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Posts posted by EzioTheEagle

  1. 11 hours ago, (XB1)AnnabelleNewell said:

    Here's a serious issue I have with the Railjack.

    When i communicate to teammates that I am going to be on the helm and firing, I shouldn't have to get off to take care of every single problem on the ship whilst dumbo #1 decides to pilot MY RAILJACK.

    I honestly believe that each railjack should only allow the one who created it to be able to pilot it.

    I've dealt with two very ignorant players in regards to this even after communicating to them. I should not have to do this nonstop. Like I said, railjacks should only be commanded and piloted by the one who put in time and effort into starting it. I poured a lot of resources and time into the ship, I should be able to pilot it without another tenno trying to jack the helm.

    I don't know, I just find the idea of allowing anyone to pilot your railjack stupid really.


    do one thing.. Play solo.. 

    Your idea or suggestion is totally trash.. Anyone can do anything whatever they wanna do.. No matter whose ship it is.. Otherwise there is no point doing a coop gamemode or doing railjack with friends coz literally u are killing the fun by limiting it. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    They shouldn't have made it so hard to get in the first place. THEN removing it from the drops temporarily to bring it back in a super easy way is just disrespectful to the few who did luck out. I say we let them keep the og version and we can have the "updated model"

    Having lucked out can't be any kind of achievement. Trust me I got the ephemera before hotfix too after 700+ runs.. And i suffered so i dint want others to get through the same hell like we did.. So its better for everyone to have a balanced  progression based system to get it.. It doesn't matter actually.. The ephemera is still unique, acquisition method can't decide its rarity imo.. 

    What u are enjoying, other players have the right too to enjoy it as well.. Cosmetics like these should not be locked behind so many RNG layers.. If it was a direct rng method then its fine like exploiter drops shocking step (5% drop chance) 

  3. 1 hour ago, CephalonSkii said:

    So anyone wants to do the terrible farm again but this time for umbra forma? Hit me up in game if you do I'd be up for it(I'll be honest I really didn't feel bad doing those 400+ runs to find a cache) so if anyone else feels the same way well I'd be up for farming together

    Lol and then the next thing u know DE will make those available also from little duck for 250 shards xD in another hotfix 

  4. Wukong rework is so much fun and wayy better than what he was before..I dont see a reason for not using him in missions, players use him coz its efficient with him to do those fast runs (spy, capture.rescue)

    What problem do u have with it? and why should u? I dont see any problem honestly.. DO not ask DE to ruin a great frame, specially after rework, if u dont wanna see players use wukong, play SOLO

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Vaeldious said:

    I mean, a REALLY efficient squad could probably pull off 20+ shards in a single cycle, my top haul is 14 with resource booster (7 runs total in the 30 minute window). We just had a few pauses at the start and waiting for another squadmember to join, so there was plenty of standing around waiting that could have been runs. Usually its about 3-4 minutes with Wisps taking out the sentients and speedrunning.

    The rumors stem from the Wiki not specifying which TYPE (orokin/sentient/grineer) of reinforced crate, only that it is from the reinforced, not rare. This was further confused because for a brief period they DID drop from grineer reinforced crates on Saturn and Earth, but was hotfixed since it was an incorrect drop (the patchnotes only specify that its supposed to be a Veil tier drop). There have been no reports that I've seen of it dropping from grineer since that hotfix, though that could just be that there were more people looking for red sentient containers than there were looking for grineer reinforced.

    Ahh.. Gotcha 

  6. 2 minutes ago, schilds said:

    They don't need to do the Anomaly for Umbra forma. They also drop from reinforced grineer containers in Grineer bases.

    Now this is the confusing part, I only know one guy who has the umbra forma and he got it from red crates inside sentient ship.. But I also heard rumors about umbra formas being available in grineer ship rare crates and derelict node rare crates.. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Vaeldious said:

    Id totally be OK with Umbra Forma being in the Duck Store for like 250+ shards.

    Since you dont have to complete the whole mission, and boosters/kavat buffs double shards, you can literally get enough shards for an ephemera with a fast squad in 1-2 cycles.

