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  1. Glaive detonation is currently still bugged, this occurs however only with Garuda. Every single other frame tested now works correctly again, requiring 1 button press to detonate whilst Garuda still requires 2. This can be recreated with ease and happens 100% of the time; 1) Equip Garuda (Only tried with prime) 2) Equip any one-handed pistol and Glaive Prime (Also had the same issue with Xoris, I imagine it's all Glaive weaponry) 3) Attempt to detonate the glaive of choice whilst dual-wielding both the pistol and glaive, it will require 2 presses 100% of the time to detonate it Without dual-wielding however, it will only require the 1 press, this only occurs when dual-wielding and as far as I can tell, only on Garuda (Potentially because of her pseudo exalted melee, as no other frames have this to cause them to have this issue still too.)
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