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Everything posted by lowgrav

  1. ive seen this apparently whoever did this did the full movie and the title is "harry potter and the deathly weapons"
  2. they go to red veil in relay you can see one in there atm afer that they probs go to simaris as you see a guy in the center there too stay tuned next time where we see space tredmill as between eating and sitting on that chair if we dont use them in missions they dont get much exersize
  3. hey jimbo i got some new friends for you to meet say hello to MR mop and Miss's bucket
  4. just put a hirduo melee sparing weapon on wisp ta-da as that fist weapon has foot coverings you have just given wisp prostetic feet also works with kogake, obex , korrudo .....and their prime counterparts if they have any
  5. is there really only 109 decrees?..... well to more important questions can you jump from 1 island to the other without using the bridge to cross by using that speed increese for each decree (the big islands) that would be something to see find a ramp surface hit it at max speed jump at the top and yeet yourself to the next island
  6. that wont fix that weapon as the stug status chance is tied to the aoe effect not the inital impact so you need to shoot then wait for the delayed explosion......but wait if you fire too fast it will erase the old projectiles resulting in no detonation which will equal a net 0% status for the incarnon to make stug good it would need to change the gun firing mechanic but when its charged and you activate the mode it sorta does......so the end is the gun being half good half trash
  7. so void alows us to see stuff in a different multiverse......oh great more potental void captain vors each with a long monolog to talk even after you kill him he still speaks.....face the baptisim of my janus key and this is why the zaraman jump failed they saw the potental future of multiple monolog guys being imortal in the void so they were like hell no emergency stop .....too late the nose is in the void so the parents went mad but not the kids as they didnt know as weren't told who has alternate copys of themselves all with a janus key all void touched and with a different cut direction.....our vor was cut in half others may be cut differently or even melted with energy weapons but all has something to say
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