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  1. Tip: Multishot and damage type mods make a huge difference, gameplay wise. I struggled, too, with Zariman, then I experimented with a galvanized multishot mod, and things became so much better.
  2. A TwinBee sentinel and some Metal Gear weapons would be fun, especially from Revengeance. A pyramid head helmet would also be pretty fun, but also a bit goofy-looking.
  3. It was the former, and I thought almost the exact same thing as you.
  4. Oh yeah, God of War stuff would be sick af Weapons from Ratchet and Clank would be perfect to up your arsenal, pun intended
  5. What companies would you really like DE to make a partnership with? For me, it would be Id Software, Bethesda and Capcom I salivate just by imagining the stuff we could get out of such partnerships
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