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Posts posted by Scar.brother.help.me

  1. It was channeling, I guess. It was removed but I wish those effects were tied to some new cosmetic stuff or something. Like weapon kind of "ephemera".

    Or kick in with combo counter either from x2  (20 hits) combo or gradualy brigher from x2 to x12.

    That would be cool.

    • Like 1
  2. Since we have Aerodynamic, Patagium, Tractor Beam, Mobilize and similar mods to extend our aim glide/wall latch it is very hard now to feel when it expires. I love using Aero Vantage with any mods above. Sometimes I try the Wall Latch rifle mod that gives +120% crit/status.

    The problem is that I can't use it effectively. I can't really tell when will I start to fall so I end it up prematurely.

    Can we get some indication above or below the crosshair of how much of aim glide/wall latch we have left?



  3. On 2020-03-23 at 4:39 PM, Aadi880 said:

    There is already an indicator.

    Press tab on the relic you are hovering over. It will tell its drop locations. If relic is vaulted, then it will say "This relic is currently in the prime vault."

    Thanks for the tip.

    But I agree with other tenno fellas that there is no time for it between waves. We need something without any "actions-per-relic". Something of what OP is talking about.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Nerf_SupYo said:

    It really breaks the flow, right? So many of the changes are great but little touches like this can make a huge difference.

    Yep, these and also annoying forced movements during 99% of any melee combos. I want to control myself where I move during melee attacks for the Void's sake!

    Some movements are just freaky, check out block-combo of gunblades (not sure which stance exactly, they all suck but one makes you actually jump left-right-back, and you find yourself somewhere in the back-left corner of the room. This is just stupid.

  5. 7 hours ago, moostar95 said:

    If you get the chance, go give melee saryn a shot. I've picked her back up after the melee changes a long with being away after 6 months. Playing tank frames all of the time, I'm thinking of maining  melee saryn. So much fun. A perfect feeling of risk vs reward when doing high level missions. A rush I've felt I've lost with this game for years. I dont care what happens to her nukes. But please DE, don't destory her 2 and 3. Melee saryn is underrated. 

    I know that, I've tried, it feels good, +corrosive buff augment, but still you can always just push 4 and clear the map. But if her 4 keeps viral debuff and let's say, get a slow/speed effect like Nova has, that would be so sweet.


  6. I'd want Saryn to stay as she is if I was a full-time farmer and my main point was to farm as effective as possible. 

    But if her 4 gets nerfed as a nuke and be instead turned into a viral status + some other effect, I'll finally play her.

    • Like 1
  7. For me the main issue with gunblades is the epileptic jumping around during combos (one of the stances even has jumps to the sides and back in one of the most shots combo). Because of that the only frame I can use remeeder with is Ivara sitting on dashwire during stationary missions.

    But I'll check the issue with status next time I do it.

  8. I've also started this topic a few times since melee 3.0 launch.

    I also promote a quick-hip-fire from full melee without aiming (manual block) when you press fire key. (Right now it does nothing unless you pick an option to use it as a second button for normal melee attacks - in that case it can stay as it is now).


    P.S:"inability to bind heavy attack to work properly from firearms is the ONLY reason I ever switch to full-melee mode".

    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

    temp solution: Stay 5 meters away from the larvling if you can. But I agree with your suggestion. holding the button would be better.

    I know that, but as I said after hours of murmur it happens uncounciously, you run 1-2 exterminates carefuly checking the larvling weapon but after a few runs you just speed up and do it accidently.

    • Like 1
  10. I never cared for anything but boosters and plat discounts during login. Except for when I just started and had difficulties with resourses I got one neuro sensor and was able to craft some weapon (which turned out to be a mr fodder crap anyway :p).

    If it is not a booster or a discount, the only meaningful login rewards could be 100+ endo and 10k+ creds and both scaling with login count. Some random recipes are not useful either..


  11. I already killed 2 of unwanted larvlings so far. The reason is that after farming murmurs for hours and killing a lich your muscle memory plays tricks on you and even when you are looking for some specific kuva weapon larvling you risk to finish your larvling uncounciously.

    Solution - hold to mercy or spare the larvling similar to lich mercy or conversion.


    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Actually, I did some theoretical work on the technical side of it. Check out my damage falloff and self stagger math suggestion. Generally speaking, you don't need to tie stagger to damage. You can tie it purely to range. The math I proposed for self-stagger falloff with range is front-loaded, quadratic and features a hard cutoff before max range in the function itself. The example I gave was for self-stagger to end at 80% of max range, so at 4.8 meters of a 6-meter range, for instance. By tweaking weapon range and self-stagger cutoff, you can help avoid players eating minor stagger at extreme distances from their AoE, and this can be tuned per-weapon.

    I'm usually the first to extol the virtues of linear progressions, but I feel that quadratic progressions are a better fit for radial effects. I deliberately chose a front-loaded falloff function for self-stagger and a back-loaded falloff function for damage falloff, since quadratic progressions allow me to do that even within the same interval.


    This is also not a bad idea, though that too can be implemented via the formulae I proposed above. The way I set the function for self-stagger falloff, anything above the cutoff range (relative to the weapon's maximum AoE range) would do NO stagger whatsoever. If this is considered too lenient, simple pushback can occur between the cutoff and max range, instead, scaled to relative distance from the centre. Essentially, you'd be pushed back but not affected by any rooting animation, like what Negation Swarm Inaros experiences when knocked back.

    Nice work with range and fall off but my main point is exactly final explosion damage. I wish that knock back strength was calculated from it so more powerful weapons with more powerful builds would have the most powerful draw back while less powerful wouldn't.

