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  1. Update! I was able to get incarnon mode up and it fires fine! It just doesn't deal any damage
  2. Came back to the game, got an incarnon adaptor for my Boar Prime, rolled a riven, got some stupid high Cd. Sometimes, with Critical parallel equiped (and it seems only with that evolution) the gun will fire once, even though I am holding down the trigger. I can switch weapons, but I cannot fire my side arm or swing my melee--abilites are fine however. While not 100% consistant, it happens often Build is as follows, mods maxed unless otherwose stated: Primed Point Blank, Primed Charged Shell (8), Crit Decel, Primed Ravag3, Galv Hell, Blaze, Chilling Reload, Riven. Riven: 112.4 cd, 107.2 elec, 210.8 dmg, -90.9 fire rate Arcane: primary frostbite Evolutions: Reified Bane, Merc Chamber, Crit Parallel
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