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Posts posted by EzioTheEagle

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    well, they said you'd have to earn Ephemeras, I guess a Token system sort of counts towards that. there's still the RNG on Vengeful Ephemeras though (and no, I wouldn't say killing a Lich is really "earning it".) they'll still require some farming though, which I'm absolutely fine with.


    Actually this would be great if the acquisition method required both effort and rng to an extent... 

  2. Just now, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    Wait... What? That's what they meant with their Tenebrous removal? Saw it on the latest PS4 hotfix, but hadn't noticed any info as to how it would come back.

    So, if I got it straght... Ephemeras in general will be effort based through a token system? Is that it? If so that's supremely lovely!

    Though I doubt it can be "all" of them. Ephemeras linked to dlc kind of stuff would likely not be included, sadly. Still, it's pretty good as is.

    yeah I doubt that too if all of them will get the same treatment or not xD

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  3. Just now, Chewarette said:

    I sincerely don't get how anyone can be excited about a token system, which only brings predictability... Yay, I'll have what I want after my nth run, what a thrill, how exciting it is to run the same thing nth times, very well knowing the n-1 first times will be useless *yawns*

    Then suggest a better idea please.... any idea which is better than the old method is accepted as long as its fun to every player 😉

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  4. First of all, I am not against grinding..I love grinding but I am not a fan of badly designed grind with so many RNG layers either. I am very passionate about these ephemeras and I want to collect them all so this doesn't matter for me honestly what the acquisition method is,I will collect them eventually anyway but for the majority of players who want them as well and they are tired of depending on their luck,it do matter.  I think sometimes it is good to change the RNG based acquisition into an EFFORT based one. I am fine with either though.The uniqueness, exclusivity, rarity of the ephemera doesnt fade away imo. The fact that I have collected them all and I have a strong belief that I will collect the new ones in future also is enough to make these ephemras exclusive to me. I wont mind whether they are RNG based(maybe a direct RNG is better like exploiter orb ones) or effort based/token based..EPHEREAS WILL ALWAYS BE UNIQUE

    I,personally, believe that DE has taken a better step deciding to change the acquisition method for Tenebrous Ephemera(Which I luckily got last night from my last session before the hotfix dropped)

    I totally support the new change which is coming, although some of you wont agree with my opinion but the change was needed long ago and it will be good for everyone I assume.

    Yes, ephemeras are cosmetics and are supposed to be rare but that doesn't imply the fact that you have to grind it for infinite amount of time without knowing your progress...Atleast with the Token system coming, we can know our progress while gradually moving towards the final reward...

    I don't know if all those existing ephemeras will get the same treatment or not but I hope DE will keep the token system as it is for newly released ephemeras too in future.

    And for challenges, it should be like some achievement which cant be completed or finished in a day, maybe it will take atleast a week to complete and we will get the reward afterwards..but it will feel like WE EARNED IT

    Anyway I just wanted to post my collection as I was trying to grind for this last ephemera(Tenebrous Ephemera in Sentient Anomaly Ship) since last 2-3 weeks along with my friends.. split farming method was the most efficient and fastest method for this farm..luckily I managed to get this just before the hotfix dropped.. I am looking forward to see what new ephemeras DE will release in future and also would like to see the acquisition method they will get..

    All those players who want to have every ephemera like me, who did not get the Tenebrous one from old method, I would say  not to worry about it and you guys are lucky to experience the new change , u will get it as soon as DE puts it back to game, we all deserved this change long ago when Blazing Step grind was a thing but atleast we are getting the change now.. so Thank you DE

    Waiting for the next Hotfix/Update to see how the implementation goes






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  5. 44 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Another note for a short term fix for a bigger issue. All Platforms will receive this very soon since it's a Data fix:

    Tenebrous Ephemera Removal and Future Acquisition:
    We will TEMPORARILY remove the Tenebrous Ephemera as a drop from Reinforced Sentient Containers aboard the Sentient Anomaly in Veil Proxima. The drop method is causing numerous issues in terms of connectivity stability and player frustration. We’re going to be changing the acquisition method that won’t involve a direct drop rate in a near future Hotfix/Update, and will instead be closer to a token system (complete X Anomaly missions to buy Ephemera from a vendor).
    The Tenebrous Ephemera will be coming back as soon as possible in a better acquisition method

    Thank You very Much......

    This was much needed ..

  6. Did like 250+ sentient ship runs, haven't seen a red container till now

    This needs to be changed, either let us allow to buy the ephemera or make the sentient ship stay permanently.. 

    I am annoyed by this tideous grind with so many rng layers.. 

