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  1. OMG, I've forgotten about armistice already. 😑
  2. Can we have clan wars in the form of mission completions? Similar to The Gradivus Dilemma - where players supported Grineer or Corpus - players can either support a clan's control of the node VS a faction take over of the node VS another clan's take over of the node. For example: Venus, Unda (Spy) node: A clan/alliance can start a "take over" mission where after a certain amount of mission completion can allow them to "control it" They must then continuously complete mission in it to retain control like A faction continuously tries to take over the node, similar to interception missions where there's a percentage of control This will be the same reason why the node will still have the faction as the enemy even when a clan/alliance has control over it Another clan can also start a "take over" mission Clan/alliance benefit/reward: Claimable resource after a certain amount of time Increased affinity/mod chance/credits/etc based from the controlling clan's decision, similar to blessing in Relay's Node showcases clan/alliance emblem New reason why players would play on "fodder nodes" Maybe clan/alliance members will have buffs in similar missions if they played. For example, the clan/alliance controls an exterminate mission, if they play on another exterminate mission node, they have additional buffs IMO, events that have effect on the overall game is great. Like what we did in Operation: Eyes of Blight where the Tenno defended relays, some were destroyed, some were left working. It feels real that simply playing gives changes to the game itself.
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