    Yeah I wouldn't mind either if that was the case honestly 

    • Like 1
  8. As the hotfix states 'Sentient Captura Scenes have also been removed from the drop table and will be purchasable from Little Duck exclusively' so technically, only umbra forma bps should be left inside the red crates in the sentient ship as the ephemera and capturas are removed from the drop table now.. 

    For this reason, players are still split farming the sentient anomaly (who already have the ephemera and capturas) to get the umbra forma now.. So the whole issue for this change is still not fully fixed.. 

    People are still doing the same 'run-search red crate - abort - repeat' 

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, This_Guy_Steve said:


    Not angry. Just very disappointed on this decision. Like I said could've went to the route where we as players can get it. Increasing the chance on the red cache not removing and putting more grind into another system. I rather keep going for the hard work I've done and on trying to get the ephemera. 

    Yeah kinda agreed on that tho, they could have increased the spawn rate of the red crates and we could keep grinding until getting the ephemera but then again its not the rng of the ephemera or the crate only, the time gate itself was a thing for the ship to even show up, so they just reduced the grind mechanism by token system.. Let's see how it goes.. Hopefully it will be a better system.. 

  10. 3 hours ago, GPrime96 said:

    When i get the Tenebrous Ephemera, only Ephemeras i wouldn’t have is Blazing Step (because who cares about a Focus Farming Game Mode at this Point) and the Corposant because i thought that one looks like complete trash. Not sure if other Players is going to get the Lotus Ephemera again when Tennocon pop up

    Keep doing eso, I dint give up.. After 500+ eso runs.. Got blazing lol and for the corposant prime that's ur personal decision.. I got that for collection purpose and Lotus will be back in next year tennocon I hope 

  11. 6 hours ago, Lollipumpsie said:

    I dont like bats, its my opinion, i think this ephemera fully personifies red-black inaroses with ignis, what i can't stand. But this is my freak.

    I just don’t pay attention to ephemeras that I don’t like. If the tenebrus of the ephemera would not look cool for me, I would not be worn out about this.

    U should see my Ash Prime... Batman fashion, that bat ephemera perfectly suited for that... 

  12. 1 hour ago, Lollipumpsie said:

    Yea, i see, now u rly can chill, daddy.

    I got all my ephemeras too, i dont have event-one (easter and halloween) coz they awful as fuk and they are not big deal for me. But yea, my collection is complete too.

    Yep I am finally chilled haha.. Badly wanted this tenebrous one.. Did not expect to get it on last moment 

    Btw even the Easter one doesn't count as it was limited timed, u missed the Halloween bat ephemera (one of the coolest) so ur collection should be righy now 19/20(that too if u had bought wukong prime accessories ephemera) 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

    Ofc he angry. He spent 1,600 runs for nothing.

    Oh yeah speaking of runs, I forgot to tell u that I got the ephemera just before the hotfix dropped, after my 700+ runs... 

    My Ephemera Collection is complete now... What about u Mr. 'Daddy Chill' 😂

  14. I heard there's a bug where a player can get Tenebrous Ephemera without even doing anything , without doing the anomaly missions in sentient ship , all he needs to do is join his friend's dojo who had the ephemera equipped on him and thats it... I am not totally sure about this bug but I heard this happened with many players, although probably that was before the hotfix(which temporarily removed the ephemera from droptable)

    can't say anything about now...

  15. 30 minutes ago, This_Guy_Steve said:

    I hope this change will give those players who have suffered over thousand runs and giving tokens for those giving even though it's small I will still grind for little bit to get that ephemera but if it's a #*!%ing syndicate where we have to rank up I'm going to lose my #*!%ing mind. I also hope this is the last straw and the only that ever happened. I don't want to see me and other players grind so much to get something very awesome underneath with the all the RNG. lol I had a break down when they removed that ephemera over 1,600 runs no reds and 12 yellows. But I have a small problem why not increase the red cache spawn rate? BUT NO, it seems it was way easier to just removing it. Plugsome numbers and there we go, I'm not a smart person even though could've went to this route for it. 

    seems like u are still angry about that decision 😛

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