    1. Ship spawns on timer, stays for 30mins, we need to rush and do as many fast runs as we can 

    2. We need the rng to get those particular rooms where the red containers usually have chance to spawn

    3. We need to be lucky to get red container and not yellow (apparently both are rare so, ya rng again) 

    4. We need the rng to get the ephemera or umbra forma out of it(mind u, it contains 4 or 5 different capturas of that place) 

    So, this grind is not what warframe used to have, I wouldn't mind the grind if the sentient ship wasn't on timer and stayed always.. We could farm it whenever we can.. But this made things worse, too badly designed rng

    See as I said in many posts, lemme say again some of my possible ideas what DE can do to balance it out :

    1. Make a mini sentient boss inside the ship which will spawn always but has chance to drop the ephemera 5%

    2. Make the ephemeras tradeable 

    3. Give those rare containers in other tilesets also like Lua 

    4. Make the ephemera a rare drop from ropalolyst(technically a sentient bird so makes sense) 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Vaeldious said:

    You forgot a layer: if it is chosen to spawn, it has to spawn in the sentient ship and not in the grineer tileset. If it spawns in the secondary objective (if there is one, which there USUALLY is), you'll get a grineer rare or reinforced container with only a possibility of Umbra forma as the "good" loot. But during anomaly, most people don't even bother to check because that can also be found during normal veil gameplay.

    Wait what... I dint know that trust me.. 

    U mean the secondary objectives like 'destroy the ship killer platform' has a chance to drop umbra forma? 

    I thought the red crate in sentient ship drops that.. 

    Thnx for this info dude 

  8. Did like 250+ sentient ship runs, haven't seen a red container till now

    This needs to be changed, either let us allow to buy the ephemera or make the sentient ship stay permanently.. 

    I am annoyed by this tideous grind with so many rng layers.. 

    1. Ship spawns on timer, stays for 30mins, we need to rush and do as many fast runs as we can 

    2. We need the rng to get those particular rooms where the red containers usually have chance to spawn

    3. We need to be lucky to get red container and not yellow (apparently both are rare so, ya rng again) 

    4. We need the rng to get the ephemera or umbra forma out of it(mind u, it contains 4 or 5 different capturas of that place) 

    So, this grind is not what warframe used to have, I wouldn't mind the grind if the sentient ship wasn't on timer and stayed always.. We could farm it whenever we can.. But this made things worse, too badly designed rng

    See as I said in many posts, lemme say again some of my possible ideas what DE can do to balance it out :

    1. Make a mini sentient boss inside the ship which will spawn always but has chance to drop the ephemera 5%

    2. Make the ephemeras tradeable 

    3. Give those rare containers in other tilesets also like Lua 

    4. Make the ephemera a rare drop from ropalolyst(technically a sentient bird so makes sense) 

  9. 45 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

    Daddy, chill.

    This is COSMETIC item. It should be rare, and not easily accessible, like ugly spores or bats.The rarity and severity of receiving makes ephemera valuable and rare, as it should be. These are the very trials and rewards for these trials. IMO

    P.S: I got ephemera after 800+ runs, and i dont cry about it.

    And BTW  Forr ur initiative and that post about the ephemera farming, many players are getting it and started teaming up to farm it..thats a good thing, keep it up

    45 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

    It should be rare, and not easily accessible, like ugly spores or bats.

    like u said, this should be rare LIKE SPORES or BATS, u do remember right how we got those 2, spore from NW series 2 reward from a particular rank and Bats(Naberus) from a tactical halloween event..so technically both are earned by us, not dropped by luck


    48 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

    P.S: I got ephemera after 800+ runs, and i dont cry about it.

    And About this, if u already dint know, I have 19 out of 20 ephemeras in the game, I love grinding them, so I collect them all...I dont cry for grinding, I got blazing step ephemera after 500+ ESO runs.... check my older posts if possible..

    But in this case, the grind is the worst bcoz of so many rng layers : 1. those particular rooms need to spawn , 2. Red crates have to spawn netween red and yellow , 3. The ephemera has to drop from the red crate

    Till date, this is the worst grind for a cosmetic IMO..so I just want if we could get the item by other ways, or even normal grind like others 

    I wouldnt mind if grinding the ship stayed permanently tbh

  10. 37 minutes ago, Gasau said:

    I just stop after getting 2 red crates with freakin capturas. Im done with this RNG crap.


    This game rewards only luck. Your skill doesnt matter. All about luck.


    This game has already become a f@!#ing casino.

    feels bad man, the grind is too bad with all these rng layers

  11. 17 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    This is impossible

    Event emblems, you missed a ton of them

    Tactical alerts, each one missed means the emblem isn't at it's peak

    There are numerous skins, glyphs and so on that were available in a very short time frame, sometimes from time limited promocodes, sometimes from time limited missions, i'll just lay it here, some were available for alot less time than founders program, meaning if you didn't login and play a particular misison, then you can never aquire it.

