to apply your chains before your allies just kill the enemy.

    Biggest problems:
    1. chains travel slowly.
    2. chains have a pretty narrow "projectile" (needs aiming).
    3. has little chance to compete with Saryn/Mesa-like wipe abilities (but ok, this is the problem of OP Saryn  and a bit Mesa, but they are just perfect for the content DE throws in with TOP GRIND - LOW REWARD, so before nerfing them the content time investment-wise should become for one BIG step better and if not the game play right now then at least rewards - this is all off topic of course :clem:)

    This augment can work if Harrow chains become more like a cone or limbo cataclysm-like ranged circle area ability with some indication for allies like "KILL HERE", and it should either travel much faster or have no travel time at all to work with a high cast time even without Casting Speed mods.

    As it is now - it is useful only in choke points (which become less and less relevant) or with other frames that can gather mobs together like Nidus.


    P.S: "Harrow 4 augment Lasting Covenant could work on the whole team to contribute into the Headshots Piggy Bank".

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, DeliciousDoob69 said:

    Cool it works on 2 bows. Wow me some more. I did read the stats a -180 stacking accuracy penalty sounds great and at max stacks if you can somehow pull that off with such a short duration could likely well mean that you won't even hit anything to keep those stacks going. Also it can't be equipped with the regular multishot mod which mean you have to shoot and land one shot before you can even see the normal multishot bonus of split chamber. It's a weak and niche mod why are you defending it?

    because that kind of people live on this forum

    • Like 2

    4 hours ago, Finn_Flannigan said:

    I'd be fine if we could just hold our 'backwards' key to stop from moving forward. If pressing no movement key forces us to move anyway, then that option would be available.

    I love using melee. Being forced to move on certain combos feels natural, but on others it can make me move past my target (like an ancient healer in the midst of a crowd of infested). I forget which stance it was, but every combo moved me ahead so it felt rather detrimental in that case. Being able to backpedal to stop it seems like a viable option; at least for the combos you stand still for of course.

    I don't like the point of holding forward for combo, if I was able to rebind it to any other button like crouch or something I definitely would.  I want to press forward only if I want to get closer to the enemy, if I press back, I want to step back while continuing the same combo, if I press left or right I want to continue my combo and move to the desired direction just like with a gun. And if I don't touch any directional buttons it seems logical to let me be in place. My issue is that I want to control my character, not a train with just one acceleration pedal and a steering wheel.

  7. Happens to me from time to time. Just happened while solo in PoE. I am not sure if this issue is connected to melee but I do melee a lot lately.

    (edit: I've googled this post, I play on PC, so this issue is not just Xbox related)

  8. 14 minutes ago, Countess_Hapmuhr said:

    Sorry OP, but raids are dead and will keep being dead. I'm honestly surprised conclave is still a thing in the game and that DE hasn't axed that too. They're not the dev they used to be anymore.

    DE does listen at the moment more or less, so let's try to have a conversation. I haven't even seen raids, but I wish I have.
    I agree with OP that I don't have any challenge to aim for. Something I don't need to wait 30-40 waves to begin. Sorties are way too easy and boring, arbitrations are even more boring and challenge starts after at least 20+ minutes. Can we at least have a possibility to skip rotations and start from wave 6, 11, 15, 20?

  9. Is it so that most forum folks don't see this as a problem or at least an annoying feature? I would like to hear a feedback and have a discussion with Tenno who use melee a lot. Do you like the mechanic of your legs being tied to your melee combos and attack speed?

  10. On 2020-04-06 at 9:58 AM, Gluckogon said:


    In addition to the current effect, 1-4 magnectic procs also pull enemies in a small radius (~5m) to the affected target. This effect mimics the Magus Anomaly arcane, but with far less area of effect. When magnetic procs number reaches 5, an anomaly, simular to the “magnetic anomalies” from the sortie missions, is being created (yet smaller, more transparent). Anomaly duration is ~8 seconds and its effect radius is about the same as the initial pull effect had, but grows with additional procs, reaching it's maximum radius of ~8m at 10 procs. Anomaly stays in place for it's remaining duration if target, it was applied on, dies. All enemies affected by the anomaly are losing their shields ~10% per second.

    Right now, there are only one status effect that is REALLY effective as a crowd control tool for higher level content - Radiation. This magnetic proc change could add some variety for crowd control builds. Additionally, there will be a nice synergy for Gas + Magnetic status builds.


    When blast proc is being applied it also creates an actual blast, dealing ~50% of initial hit damage in 5m radius with 90% damage falloff. All enemies caught in the explosion receiving inaccuracy debuff.

    This change will allow to create an AoE builds on status-heavy weapons. Blast status effect will become a direct competitor to Electric status effect, with higher radius (5m vs 3m), significantly less damage overall (yet all of its bonus damage applies instantly) and with inaccuracy debuff that lasts longer and affects more enemies than stun of electric proc.


