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  1. There is no reason to change the effect of mirage Eclipse to work as vex armor, not only are you transforming it into significantly weaker Vex Armor (only one buff at a time, alt ho I understand having it on demand has its own power) Witch might be needed for a Hellminth situation, but letting it affect the Ability when on Mirage only significantly weakens a single character with a Unique ability in the game of propping up fun if weaker weapons to a usable standpoint. I understand Mirage use has a moderately high rate of use at higher rankings, and I understand that Eclipse has a very high use in Hellminth and that those might be motivators for these changes, but I hope the dev team can see that an Eclipse that affects only base DMG is a death sentence to the most fun aspect of Mirage, a weapons platform that allows you to play whatever you want at any difficulty level you want. A nerf might be needed for this Ability, but this change is way beyond just that.
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