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Everything posted by (PSN)jaggerwanderer

  1. Range can be broken on a lot of warframes. Invigorate + reactant buff goes to show how insane some abilities can be. The fact that most abilities can hit enemy units through walls makes it even worse.
  2. Considering Eternalism is a thing, that's infinite Tenno to pay their taxes to Wally. On another note, I pray DE doesn't make it so we have to fight another Creator Being on behalf of Wally. I hate story with the main character being a pawn in some cosmic chess game.
  3. Go to Arsenal. Press the Randomize button on any Loadout. Jump into a Grendel mission. Have fun failing. I have every warframe in the game plus tons of weapons. What I don't like is most of my warframe have a specific playstyle that only works with certain weapons. Not to mention we can't switch Focus school in Tenshin's Cave. Though much of Steel Path Ciruit can be done with decree alone. Considering we get two per round.
  4. Spamming E doesn't make melee simple. Having new weapon type or unique traits doesn't make melee more complex either. The system has options for the player to decide for themselves how extreme their performance should be to deal damage. Or just press one button to wipe the map.
  5. I don't think melee needs to be any more complex than spamming E. DE already rework every single stance that exist in the game at one point. BUT going forward we can still have new melee type or unique traits that differ from the old school ways. I just find it odd when I group up with melee spammers who never use their warframe abilites or fire a gun. it's like they're locked out of everything but the melee. Tenet weapons reload when hoister. Synth set exist for pets. Then there's the conclave mods to reload when hoilster.
  6. We support friendly NPC by wiping the map with one button like Saryn. Not everybody enjoys playing Tower Defense game mode.
  7. I already hate escort missions. No way do I want to buff minions so they can do 10% more damage. It's bad enough to have to babysit operatives in Defense missions but to actually mandatory have to "support" NPC so they deal more damage than the players? No thanks. I'll let my WuClone with Kuva Bramma do all the support.
  8. Raiper needs some love. Most of their combo are forward thrust. Can't even hit the mob standing next to the guy in front of the Tenno. Wide arc swipe just outperform any other type of melee attacks. Heh, imagine if Impact procs can do splash damage to mobs 1m radius of the target hit.
  9. I fail to understand how a "suport" frame can't support itself AND be able to complete the mission objective solo. I mean, do "support" frames just go into mission with no weapons? Hide in the corner spamming abilities? AFK while the DPS do all the work?
  10. I had a red one a few weeks back. Needed to slot in melee crit damage for Inarios.
  11. All what you listed used to be melee. Maining Strike made it a big issue where certain melee were able to have 16m range, hitting through walls, cleaving 10+ enemies with no falloff. I don't think DE is willing to bring that playstyle back.
  12. I see people only have 5 Tau Forged Crimson Shards they want to share among their 30 warframes.
  13. Here I am with Vox Solaris Standing. I need Rank 3 to buy Atmo Systems but I acutally need Atmo System to get to Rank 3. Want to know the true intention of all this logic? It's so players have to waste time. Don't want to waste time praying to RNGesus for loot? Go do something else. I heard Frame Fighter is a great pass time.
  14. Sony has it's own website. You can log in from there. That way you have access to the PSN account at least. Afterwards, you can just login from another Sony device to play warframe.
  15. Melee already have stacking mods. That was the reason why melee outperform guns when Steel Path was introduced. I just want a exilus mod or arcane that get rid of combo counter then gives us a flat bonus. I never liked using combo counter as another type of resource to manage.
  16. That's the thing about being a Frounders. DE has backup of the backup of who is a Founder with all their junk in the server. Gurantee a Founder is going to lose all the stuff with the cross save. But DE can fix the issue. Soon.
  17. My hope is cross save work perfectly for the rest of time with no issues at all. But we'll just have to wait and see.
  18. So basically a game mode for AFK farming? We know how much DE loves that concept.
  19. Wow I wonder how people were getting mass amount of kuva for rivens when the ONLY way to get kuva was kuva siphon? Someone needs to run a Smeeta with a booster.
  20. I think it's MR25 now. It takes a lot of effort to rank up syndicate just so you can buy part to make new weapons for Mastery Points. And this is not counting Steel Path star chart.
  21. @Hykkaimare I do Randomize Grendal Missions so my perspective is screw. I wish we got a Mod less Circuit though. Just to show how one sided the game mode is. Either go in with a unstoppable setup. Or pick up decree combination to make the enemy useless. Can't really blame DE for how Circuit came about. The playerbase seldom have willingness to participate in gameplay unless there's something to motivate said individual to do so.
  22. Being able to proc radiation with every hit while having an ability to be status immune. DE sure thought ahead with this frame. Radiation Hazrad Sorties won't be PvP zones anymore.
  23. The Sacrifice already show us warframe are previous humans subjects. We just don't know if the reproductive organs are still there. As far as we know, all warframe are gender neutral. The Infested are more parasetic as to how they reproduce. More like injecting larve into a host.
  24. I just need a one handed controller really. Sucks that VR controllers doesn't work for anything other than VR.
  25. SP Circuit is only hard after round 7. Once you get to round 18 or so, you stack so much Decree, the game mode is a joke. Everything dies when you press a button. Gun, melee, warframe abilities, Drifter slaps. You shouldn't be struggling with Steel Path if you done it before. Nothing has changed since then. If you really are struggling, just go back and update your loadouts. Shouldn't be too hard to add in a few Umbra Forma here and there.
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