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  1. Yes, during both, and before LoS was introduced to Tragedy at all. My pasted comment is from after the LoS was "improved" It doesn't matter how much they improve it. Tragedy as a status detonator should not have LoS since Dark Verse already had it by default. Right now there is a double LoS check and that makes Dante clunky to use because his 4 often won't detonate enemies affected with 3 due to an obstacle like a column, ramp, etc. This makes it extremely ineffective in tight spaces or spaces with tons of obstacles, which is what most tilesets consist of and is further proven by the fact that I do a better job at killing stuff with a melee weapon or an off-meta gun like the kuva karak.
  2. I'm just gonna copy and paste my comments from another thread because they will just get ignored by DE and everyone else over there anyways and then a year or two later they will release a bandaid augment: I don't care if he can kill steel path content. He is no longer fun. He is tedious and clunky to play and he might as well just be another weapons platform #182471569 instead of a cool wizard frame.
  3. Thank you DE for ensuring my Dante spends the rest of his life as a flower in my helminth room.
  4. Dante still plays like crap, but now that most people have already put him in helminth and stopped talking about the nerf because of your stubborness y'all will just act like nothing happened only to revisit Dante a year or two later with a measly augment mod when his usage rates are at caliban levels.
  5. Just popping in to say that tragedy's fun factor is still tragic. At least the ability is aptly named and reflects the player's experience when using it.
  6. The amount of twisting and moving goalposts you go through just to get your way... You: "Mesa can't shoot through walls at all" Me: "She can, based on these conditions" You: "Oh so she still can't shoot through walls!" The lenient LoS checks are only on her. They are part of her kit. It's how her ability was meant to work and it works fine. They are NOT on Dante nor any other warframe in existence.
  7. This gets even more hilarious when you know that Mesa's LoS is so much more lenient than Dante's. Enemies you have seen will still remain in your "LoS" for a few seconds even if they are behind a wall, meaning your Mesa will still hit them behind any walls, obstacles, column or any other crap that you see on a tight, cluttered map. But hey, Mr. KnowItAll here says Mesa can't hit through walls. Really showcases his lack of knowledge tbh...
  8. Next time try playing on a tileset that isn't called "Lua" or "Void" or "Zariman"
  9. Today I went into Warframe to give Dante one more chance Went into the new elite alert that puts you into a lvl 110 steel path survival node on Mars in a grineer ship tileset. Enemies chewed through overguard in seconds, I ran out of my 700 energy in seconds due to trying to keep it up. Neither Zenurik, nor Arcane Energize, nor Equilibrium were able to keep up with the energy consumption. Ended up not even using dark verse and tragedy at all due to the horrible LoS. Doesn't matter that I'm in a big room on the grineer ship, there are so many obstacles and columns that Tragedy kills maybe 3 enemies and is not worth the energy cost. I ended up just using my melee weapon because it was vastly more consistent and required less preparation and did not produce dimnishing results like Dante's tragedy does now. It was genuinely the most unfun survival I have ever played in my 3k hours in warframe, because I was unable to use my Dante to his full ability. After I finished the node I just went back to my main-before-Dante which is Gauss, because he at least is fun to play. Please remove LoS.
  10. Today I went into Warframe to give Dante one more chance. Went into the new elite alert that puts you into a lvl 110 steel path survival node on Mars in a grineer ship tileset. Enemies chewed through overguard in seconds, I ran out of my 700 energy in seconds due to trying to keep it up. Neither Zenurik, nor Arcane Energize, nor Equilibrium were able to keep up with the energy consumption. Ended up not even using dark verse and tragedy at all due to the horrible LoS. Doesn't matter that I'm in a big room on the grineer ship, there are so many obstacles and columns that Tragedy kills maybe 3 enemies and is not worth the energy cost. I ended up just using my melee weapon because it was vastly more consistent and required less preparation and did not produce dimnishing results like Dante's tragedy does now. It was genuinely the most unfun survival I have ever played in my 3k hours in warframe, because I was unable to use my Dante to his full ability. After I finished the node I just went back to my main-before-Dante which is Gauss, because he at least is fun to play. Please remove LoS.
  11. I'm a complete Blender beginner, but I think this is my best looking render so far.
  12. Wow. What a way to completely ignore your playerbase. They should be handing out some kind of awards for that. The thread is about Dante and THIS is what you respond to, out of 25 pages of Dante. Doesn't suprise me in the slightest. The entirety of LoS nerf along with hotfixes has been rushed out ASAP to shove it down our throats and hope we forget about it over the weekend. Now if there was no Dante nerfs all this would never have happened and everyone would have been happy...
  13. As Gandalf I +1 this. Revert the LoS nerf.
  14. Yeah, no. I don't know how you did your tests, if you cherry picked them or just did them once and it happened to kill all enemies and you went with "okay they lied!" It's affected by your FoV. On highest FoV the problem is reduced but it still happens especially when you stand far away. On default FoV (65) it's horrible. Oh yea, I also got video proof. Just went to the simulacrum and tested it few minutes ago with the default fov and max fov. It doesn't happen every time of course, sometimes I get all kills, but it's not consistent at all. I only included clips where it does happen. I'd say around 50% of the time there will be at least 1 enemy remaining with a max fov, while with the default one the issue appears to be not only more common but also more enemies stay alive.
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