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Everything posted by HARDBALLER

  1. So..... just play solo and then you can take 15 minutes to complete missions that take normal players less than 2. Have fun raffling off 4 relic runs per hour at turtle speed as opposed of doing 30. You don't see the math in this? Warframe is rinse and repeat ad nauseam. For me, the only competition is to out-nuke other nukers and get missions done as quick as possible so I can start the next one, not to appease to the slowest player in the squad so he can also get a few kills in.
  2. Oh great, another goofball trying to be funny. WE ASK TO TURN IT OFF IN THE SETTINGS. Why can't attention seeking clowns like you not even refrain from commenting on these topics?? Nobody asked for your dumb opinion and nobody wants to take away your fun so put a sock in it already. Nobody cares about your Chroma bla bla bla. People should decide how fast they go for themselves. How hard is that to understand? You probably are a poor player who can use the extra boosts but most players can mod their own frames without random speed boosts inflicted on them in every fricking type of mission by these dumb volt spammers. Try doing a backflip with Titania in flight mode. NOT EVEN POSSIBLE. So I have to disable my ability and go out of flight mode, do a backflip and go back into flight mode.......and by then Volt idiot will have spammed another speedboost. It simply is game breaking for people who do not like it. I am sick of getting slammed into the decor every single time I'm running and these goofball Volt players are blasting out speed boosts non stop for no reason other than that they can. When you ask them politely to stop, many of them start spamming even harder. People can perfectly decide how fast they want to go for themselves. Nobody says YOU can't enjoy speedboosts, just give players who think it is intrusive and annoying the option to turn it off in the settings. REASON ENOUGH?
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