    Yes, you want all the ephemeras, that's nice, but cosmetic wise you probably missed a ton of stuff already.

    thats true actually, starting with excal prime, I dont have many things...but still I try to collect everything possible I can..

  12. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    My heart breaks cause I feel like I got screwed. I ran it a few times today solo & 1 secret door would NOT open no matter what. (Bugged)
    Of course there was a container behind it (Far enough to not be broken via AOE).

    So I feel haunted. I feel like I missed my chance after numerous runs.

    I hope DE does something about this. Like making it guaranteed or some sort of way to be earned. Cause this is horrible & creating a horrible experience for everyone.

    I vouch for that.. 

    Maybe give us a challenge to complete and reward the ephemera afterwards like The bat ephemera during Halloween event.. 

  13. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

    Generally speaking, hard to obtain rewards make me grind until my eyes bleed: Eso ephemera, completing all the arby drops, rare mods etc.

    But the level of lunacy that is RNG with railjack for both rare crates - Grineer & Sentient for either Umbra or Ephemera/Captura is too high even for my generally masochistic warframe experience - so except when dragged kicking and screaming by friends, neither is motivation to farm or continue to play the game mode.

    Even the pathetic drop chances on the 1% avionics and RNG wreckage stats have turned me off to trying to farm those.  At least general start chart 1% drops are generally farmable in endless missions on enemies that are lootable with some frame-based abilities.  And on a variety of mission types- Ones I can choose to blast through in 5 min, or stay an hour and have killed a thousand enemies.  With RJ (if solo) its stay 25-35 minutes to have slogged through only 100 enemies, none of whom could be looted, where vacuum doesn't exist in any meaningful way, the loot is damn near invisible if you're not right next to it, and the mission has a 20% chance of glitching out anyway and being a forced abort - so even IF RNG smiles upon you, you still get bent over and have to lose it.


    Same dude same.. I grinded all the other ephemeras like eso one, arbi one and trust me I still got annoyed a bit while Grinding those but here's the thing, those grinds weren't going anywhere.. They were still there always.. But this insane rng layered grind is scaring me if I miss the timer somehow.. The time gate is killing me

  14. 52 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

    It still won’t fix it, the ephemera is hidden in a rare/reinforced container which has a ridiculously low chance. I may never get the ephemera weeks months even years after they made it permanent.

    No.. I mean if they make the ship permanent then atleast we can grind the thing at peace knowing its there, we can go grind it whenever we want but the scenario now is insane tbh

  15. 47 minutes ago, Anthraxicus said:

    Let's be honest here. The way this ephemera is obtained is the dumbest way ever conceived in the history of mankind and DE should come forward and apologize for it.


    First of all, it is not a reward, because there is no effort behind it. It is not even a lottery. It is more like an accident. Maybe you get lucky and you come across a chest and maybe it also contains the ephemera. I suspect the first person who got this had this "accident": "hey, what is this red chest in the middle of nowhere.......oh, it is a new ephemera no one knew existed". Great.

    Why not make a reward that is hidden behind actual effort and grind? Maybe you get that ephemera after fighting level 200+ enemies on a certain mission that happens to also have other good rewards. That would be mind blowing for DE.....common sense for all other looters out there.

    I like your idea about hidden reward behind grind, maybe we can get a mini gamemode on that tileset where we need to survive particular number of zones or waves to get some unique rewards.. Like eso but in a different way and mini boss after each 2 zones for a nice change.. Also that mini boss can drop those rewards too but low chance.. There could be many such ideas from which we can get that new ephemera.. I just want this ephemera to be obtainable or grindable from some fun ways.. See I had to issue or complain for Grinding the eso ephemera bcoz it was 1% drop chance but we can do eso whenever we want.. But in this case, it's like to get the ephemera, we have to be obligated and keep a watch everytime the ship shows up.. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    yes but the way your going at it with 2 forum topics then post here than make a 3rd topic on it, does nothing but bug the forum mods an players.
    there are people that are actually get a team togather to work in separate instances to find the rare containers by scanning the normal ones so they show green an not the rare ones so it shows orange.
    they go an run through the ship if dont find one by the end aborts an heads back in till someone on team finds a rare an leaves it alone till everyone is in the ship to get the reward.

    so stop complaining an do something more productive before you start spaming useless topics 

    That's not a solution for the problem definitely... The grind is still painful with lots of rng layers, the basic grind mechanism needs to be changed 

    This is forum so I am stating my views.. Be it complaints or rants about useless topics, being a part of community I can do that.. Why are u opposing me I din get it.. Its clearly not that u do productive stuffs all the time, do u? 

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