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Posts posted by November.Terra

  1. I have my Galatine 3xforma'd and potato'd, heavily modded. Mods that I use: Max fury, max reflex coil, max focus energy, max rending strike, max pressure point, max killing blow, max true steel. I switch between elemental mods depending on the enemy.


    I know that I can 1 shot (charged) lvl46 ancients, but I'm not entirely sure if I can 1 shot ancients up to lvl60. Really good at normal swings too, but max fury mod is required for this... maybe berserker if you'd like.


    I just can't see hate performing as good as galatine.

  2. It happened to me when I was doing an rescue alert on a grineer tileset. The door was completely open but I could not get past it.


    One thing that I should note that there was extreme lag. Like other people are running-in-place and they teleport every 5+ seconds or so. I have no clue why there was so much lag even if I set my maximum ping at 200.

  3. yes just click to purchase founder pack on warframe site and then under payment type options go to the tab that has 12 more choices UGC should be on the bottom row, don't try buying through steam even if you play via steam


    I can't. It always redirects me to steam, but not when I try to buy plat.



    Did you make your warframe account through steam? If so then you are Unfortunatly stuck with steam wallet :c


    I think I made my account here then loged-in on the steam browser to be able to download the game... It sucks that steam doesn't accept UGC :(



    I had a friend that used it. (Not sure if it worked) but he did say he used UGC


    I have 3 friends that also used UGC to buy their founders packages so I thought that I'd try it to, but sadly, steam is screwing me over right now.


    I just sent DE a support ticket a few minutes ago. I reeeeaally hope that I can use UGC.

  4. I know that I can buy plat using UGC, but when I try to purchase a founders package Warframe redirects me to steam every time :\


    Is there any way I can actually purchase it NOT via Steam?



    Update: After sending DE a support ticket, they informed me that as a Steam Activated User, I cannot use any other method (including UGC) to pay for the founders package except thru Steam Wallet.

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