    I like the magnetic idea with magnetic pull and a gas synergy!

    Blast aoe damage is very welcome but I still don't care about accuracy debuff, but I'd rather see a classic stun effect with no push backs, knock downs or ragdolls. Just a good old stun to aim for headshots. And fine if headshots interrupt stuns, most of the time 1 headshot is enough.

  11. Since DE is doing some good job lately (revisiting old core stuff) I'd like to point the issue with forced movement during every combo in the game. Every combo has some degree of how strongly each combo takes control over frame's legs: on the lowest end some polearm and dual dagger stances and on the highest gunblade BULLET DANCE E+Block combo with jumping back and sides like some cartoon rabbit falling off the cliffs.

    Any good change here is needed, whatever good DE can come up with, but here is my proposal:

    E - melee
    B - Block
    F - forward

    combo 1: E, E, E - slow or medium speed steps forward, some combo moves root you in place, some leap you forward
    combo 2: E+F - usually a walking forward combo sometimes with dashing, some moves slow you down
    combo 3: E+B - slow/medium steps forward, sometimes with 1-2 dashes forward, sometimes something different like slams, most versatile combos here
    combo 4: E+B+F - dashes/leaps mixed with standing strikes
     All the movements are attached to weapon's attack speed, and the higher the attack speed the harder it is to control the warframe, it feels like a conflict between forced combo movement and parkour in game physics and probably is. Add to that requirement to hold forward for half combos gives even more restrictions to your movement. Melee feels like you try to control the tram that can only go forward while spamming melee like acceleration, it speeds up whenever it wants and randomly slows down - all you can do is try to move this tram by aiming on your enemy and don't miss, the only way to stop or step back is to stop hitting and press back. (in some cases a jumping back and sides tram)

    First of all - remove any forced movement during melee, let warframes stand still while they perform melee combos and heavy attacks unless we want to move to ANY desired direction and use the movement button/stick ourselves.
    Second - I propose to use crouch button as one of the combo buttons. We already use it a lot for the bullet jump and slide attacks, so it should be very easy to get used to it while using melee. 

    E - melee
    B - Block
    C - crouch

    combo 1: E, E - standing still or moving to any direction (can be a faster sprint speed like a running combo)
    combo 2: E+B - standing still or moving to any direction (can be a medium walk speed but harder hitting combo)
    combo 3: E+B+C - standing still or moving to any direction (can be a slow crouch-like speed combo either hitting very hard or forcing procs, slams, spin attacks)
    combo 4: E+C - standing still or dashing/leaping/jumping to any direction (and slide attack is already a good gap closing move so it should feel the same way and work together)

    This way melee will become much more responsive and true ninja-like. 

    P.S:"DE, I appreciate all the job done with melee so far, it became much better. Melee 3.0 was worth waiting, but it needs just a little bit more 🤏."



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  12. 7 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    It's a Status weapon.

    Mod for Status (yay Viral), get Armor removal plus more damage via Nightwatch Napalm (which BTW scales with +Damage and +Multishot),
    and it's a pretty dang effective / fun weapon I dare say, certainly a step above Tonkor (in regards to sustained damage, in any case) in my experience.

    A paltry Crit boost (lol 15% on a big-single-hit weapon) is hardly what the weapon needs, if it even needs anything
    (plus not least, any Crit buff would most likely come at the cost of base damage, urgh dat Secura Penta nerf change).

    Crit damage, even when base is just x2.0 means at least x4.4 damage increase. This is a huge difference between crit and non-crit weapon. I would gladly give up the whole crit probability and have it 1% with x1.5 (or smth to make it not worth even try crit builds) but boost the base damage at least x2 (remember, any crit is at least a x4.4 damage multiplier). Then we are talking.

    Right now Kuva Ogris is a fun and looking/feeling good weapon, I have a few insane rivens for it (dmg, multi, status, etc). But whenever I need to kill things - I have to switch to Bramma. Bramma without riven is much stronger than orgris with godly riven unfortunately. Crit means too much in terms of damage. So either crit must go up or better x2 (x3) base damage and burry the crit stats to the ground.

  13. Would be nice to be able to trade through the Warframe app.

    Actually I would be happy to see any QoL improvement at least in game. If there was some kind of context action "invite to trade" by right-clicking on some player's name. And no need to fly to Dojo/relay/whatever. Only a chat and a trade interface.

    Trade as it is now looks like this:

    You leave your trade info at warframe/riven market, then someone sends you a message while you are on a mission. You ask him to wait till you are done, then you both fly to someone's dojo, wait for loading screens multiple times and do the trade. When this could be done within a few seconds between waves or just ask your team to back you up. If the trade is complex, you can ask to wait and trade after the mission ends but at least from your orbiter through chat, no unnecesarry loading screens.

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