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Posts posted by Alaestor

  1. 9 hours ago, DustyB216 said:

    So... What does this .bat file actually do?

    My batch files will attempt to enable dependencies in a least-dangerous-first manor. It doesn't start ALL the dependencies as they change based on windows version. This focuses on the SMB 1.0 and 2.0 miniredirectors.


    First it will try to start the workstation service (L33). If it fails, it will enable SMB 2.0 (L40) and try again. If that fails, it will enable SMB 1.0 (L48) and try again. If that doesn't work, it resorts to an error message informing the user it didnt work, and telling them they should run the " OFF " batch file to disable the things the ON file enabled.

    The reason for this is some people only require SMB 2, where as others, unfortunately, require SMB 1 as well.


    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  2. 11 minutes ago, DustyB216 said:

    And they claimed to have fixed it again?

    I think we need another spamming gallop in the next dev stream or Rebecca stream...

    I plan to give them quite a lot of time. But if it takes too long, or they say they wont patch it, I'll be raising hell with a few critics and on a few tech forums. I think it would be fun to see Jim Sterling's take on a company recommending it's userbase active insecure services xD

    9 minutes ago, DustyB216 said:

    But if not having SMB enabled cause the problem. How could most people login? They all have SMB enabled?

    They either have patched and up-to-date versions, or they are vulnerable. Workstation is enabled (stupidly) out of the box in windows. Most OEMs and security suites will disable it and it's dependencies (especially if it's not being used, or the OEM is selling a home computer and not something for an office).

    Workstation with patched SMB protocols is theoretically safe to run, but it MUST be kept up to date constantly.
    Even then, it's a giant attack surface that normally (read: always in a sane world) isn't required.

    Edit: also, a big problem right now is some people's versions of workstation are requiring them to run SMB 1.0, which is entirely defunked and incredibly insecure.

    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  3. Less salt more bug reporting.

    Edit: Just read the banner...


    Mass login issues have been resolved! 

    I think this is the 3rd 4th time they said they "fixed" the login issue(s) :D
    I guess they only fixed what they broke in the last patch.... LOL

    Quite amusing to watch this unfold. If it isn't fixed after Wednesday I'll be pointing and laughing. I wounder who will win the bet?

    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Genera1Chaos said:


    DE has the communication skills of kindergardeners. Thankfully, Glen did reply (many moons ago) that this was in the pipeline to be fixed.

    I'm guessing it will be on Wednesday, but I'm just pulling that out of my a**


  5. 2 hours ago, IlKaithe said:

    Set the workstation service to manual, used the on.bat file - logged into the game - then used the off.bat immidiately and set the service back to disabled. So... yay, game is working. But still - FIX YOUR GODDAMN GAME DE!
    Now... fishing.

    I'm glad my work-around... well... worked :D

    47 minutes ago, LostAlbatross said:

    Thank you for updating the developer message at the top of the thread to acknowledge the issue is ongoing, I just keep opening the launcher every few hours in hopes of a new patch. Since repetition seems to be the theme of this thread, I'll just say again that I butchered my Workstation functions some time ago while removing malware and have no access to workarounds as a result.

    I simply hope this is getting the priority it deserves. The update must be MASSIVE and broke things across the board, but accessing it in the first place still seems more important. Warframe is especially interesting when it's partly broken, anyway!

    It seems the header is always delayed by a day.
    tbh my worry isn't so much that people can't log in... It's that people are enabling SMB 1.0 because their workstation service requires it xD

    I'd much rather people just wait for DE to fix it, but people seem to be reckless with their desire to play PoE, and DE is in part responsible for causing people to make themselves vulnerable because of this error. The only reason I made batch files is because there were some Russian people posting makeshift derpy batch scripts that would turn on everything (even if it wasn't needed) and never even mentioned "oh btw you should close this massive gaping security hole once you log in"... Ugh. So my batch files will enable SMB 1.0 as a last resort, but at least I also provided a way to disable it after you're done...


    So yes, I'm selling meth and undercutting the Russians.
    But if I don't, they will, and at least mine is a pure, high quality, product.



    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  6. I found a minor error in the workaround batch files. I've corrected a mistake that was causing the "ON" file it to error inconsistently. 
    It would appear for those files to work, you need to first manually set the Workstation service's startup type to "manual".
    I've explained how to do that in the simplified work-around post.

    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  7. 12 hours ago, RecreesCZ said:

    I was bit bored so i decided to give it another try, i reinstalled the game, restarted my pc and such but yeah...turns out now i cant even update my game through launcher after flushing the dns lol. Guess ill just take the waifu pillow then and see if anybody else will show up with the same problem.

    Well, feel free to join my public discord lol. I'm going to sleep.
    Tomorrow, if you haven't found a fix or no one else has your problem, message me there and I'll see what I can do to help.


    Good night everyone. Don't let the war bugs bite xD

  8. 37 minutes ago, DrRig said:

    well most of us here havent been able to "have fun" for the last 4-5 days now so welcome to the freaking club

    Speaking of club (it's been quite a few pages since I said this...)

    @RecreesCZ Here's your complimentary waifu pillow. Welcome to the club. Enjoy your stay of indeterminate length.