    P.S."Imo fall off and knock back are not needed at all, explosives are not that strong and already have low ammo, low fire rate, low magazines, etc. Except for the recent Kuva Bramma and may be Acceltra."

  13. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

    Overall, I've enjoyed the removal of self-damage. Self-Stagger as its replacement needs some refinement.

    Some weapons that got stagger added to them... don't make much sense. I mean, apparently, they universally added stagger to any AoE (essentially), which comes across as very sloppy/lazy. I mean, the Pox? really? (I don't use it, but a poofing gas cloud has stagger now?) And Operator stagger is staggeringly stupid IMO... not all AoE needs to stagger us. That's just taking it too far.

    Also, the recovery window either needs to be longer, or maybe the visual effect needs to line up with the window better, not sure which, at the moment. I only really have the Lenz to experiment with, and I'm still aiming at enemies far away, anyway... so very little experience with the cool ninja-recovery thing.


    I would also be glad to not only jump out of stagger but roll out of it as well. Just a little detail, I just feel like I gotta do the roll, not a jump.

  14. 3 hours ago, (XB1)francy x096 said:

    Yes, this nerf was not really necessary for all weapons, except Bramma.


    Only Bramma was op and now feels just very good. (The only balanced explosive weapon right now that can deliver some killing next to some other meta weps)

    Other Explosives never were used much not only because of self-damage but also because they were too weak for this trade.

    Ogris was actually better with maxed cautious shot. If the frame was not a complete paper, it could survive a few blasts because damage was never really huge on it. Now it has the same stagger as Bramma and a 80% fall off, but a tiny boost in range.

    This fall off is a good idea if all other explosives get a considerable boost to stay in line with Bramma. Then it will be fair. If there is no crit on the launcher - let it have a much bigger raw damage, because crit is at least x4.4 damage and higher. So when other weapon can't crit (I mean is crit rate is too low and not worth investing into the crit modding), its' base damage should be at least doubled. Just like Tigris/Exergis compared to other shotguns.


  15. 21 hours ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

    Agree about hook mechanic issue and have a few more:

    1. Dying to the toxic aura of eximus

    2. Loosing all the energy to eximus drain aura


    The problem with these two:

    - it works through walls

    - very hard to see who exactly has the aura


    Possible solution - link beams or Nidus-like link from the affected frame to the enemy. And requirement of line of sight may be, even if it goes throgh other enemies, but not obstacles.


    P.S. "you can double the damage of melee infested if you wish, I still don't feel any changes, but please, balance the affinity gain from other than Grineer factions, I am so sick of Hydron, but it remains the best affinity farm so far".

    Yeah, to make it short:

    Better indication of auras: some links, circles, bubbles, whatever helps to see where it comes from.

    • Like 1
  16. Self-stagger instead of a self-damage is a good change. But..

    Though it is unfair from weapon to weapon. In case of self damage it was a one-shot suicide for powerful weps and possible to ignore in some cases. 

    I wish self-stagger/knockdown was somehow better calculated. My main point here is a total damage of the explosion virtually taken by the player to be converted into a stagger strength. In that case Kuva Bramma with critting explosions should stagger much more than any other explosive weapon that doesn't deal as much damage like non-critting Ogris. Though it will be fair if I use Adarza/Harrow/Avenger to boost crit chance, apply crit damage to it and be launced into space by some Ogris crits.

    This kind of system should take into account this fall off mechanic as well.


    And cautious shot could be inside that formula to lower the virtual self damage, lower the knock back effect and be useful.


    And the lowest stagger effect shouldn't do any interruptions, just a push back like a strong wind, may be lose some momentum, not more.

    • Like 1
  17. A very good qol change, thanks DE! Keep it that way!

    People who complain that they did synticates for the large ones x10 are, probably, new players. I did that too but still happy it was added somewhere (it would be just fine for me if it was added to Syndicates instead but still cool, I am glad to obtain it either way.

  18. Agree about hook mechanic issue and have a few more:

    1. Dying to the toxic aura of eximus

    2. Loosing all the energy to eximus drain aura


    The problem with these two:

    - it works through walls

    - very hard to see who exactly has the aura


    Possible solution - link beams or Nidus-like link from the affected frame to the enemy. And requirement of line of sight may be, even if it goes throgh other enemies, but not obstacles.


    P.S. "you can double the damage of melee infested if you wish, I still don't feel any changes, but please, balance the affinity gain from other than Grineer factions, I am so sick of Hydron, but it remains the best affinity farm so far".

    • Like 2
  19. On 2020-03-14 at 1:32 PM, Avienas said:

    For frocks sake people will complain about the air being obstructive if they could. Try to remember that a aura forma is straight up letting you equip madurai, vazarin, naramon and zenurik polarity aura mods with zero care. Now on the case of weapon stance forma, that could honestly need to get changed to 2 maybe 3 since in most cases people stick to 1 weapon stance and never care too much on the proc particularities betweeen different stances.

    Especially if we start talking about certain weapon stances having certain AUTO guranteed procs, hit counts and damage multipliers on its combos, which usually defaults to wanting the best weapon stance for flow like using tempo royale on great swords for its nice wide sweep play or blind justice which gives nikanas some nice flow slappage.


    Anyway they will obviously shove the stance special forma bps somewhere else later and costs are not even final so they can easily change it by next week or two. But lets be honest, if its gonna be tied to a event, anything forma or potato related should just be completed versions at this point and just have D.E. put a weekly cap on the built vers and much cheaper vers for bps to help push a tad more incentive to stock them.

    OP is right, I have plenty of Aura forma BP's and 4 forma requirement is the main reason I don't build those. I'd rather sell some stuff for plat and buy it built. A very expensive requirement. 

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