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  1. Hoping this can get fixed soon, as the recent hotfixes have not addressed this issue at all. It is still very much a thing, and very annoying to deal with.
  2. I've had it happen solo as well, and my account is and always has been a PC account with no other linked accounts. Certainly a possibility, but it doesn't seem to be the only cause.
  3. Same thing as tucker_d_dawg for me. Whenever it takes longer to load, i can find about 3000 lines referring to "Flushing background async load" and "Flushing async load" in the EE.log file. Instead of posting my entire log file here i'll just leave a video of it. The log has been submitted to support, but if any DE employee wants to take a look directly, just message me, i still have it saved.
  4. For me it is with 99.9% certainty not related to decorations. This loading issue only started with the new update, and I have not placed any decorations since then, and even a long time before that. I also still have 840 capacity left. I can't find a number for the max capacity anywhere, but looking at my orbiter, I'd guess i maybe used up half the capacity available? Which.. if that causes issues, I'd be seriously concerned.
  5. I'm not entirely sure what causes it, or what ends up fixing it again. Sometimes when loading from a mission back in to my orbiter, the loading icon is just stuck at 80% progress with nothing actually happening, for a solid 10+ seconds. Here is a video of it, these clips were recorded back to back, so there is no difference in my orbiter, pc setup, background programs or anything.
  6. I think people are overestimating how much double and triple buffs actually do. The chances of getting a double buff that lasts 120 seconds is 0.2% (first possible buff after the first one) Nevermind a triple buff. That is such a low number statistically that it's almost irrelevant. If it was an actual problem it would have been nerfed years ago. And on top of that you also have to get them during a time where you actually pick up something meaningful. Getting a double buff when there is nothing besides normal resources that you already have millions of, means basically nothing.
  7. First thing I wanna get out of the way, I'm not here telling anyone that charm needs to stay the way it is, even if all the other precepts literally doubled the damage a player can do, charm would still see use, it's that good. Change whatever you feel like needs changing about it. But I do have 1 small request, in case the resource buff stays in one way or another. Please let it allow to stack, just like charm currently can do. Getting a double, triple or even higher buff is one of the most satisfying things there is, and statistically it's uncommon enough to not really make any big dent in to the amount of resources collected over a large enough sample size. It is simply just satisfying to see that 16x or 32x steel essence popup once a month.
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