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Everything posted by InfiniteNothingness

  1. Just revert the LoS change and nerf the range if needs be. I can play around it by changing my build to include more range, but I can't do anything about LoS being buggy and inconsistent.
  2. "If we change Dante, it'll be a small tweak" Rebecca lied as easily as she breathed.
  3. Added a table of contents, introduction, and defined terms for better reference. Replaced the previous “1. LIMITED USE LICENSE” with “6. License and Use of the Services” to better reflect the license granted to our players. Replaced the previous “2. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS” with the new section “Player Conduct,” which includes a new set of prohibited or inappropriate player conducts. Added the following new sections to clarify the rights and obligations between us and our players: “9. Virtual Goods and Game Currency,” which addresses legal rights relevant to virtual goods and currencies. “10. Refunds,” which adds clarity to refund-related scenarios. “13. Feedback,” which tells how we will use your valuable feedback. Updated the Dispute Resolution section to explain how we will resolve potential disagreements with our users. Added various Addendums for residents of certain territories. Please pay special attention to the relevant Addendum if you are a resident of the EU, UK, Brazil, the US, South Korea, Japan, Morocco, Tunisia, Mexico, Australia, or Canada. Added additional Schedules to clarify issues related to the use of third-party platforms (including App Store, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo). Added a Schedule for our Streaming Policy. This is in addition to our existing Content Policy, and serves as a clear reference for content creators who wish to cover our game.
  4. Honestly Kullervo should get Overguard gating and have Adaptation work on it like how it does on shields. When his Overguard runs out he should go invulnerable for a second. It's actually possible for Kullervo to get oneshot from 100-0 by a high enough level enemy through his Overguard.
  5. Well, that's disappointing. I was looking forward to using the Paris Prime with the Riven I just rolled for it.
  6. Nothing for the Braton Incarnon's first perk not working on channelled abilities that don't use energy like Hildryn Haven or subsumed channelled abilities?
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