    But yeah, I'm fairly confident that you're problem is unrelated to this.

  9. 11 minutes ago, RecreesCZ said:

    I was wondering if posting my email was a good idea or not when i posted it. Thanks for the heads up. Also, DNS flush didnt help.

    Hmm... For a sanity check, reboot your pc, verify the game cache via the warframe launcher, delete your ee.log, and try to log in again. If it fails, it will generate a fresh ee.log. Censor your email (sorry, again) and post it

    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  10. 1 minute ago, RecreesCZ said:

    Personally I havent had any problems until the new hotfix released few hours ago, but now im having the same problem. Workstation workaround doesnt help. Am i missing something?

    Sounds like a new problem... Does it just say login failed? post your EE.log (from appdata local low(?) i think) in a spoiler tag.

    Did the workaround say success or not? if not, what failed?


    For those looking for the workaround Click Here. I'll keep moving this comment to my latest post.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Asphopickle said:

    This sucks...I, personally, can get into Warframe. However, I refuse to go into the plains without my friend who can't get in yet. Its been something very special for the both of us seeing how we are both very far away from each other and its one way we spend time together. Here's hoping DE realizes the magnitude of this issue and finds a fix soon!

    Well, there is a temporary work-around, but it's understandable if your friend doesn't want to try it. It sucks that this issue is effecting people in such different and important ways. I too hope DE manages to fix this. It seems to be more important than they realize. If they have the fix, I'm surprised they don't push it asap. If not, then I find it depressing that they're prioritizing other things (I understand why they would, from a business perspective, but still...)

  12. 35 minutes ago, TheronGuardxx said:

    I agree with this post but also find it kind of funny and here is why - I have been waiting for Destiny 2 ever since it came out on consoles. Was looking for a game to keep my occupied until D2 launch and so I found Warframe and decided to play it about ~2 weeks ago. Honestly, I fell in love with Warframe so fast. I was actually even thinking about playing D2 here and there while sinking most of my time into Warframe. Was even about to buy platinum the day before PoE was released but decided to wait 1 more day and see how the expansion was. Now I can't even play PoE. So from a new player perspective, this is so much trouble to just play 1 game I've about given up on it. Rather than scouring the forums and waiting for a fix, I am more inclined to just uninstall and forget about it since I haven't invested THAT much time into it. I want Warframe to work because I would love to keep playing and I will wait it out another couple days, but from a new player perspective (and I get that I am definitely part of the minority dealing with these issues because "why not just enable SMB to login" but I'm unwilling to do that), I'd almost rather cut this as a loss and play something else. Don't mean this to be a rant or anything because I have loved the game so far. Just thought it -may- be worth sharing my thoughts.

    I completely understand. And thanks for sharing. Due to the state of my network I'm comfortable temporarily enabling it to login, but even so, I've spent more of my time in this thread and helping other people than I have playing the game since POE launched. I'm sort of in damage control mode for DE here (despite not so secretly hating them). Like, I had <15 posts prior to PoE, and I've been around since 2013. Well, if you ever get bored, feel free to join my public discord server. You may find some new games to play and new people to play with, while we all wait for DE to fix their Sh** patch their game.

  13. 14 minutes ago, IlKaithe said:

    Talking with other viewers, looks like the latest hotfix was so broken it "broke everything" LOL
    It seems to me they are now prioritizing glitches and in-game bugs, balance issues etc.
    And that new build is going to deal only with that...
    Which means...
    (but let's wait anyway)

    LOL I mean, I get it, from a business perspective what does it matter if some idiots enable SMB 1.0 to play a game. You got a massive influx of new players just waiting to throw money at you, so you've got to make a good impression. So, they're skipping out on the "little issues" (that are actually massive security holes)

    I get it. I don't like it. But it's not bad enough for me to go running to some industry critics / watchdogs and making a fuss about it either. (yet)

  14. 1 hour ago, runx0 said:

    How on earth is Warframe dependant on a service that does this:


    Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers using the SMB protocol.


    So, I suspect they're using NTLM as part of the authentication process. This may have been a remanent of internal use that leaked out to the public build and was active due to an infrastructure change on their backend. Like a dedicated authentication server, or load balancer, or some type of internal routing system; it would communicate with the outside world using something else, but use SMB and/or NTLM internally (so theyre running windows server). So, if they changed their infrastructure, the server would demand the same auth they used for internal use.

    This would explain why it doesn't fail at launch. They expected only to use it internally, so they didn't put any requirement checks in. Which is why it's silently failing.

    As I said, I suspect. I'm just guessing, but it sounds like a reasonable thing to overlook.

  15. 26 minutes ago, LeMoog said:

    ha, no network connected to anything else is completely secure check this out as an example

    Hell, even networks not connected to anything else arent secure 


    It's a numbers game. Secure meaning "reasonably secure from known exploits"


    25 minutes ago, runx0 said:

    I understand this would be needed for creating a LAN network where there are network shares available, for example in a work environment, but requiring this for a game to be able to log in?

    crazy aint it? it does appear to be a mistake that was overlooked. Should be fixed next patch :D

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