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  1. I definitely agree with you. I can see the assassination being enjoyable. Even I had a some fun within the first couple of minutes since death was a pretty big threat (until it came time for my squad to drop like flies with everybody having no ammo to even fight), but the threat of death isn't always a good primary source of a true challenge with the factor of our own damage being painfully capped so that the boss can stand longer. I wish I had a circle of people I can depend on It's lonely at the top Edit: and for the record I came back a second time with a well-coordinated squad and we managed to get the bag of 2 legendary arcanes I'm probably never using
  2. I've always thought it was a good idea to double down on Sortie modifiers (obviously not all like radiation) for something like Deep Archimedea to actually bring a challenging experience to people no matter their equipment. I'd rather slog through a crap ton of modifiers rather than being bound by the gear I use
  3. Highly agree, and I've noticed this issue when I started to equip other weapons with Deadhead arcanes. It's either my squadmate stealing the kill, or that my very own DoTs are stealing my own kills to proc deadhead (and this is especially worse if you're using a projectile weapon like the Tenet Tetra since that has a painfully slow travel time)
  4. Don't forget the personal modifier that decreases ammo pick-up rate by 75%. If you don't have a good battery weapon or an incarnon weapon in rotation, you're very screwed when it's time to fight against the boss, which means that if you're playing solo, good luck, and if you're in a team then you'll just drag down your team as you could potentially just go down and they have you revive you (if they can even see you dying in the sea of eximus units crapping out their abilities)
  5. Alright we gotta talk about the assassination in Deep/Elite Archimedea (with my experience being in Elite). This fight just shows how flawed DA can be in general. This week's personal modifiers, we got -75% ammo pickups, -2 energy/second per enemies within 10m of you, no gear can be used, and 1 puncture status effect every time you get damaged. Now for the mission modifiers of the assassination, we got a crap ton of eximus units spawning in the arena, even more Guardian eximus' spawning, and for the Elite modifier we have those liminus' that we all loved so much from last rotation! I hope you see where I'm going with this and that this mission sheds light on a lot of flaws into the RNG system that Archimedea offers. Considering the majority of weapons in this game are either very weak to the point where you're not gonna do any damage even when built extremely well with a godroll riven, or some weapons are very strong but they do not have good ammo economy, it does not mesh well at all in combination of the modifiers like the ones we have this week (like the -75% ammo pickup modifier!), and missions like assassination where you have to take down a hulking bullet sponge with a ton more bullet sponges spawning in every half minute (with other personal effects dragging you down). Adjustment needs to be made. If not dealing with the RNG system directly, at the very least fine tuning missions to be a better experience for players that wants most of the rewards for Archimedea (which means going through the RNG system) will make it a slightly more enjoyable and less frustrating experience. There's a fine line between something being challenging vs something being completely tedious and unnecessary. DA seemed like a fun experience on paper but it seems that it will be frustrating more than enjoyable.
  6. I just ran Elite Archimedea, and when we finished the last mission, we weren't rewarded at all. I still have the 28, 31, 34, and 37 reward tiers being eligible as a reward even though I've already ran through it with the 37 research points required. The additional modifiers from Elite difficulty were there (Extermination Liminus modifier, Alchemy enemy overguard buff, Disruption's void corpse explosions), and yet the enemy levels were treated as if it was Deep Archimedea difficulty as seen here (Deep Arch has levels around 250 while Elite Arch has levels around 375-400). I hope this is fixed immediately and that teams affected like mine are retroactively rewarded without needing to run another Elite as it took long enough to recruit, as interesting as the missions are.
  7. I too am having this issue and it's been happening since cross-play has become full-fledged. I have Warframe installed on an SSD and it has been loading into every area with lightning fast times but recently, I have noticed that my loading screen back to the orbiter is longer than everybody else's. I have not put down any new decorations or have changed anything in my settings and yet it takes longer than it has ever before.
  8. It would be pretty nice if we could have the option to assign Drifter on one loadout, and another we can assign the Operator to it. I think it's a neat idea to play a certain Warframe/loadout with one, and another Warframe/loadout with the other without needing to go to the Operator screen to switch between Operator and Drifter.
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